Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

7x6 Large or what?

It is large , but only if NBP

No, Johnny, it’s large, period, end of discussion.

I mean, unless you’re trying out for the AVN “Biggest Dick” award.

Originally Posted by justsomeguy123
Either way 6 inch girth is well above average.

I like your understatement. Considering that maybe two out of one hundred guys have that kind of girth.

Originally Posted by Ruz_
Is 7x6 big, by the stats yes. However, as I continued to say, anyone who PE’s is not going to be the biggest guy around, there are guys naturally 10”+.

I’m assuming you’re talking length. Over the 8.5” mark the odds go way down. There aren’t that many Lexington Steele’s running around. Sure they’re out there, but they are quite rare. Even in the magical land of porn there’s really only a couple of guys. That should tell you something.

Originally Posted by cheeva
“Fitting in just about anywhere,” was meant to suggest that 6” is not exceptionally large in terms of what most women are comfortable with, in my experience.

6” in length is a fairly universally accepted average length.

The species is designed to reproduce, so it makes sense that the average would be comfortable to most, doesn’t it?

The thing that many may not appreciate is the difference between small, medium and large organs is at most an inch or two. These, by any standards, are small measurements. However if you go up in size, even as little as .25” in girth let’s say, it’s a noticeable difference.

That’s because the vaginal canal isn’t exactly a huge thing either. Even the big ones.

The vaginal barrel is between three and five inches long. Add about an inch on one end for the opening and labia, and maybe another half inch at the other end to the CDS and you have an idea of the typical range of potential space up in there (4.5” to 6.5”). Women, when they get excited, expand a bit - some up to twice as much, depending on the woman (similar to the difference between “show-ers” & “grow-ers” in men). All this to say: most vaginae will accommodate most penes, and many vaginae can be pushed to accommodate very large sizes. But then again: the G spot is close to the opening, so even shorter lengths will feel pretty darn good if the owner knows anything of what he’s doing.

It’s a cool design, I must make a note to thank the guy upstairs.

When we start getting into what people prefer size-wise: there’s a range. I’ve heard more than one woman say, “Girth is good.” Generally a tight fit is desirable, as it provides friction and that feels good, but how tight? What might feel good to you might not feel so good to her. With regard to length, some women like the CDS to be stimulated, others just say “Ow!” and then the whole show stops.

It’s great to have goals for PE. I just think that there are many that set their sights much higher than necessary and have an inflated sense of what’s ‘normal’ and what’s ‘average’. And anyway the size question is really only part of the picture. There’s a lot more to being a good lover than showing up with the biggest dick your girl has ever seen - and for many women that’s not necessarily a plus.

I’d say, for those who are curious, do a search on how the sex life of guys who have made big gains (and are in the 8 X 6 or above range) has changed and how they are faring. All of them report differences in the way they get down; for some it’s all good, for many others it’s pros and cons. There are a lot of threads where guys who’ve gotten a lot of length have been put on maintenance routines because their wives or girlfriends have said, “Enough already.”

In terms of purely physical sensation it’s true that women like to feel filled, but not all of them want to feel like they are being mined for precious minerals; in fact most don’t.

Going up in size can provide a huge difference in terms of self-confidence, and that’s not insignifcant either; I’m just saying think it over. Do some research (other than putting some porn in the DVD player), and set your goals accordingly.

In the meantime: jelq my boy, jelq like the wind. :leftie:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I’d say that depends on placement. :D

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I’d say that depends on placement. :D

As well as gentleness/force/speed. slow and gentle is the key at this size, unless she tells you otherwise. She will let you know if you can go harder, faster, or deeper.

Happy, I was referring to 6” girth in the quote above. Sorry I neglected to make that clear.


Thanks for that clarification.

I think I just needed to go on that rant, as I get tired of people who come over fresh from Penis Size Debate, or the like, with totally exaggerated ideas about size.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I would certainly say it a very good size especially the girth. I believe that girth has greater weighting than what length does when you are above average length. Wish you further grow where ever you seek.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Personally I think it’s a good size m8 I mean imagine haveing a turd that meassured in with them dimentions comeing out of you ass, I rekon that would be a frightening experience, 7 inches long by 6 inches around is something I would be happy with and no doubt you already are really. Currently I’m weighing in with a 6 x 5 wang, so if I can get up to that I’m obviously going to happy with myself. I’ve only just started out so I don’t even know if this stuff really makes you dick grow but if it does then I will be ammazed. If it true and I’m fortunante enough to reeps some gains then no doubt as someone has already said ill get to that benchmark perhaps and think well now this feels small so will try to up it. I accept no ones ever going to go into shock upon seeing my dick but I can live with that, the only thing that gets me thinking is this, say I am one day in the position of owning a 7 x 5.5 er how the hell am I going to make it stay that size for good. I mean wakeing up and being back to a 6 x 5 er would be a bit of a downer.

A question I have is this, what makes a pennis that has potential to increase in size useing pe different to one that maybee isnt so suseptable to it, if that makes any sense, basically what sort of characteristics does a pennis that can do well from pe have compared to one that might no do so well

Just to make myself sound like a right mong could I gain an inch in 8 months I don’t have hours a day to do this so Imnally unsure I know were all different but I’m just wondering

Finally can someone explaing all of these abbreviations as I can’t work them out of find them with the seach facillity

Be happy man thats a good size wang

Originally Posted by Phyriel
There just one problem cheeva, there some girls who like a very high speed, hard fuck. And that can be a problem.

True, but there are ways around that. A spooning (side from behind) position can work well for harder, faster thrusting. Or you feel where the point of bottoming out is and thrust just short of there in a more wide open position. Woman on top helps her control the angle also.

The main problem I’ve found is the girth tends to cause pussy fatigue after awhile with the faster harder stuff. She might even need a break for a day or two :(

To the original poster, if you really have 7”X6” as you claim, your penis is pretty big, and most women would love it.

Originally Posted by avg_joe
To the original poster, if you really have 7”X6” as you claim, your penis is pretty big, and most women would love it.

I’m not packing those dimentions yet, but I hope early next year.

Mr. Happy, forgive me if you have posted a response to this question during your time here at TP.

You seem to have a good grip on what is a good for most couplings when it comes to size and the reality of all the things you so often consider and remind us of.

I think length is what it is meaning you can put it all in or some in. But girth you are kind of stuck with. That being said what in your opinion is a good girth so as to make the guy sporting said girth and all his female partners happy?

Originally Posted by cheeva
True, but there are ways around that. A spooning (side from behind) position can work well for harder, faster thrusting. Or you feel where the point of bottoming out is and thrust just short of there in a more wide open position. Woman on top helps her control the angle also.

The main problem I’ve found is the girth tends to cause pussy fatigue after awhile with the faster harder stuff. She might even need a break for a day or two :(

Confirmed man, I see that too.


Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

It’s a cool design, I must make a note to thank the guy upstairs.

It’s a very cool design, Mr. Happy. Excellent, well written post all the way through.


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