Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Size - A realistic view

As someone has said before having little or no sexual experience can warp one perceptions of size as well. I’m a very statistical person so before I first had sex I still realized I was a bit above average but it wasn’t until I started showing girls my erection that I realized I stand fairly well compared to the rest of guys out there. That definitely boosted my confidence about my penis. Of the three girls that have seen my erection (not much admittedly) all have made a comment on it’s size being larger than average. None of the comments were provoked. I’m 6.5 NBP by about 5.5mseg which isn’t huge but somewhat large and although I’m working on a little bit more size with PE I’m very satisfied. I’m not afraid to show my cock to a girl which I know many of the guys on here are and they shouldn’t be. I’ve read of guys with 7” and more afraid to have sex cause they are not 8” or whatever which is immature and sad really. Most girls are not disappointed if you’re average or a little bit smaller then average. A man’s size being above average/large for most women although preferred is not a requirement for great sex or a LTR.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
What northmiamitop said is GOLDEN: Keep it in mind.

It also brings a quote from of my memory.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. - Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

In other words, a fact’s a fact.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally Posted by Krowax

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. - Daniel Patrick Moynihan.


I also think this post should be sticked in the newbie section.

After being bombarded with penis enlargement spam for years, my curiosity finally got the better of me and I decided to see if there really was a way to increase the size of my penis. Not because I felt I was small or lacked confidence, but because I am just the type of person who likes to take on a challenge and the only way I believe that something works is to try it myself.

I knew that pills and creams were not going to work, so I researched other methods, and it didn’t take long to end up here on TP.

I’m came here to see for myself if GAINS were even possible, not to reach a certain size. I agree that it can be intimidating to see some of the stats that some members are posting here, but I try to look at it in terms of how much they have gained, not their end result. I’d look at a 5” member who gained 1” as a much bigger success than a 8.5” member who only gained half an inch.

This mindset really levels the playing field and makes it a much more positive and encouraging environment for me.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

When I began here I was an insecure guy with a 5 7/8” dick, now I`m an insecure guy with a 6 7/8” dick, and I`m truly sorry that anything about my measurements or my comments make anyone here uncomfortable. This site is for those willing to learn and work hard and get over their insecurities about penis size, and have a better quality of life as a result.

I know I have.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by stuzilla
This is why I posted this thread. TP is as real as we choose to make it. There should be as many members here with 5 inches as there are with 7, but the ones with 7 make more noise, and that makes guys like you feel like they don’t want to be here. Often the moderators will cut in, but the members also need to be active, and tell these folk that they are being insensitive towards their brothers, and that is not what we should be about.

I’m blessed to be at 7”+ and a newbie, but don’t think for a second that I feel I’m small or play someone who is at 5”-6” as being so. I know that I am fortunate to have an above average length already, but what’s that to stop me from being the best I can be, as cliche as that sounds..

You should be comfortable with you, and strive to achieve the best you can within your body’s ability and genetics. Keep up the good work and here’s to you never feeling you have to compare again!

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

Great thread.

By saying that men with bigger starting sizes posting things about “feeling small” is being inconsiderate of them to as well as them being inconsiderate of you. You have to keep in my they think they look small, many of them if not none of them say they are small, it is a visual thing. While I agree that it may make someone of a smaller length feel more insecure or angry it shouldn’t. Penis size is not really that important in the grand scheme of things. So I do not believe that people with above average starting sizes should have to watch what they say unless it borders on obscene like a 9” Plus starting size.

Anyone can have insecurities remember that, for example Sayain told a story about that reeko guy at a gang bang that made him feel small. That’s crazy because he is huge. However it is understandable. I’m sorry if some of the bigger guys at Thunders have offended anyone; they do not mean to. We are a brotherhood here and we should not be jealous, hateful, angry, or offended by one another. Even if they make what we think is an insensitive or retarded comment. We should be helping each-other learn, grow, and be safe.

Erect Length 8.500 inches , Erect Girth5.700 inches, Flaccid Length 5 inches, hang Flaccid Girth 4.2 inches, Erect Width 1.814 inches,

Erect Volume 21.977cubic inches


Originally Posted by 8inchpencil
By saying that men with bigger starting sizes posting things about “feeling small” is being inconsiderate of them to as well as them being inconsiderate of you. You have to keep in my they think they look small, many of them if not none of them say they are small, it is a visual thing. <SNIP> Anyone can have insecurities remember that, for example Sayain told a story about that reeko guy at a gang bang that made him feel small. That’s crazy because he is huge. However it is understandable. I’m sorry if some of the bigger guys at Thunders have offended anyone; they do not mean to. We are a brotherhood here and we should not be jealous, hateful, angry, or offended by one another. Even if they make what we think is an insensitive or retarded comment. We should be helping each-other learn, grow, and be safe.

I absolutely agree with you,

I don’t like this notion that bigger guys need to be more “sensitive” when they post to avoid “offending” other members.

And we are a brotherhood here, we are all here to help one another.

Here is something that I see a lot, for example:

“I am not that big, I am only 7x5.75.” - I assume that person has no idea that he is actually very big. Probably because of naive porn viewing. So I try to post something about relative penis size in the real world population. Often he will say, WOW I did realize that.

And probably 10 or 12 lurkers will say the same thing.

Many guys of all sizes have ideas about penis size that have no basis in reality - it all comes from naive porn watching. Stu gives some pretty compelling arguments about that.

When I was young, I had no clue either - not porn so much, but the show-er vs. grow-er thing. I am a grow-er: My erection was about 3 times the size of my flaccid. So I assumed all the guys in the locker room with the big flaccids got three times bigger too.


We do occasionally get braggarts here who try to put people down. One or two here and there, but the -brotherhood- usually sets them straight pretty quick.

But as I said the overwhelming majority of the bigger guys are very supportive and helpful to everybody. Like you say this is a brotherhood.

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-19-2011 at .

Originally Posted by Damien84
As someone has said before having little or no sexual experience can warp one perceptions of size as well. I’m a very statistical person so before I first had sex I still realized I was a bit above average but it wasn’t until I started showing girls my erection that I realized I stand fairly well compared to the rest of guys out there. That definitely boosted my confidence about my penis. Of the three girls that have seen my erection (not much admittedly) all have made a comment on it’s size being larger than average. None of the comments were provoked. I’m 6.5 NBP by about 5.5mseg which isn’t huge but somewhat large and although I’m working on a little bit more size with PE I’m very satisfied. I’m not afraid to show my cock to a girl which I know many of the guys on here are and they shouldn’t be. I’ve read of guys with 7” and more afraid to have sex cause they are not 8” or whatever which is immature and sad really. Most girls are not disappointed if you’re average or a little bit smaller then average. A man’s size being above average/large for most women although preferred is not a requirement for great sex or a LTR.

I think 6.5 NBP x 5.5 mid is quite big and not just somewhat large. This means you are probably over 7 EBP and your girth gives you much above average volume. I think the discussion here is on a lot of members here that don’t realize just how big they are but use terms like slightly above average when describing themselves.

Guys, I moved the discussion of cul-de-sac to a new thread, as it is bit off topic to stu’s point about a realistic view of penis size. Let’s discuss it over there if there is anything else to say.

Revisiting Penis Length and Female Orgasm?

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-21-2011 at .

Originally Posted by e211
I think 6.5 NBP x 5.5 mid is quite big and not just somewhat large. This means you are probably over 7 EBP and your girth gives you much above average volume. I think the discussion here is on a lot of members here that don’t realize just how big they are but use terms like slightly above average when describing themselves.

Agreed. Quite frankly there are guys doing porn with those stats.

I posted the lifestyle length data earlier. Here is the girth data. In terms of methodology, some articles have said they measured MSEG. One article I read said they measured Base, Midshaft, and right below the head and averaged them. As you can see there is a pretty big drop on the graph at around 5.5.

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-19-2011 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
I absolutely agree with you,

I don’t like this notion that bigger guys need to be more “sensitive” when they post to avoid “offending” other members.

And we are a brotherhood here, we are all here to help one another.

Here is something that I see a lot, for example:

“I am not that big, I am only 7x5.75.” - I assume that person has no idea that he is actually very big. Probably because of naive porn viewing. So I try to post something about relative penis size in the real world population. Often he will say, WOW I did realize that.

And probably 10 or 12 lurkers will say the same thing.

Many guys of all sizes have ideas about penis size that have no basis in reality - it all comes from naive porn watching. Stu gives some pretty compelling arguments about that.

When I was young, I had no clue either - not porn so much, but the show-er vs. grow-er thing. I am a grow-er: My erection was about 3 times the size of my flaccid. So I assumed all the guys in the locker room with the big flaccids got three times bigger too.


We do occasionally get braggarts here who try to put people down. One or two here and there, but the -brotherhood- usually sets them straight pretty quick.

But as I said the overwhelming majority of the bigger guys are very supportive and helpful to everybody. Like you say this is a brotherhood.

You truly are a legendary poster. I fully agree.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Awesome thread. Good work stuzilla.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

E211 & sta-kool,

Thanks for the confidence boost, I’ve looked at the lifestyles studies many times and seen that particular graph distribution many times was well. To be fair I would place myself in the 5.25-5.5 MSEG category (which it looks about 12% of the population according to the chart you posted) since I more often would be a bit under 5.5 then over depending on erection quality the day I measured. For reference purposes most of the time when I achieve a maximum erection I can not fit more then my glans in a toilet paper roll.

Lengthwise at 6.5NBP I would say that it would be beneficial to have a bit more length for “ease of stroke” in more positions. What I mean by that is I have had a few instances (not often though) where I wanted to give a longer stroke then what my length could provide and I slipped out. Also extra length can make certain positions easier. I think 7”-7.5” could accomplish this goal.

None of this is to say that great sex can’t be had with a smaller penis for both the man and the woman, it just makes certain things easier.


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