Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is Everything Really What it Seems? An ongoing study by DLD

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Originally posted by Ambitious
I've always suspected that there was some exaggeration involved with the porn stars because they didn't look quite as big to me as claimed, but now that you've gone and documented it it's quite a lot more lying than I imagined.

You know what cracks me up is why do they need to lie? Is 10” not big enough in an ad? It is so silly that they need to exagerate something that needs no exaggeration.


Jack Napier Clocks in at 9.5” with incredible Girth. I would estimate him at about 10” with a really good erection. This erection in this picture is average.
Again I overestimated all proportions. I went with Head length on the women here. I put her head from chin to crown at almost 10”! That would be a HUGE head.

Napier Link

Lexington Steele clocks in at the biggest yet at slightly over 10” going with the girls hand breadth of 4” which again is an over estimation. Jennifer had a breadth of 3.5” and I have a breadth closer to 4”. I have to say these two men are freaking huge.

Steele Link

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

What an incredible thread… thanks DLD!!!!

Wow, DLD!!!

Well, I finally made the time to sit and read this entire thread, including the links. I’d started it several times before, but always got pulled away before I could finish it. What a great piece of work! You have done all of us with penis confidence issues a huge service!!

From the bottom of my heart…THANK YOU!!!

All my best to you and Jen,


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!
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