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Viagra for Girth Work and my Thoughts/Observations from personal experience so far...


Viagra for Girth Work and my Thoughts/Observations from personal experience so far...

By the way, let me start by saying that the other guys I have turned on to using the Generic Viagra are welcome to chime in on this thread as well and thanks once again to MDC for turning ME on to generic Viagra.

Many of you have seen my threads about using generic viagra for girth work. I wanted to elaborate more in detail on my personal exeriences and observations/conclusions now that I have had a few weeks of experience and gains.

First off, an explanation straight from the FDA and on how Viagra…actually the active ingredient Sidenafil Citrate works:

“VIAGRA is a prescription drug that works by relaxing the arteries and tissues involved in obtaining erections, and by increasing blood flow to the penis. It is not a hormone or an aphrodisiac. Once you take it, VIAGRA can work in as quickly as 30 minutes. VIAGRA works for 4 hours so you can set your own pace. And, in most patients, VIAGRA can be taken as often as once a day.”

Relaxing the tissues and arteries in the penis involved in erections seems to me like it would be a good thing for girth work. It is very easy to keep the right erection level during girth exercises making for much more efficient girth sessions as I no longer need to frequently stop while exercising to get back to the proper 90%+ erection level for intense girth work.

I get more pumped than I ever used to when doing girth work in the past before I began using viagra for my girth sessions. I think the relaxing of the tissues/arteries plays a big role in this. I also hold onto my post workout pump MUCH, MUCH longer than ever before. I, like most guys, used to lose my pump within an hour of doing any sort of girth work no matter how intense the session was. Now, I usually do my girth work at night, between the hours of 9-11 p.m. because of my current schedule….and check this out….12 HOURS later I am still pumped! Yes, the NEXT day…usually past 11 a.m. I am still pumped from the previous night’s girth session! Not always as pumped but usually I still have some of the pump. How cool is that? This HAS to have something to do with the viagra. What the hell else could it be from? Never happened to me before. Only thing I’m doing differently is taking the viagra. The thing that REALLY has me intrigued though is the fact that sildenafil citrate supposedly only stays in your system for 4 hours….so why am I hanging onto the bigger size for so much longer than 4 hours?

I see guys posting and hypothesising and theorising on all the different PE forums about keeping “microtears” open, keeping the penis expanded after a girth session by using adjustable cock rings, hair ties, etc, etc. After all it makes sense, the longer you can keep your penis in an expanded state….the more likely it should “heal” that way right?

Well, all I can say is my personal experience so far speaks for itself….and so do the gains. I started this month with 6” of erect girth. I’m over 6 1/8” E.G….almost 6.25” of E.G. I expect to be 6.5” erect girth by Christmas or darn near that girth by then. Not “newbie” gains either. I’ve been at this stuff for over four YEARS off and on. I’ve already seen a girth increase from 5” of girth starting size before PE.

So, that’s what I’ve got on that subject. I think any guy serious about girth gains, that would like to have better workouts…you keep having to stop during your workouts because youre having trouble keeping the right erection level….is silly not to at least give the generic viagra a shot. As usual, near erect and fully erect girth work can be dangerous…use your heads guys.

Last edited by Stillwantmore : 11-25-2003 at .

I’m glad your having such success with the generic Viagra. Your pump is probably lasting longer not because of the medication in your system (only lasts 4 hours), but because you are getting a better workout. My jelq/uli sessions currently keep me pumped 10+ hours, without Viagra. I’d be scared to think what it might do for me…scared in a good way.

One foot to go


I’ve got some generic v on the way. I’ll be needing it for the squeeze shock routine I intend to start when they arrive. I think my faciae have healed stronger than ever. Lately doing girth exercises does NOTHING for me, in fact I am shriveling. Your advice is great. I am glad it is working for you. Hope it works for me. And hope that santa gives you that extra .25!


I hope you guys don’t get hooked on the shit though, I know sex with Viagra is better than without and workouts are better also. And with the cheap Viagra I can see very easily getting hooked and needing for a workout and sex. I rather save it for the special occasions. I do agree with Still that it most likely does help with growing dick, the question is what’s the cost though.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I don’t think you will become dependant on Viagra, at least I haven’t.

It definitely sticks around longer than four hours. Sex the next morning is alway ‘enhanced’ noticably.

I’ve been using my pump the last three days, and will take some Viagra an hour beforehand tonight and see what happens.

Can someone tell me if there are long term implications for, say, a 25 year old that is thinking of taking Viagra who would other than penis enlargement exercises not need Viagra whatsoever. Thanks.

Stillwantmore, greetings:

How much generic viagra do you take, and do you take it every time you work out? I have found that 25mg makes a considerable difference to my pumping routine, though I hesitate to use it a lot, in case some kind of dependency develops. But I’m not sure if I’m being over-cautious. What do you think?


>I am still pumped from the previous night’s girth session! Not always as pumped but usually I still have some of the pump. How cool is that? This HAS to have something to do with the viagra. What the hell else could it be from?<

I hear you, the pump after viagra is awsome. I was ‘testing’ some out the other day to see what the lowest dose I could use and still get the effects was (25mg incidentally), and I pumped that night. It was only a 20min session but I had a great flaccid hang the next day, up until about lunch time.

Good Stuff

I’ve been using 25mg of generic viagra for my girth routine for 2 weeks. It definitely helps to keep the proper erection for the different exercizes. I am doing erect bends and can stay at 100% erect for the full 35second bend. With out “V” my erection begins to go down 10seconds into the bend, due to the slight pain involved.

As for Pan’s, uli’s, horses and jelqs. I can keep the 80-90% erection with no problem. As a matter of fact I have to NOT think about anything sexual to get down to the 80-90%.

So far my tunic has been more sore then it has ever been in the entire time I have done PE, and I have been doing this off and on since 1999. I will be measuring on 12/08 and then I will definitely know how much it is helping.

As for better sex, I haven’t noticed much difference. But I haven’t taken it specificly for sex, only for PE.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

How do you get it?

Wow this shit works! Thats where many of us order from…far as I know they have the best prices as well as a free 4 pill sample. Yes, I take it EVERY girth session. I dont see myself getting "hooked" on it either. I only use it….well 95% of the time for girth work. Once I’m done with girth work …when I hit my goal in the next several months…I wont use it for PE anymore as I will be back into length work…weights. I dont need it for sex like most guys my age (25 as well) …besides PE has put my penis in top shape probably better than most 25 year olds. So, I’m not dependent on it for sex either. It is such an awesome aid for girth work though!

I had a few samples for some viagra for my psychological ED problems, but I am hesitent to ask the doc for some more. Imagine “hey doc, can you fill me out a perscription for that viagra stuff, I need it to do penis exercises”….no way man. And so I went through the genegra site and ordered a few of the sample packets to see how long it would take. So far its been about 10 days. Still waiting….

Has anyone tried taking 100mg? I only need 25mg, and that has the old dick fired up for at least a day.


Hi Still,

Thanks for the link! Just clicked through and picked up a free sample. I did notice, though, that the “free” sample is $6… am I missing something? Also $8 for S/H, but that’s not bad. And even $14 is way less than $40.

busted bus

The interesting thing about V (generic or otherwise) is that it can help some people work through performance-anxiety induced erectile dysfunction.

I had always been one of those guys that got so nervous and worked up that it took a while to relax and let things happen in order to get hard, especially with a new girl; after using V to counter these effects (and stay hard for a long time wearing a rubber), I found that after time I didn’t even need it anymore in order to respond fully, get an erection, and even keep it up while wearing condoms. So now I have this stash of generic stuff that I don’t even need to use… but it’s there, just in case I plan on having any marathon sessions or something.

Better living through chemistry, indeed.

Originally posted by bustedbus
Hi Still,

Thanks for the link! Just clicked through and picked up a free sample. I did notice, though, that the “free” sample is $6… am I missing something? Also $8 for S/H, but that's not bad. And even $14 is way less than $40.

busted bus

Considering that their standard S&H fee is $8, I guess the 4 pills are free. I didn’t mess around, I ordered the 64 pack a few months ago!

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