Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Not getting hard regularly

Originally Posted by pumpedmember
Fall in love with your penis again and make it be the focus of attention. When I masturbate I don’t fantasize about anything, I focus on my cock and body and just go for it for me, I focus on the sensations and really think about how it feels. You’ll need more than a week. When I quit porn it took weeks before I could masturbate with nothing on and make it last for more than 3 minutes. As soon as I got hard I’d cum. Versus an hour+ of “edging” with porn on. Terrible stuff the porn is.

Leave it and delete your accounts, user names, whatever it all is, get done with it! Your cock is more important than all of that!

good advice. The brain gets rewired to a point that it can be difficult to get erect for “normal” stimuli like your naked girlfiriend/wife, etc.

I personally just got over a relapse into porn. Just two weeks or so of looking and I was already having trouble getting/staying hard. The final straw was going soft during sex acts with my own wife. I thought it might be ED or too much PE, but I realized I was only getting the excitement of sex from porn, and that’s not a good sign. Never again.

Start: BPEL 6 3/4 MEG 4 3/4 BPFSL 6 7/8

Goal: at least 7 1/2 NBPEL x 5 1/2 MEG.

Perspective is everything. Progress thread: From anxious to confident

Originally Posted by igigi
Stop porn completely. 100%. Forget that porn exists. Growing up in this transition between not having technology to access to all kind of porn on demand, I was able to see the catastrophic effects in society. As crazy as it sounds, not only porn, but our society is poisoned nowadays with sodomy 24/7 everywhere. Even social media having all those girls working out in tiny shorts showing everything, did not exist in the past. That means, in the past you would get hard just by seeing a girl in a bikini. Today is normal to see a girl walking on a g-string and heels at the beach. All those things desensitize you and have desensitized all of us throughout the years.

As others already advised, forget about your dick. I know that feeling of being horny and distracted and playing with your dick even if you’re not hard, but concentrate in not touching your dick. Leave it alone. Stay away from any visual temptation. You will see the difference. If you can stay yourself that way, the day you are with a real woman getting naked in your arms your dick will get so hard that it will hurt.

Great text. Society today is highly eroticized. At any time you can come across the image or video ass or boobs.

I was once a porn addict, I always thought it was a normal thing because everyone watches it all the time, I only realized it was a problem when my dick started to fail.

I overcame the addiction and my erections returned to normal and even improved with PE.

Escape pornography and everything that leads to it.

Initial: APR/19 BPEL16(6,3)x13,5(5,3)

Current: NOV/21 BPEL18,3(7,2)x13,5(5,3)

No Erection suddenly

I am a male 50, recently completely stopped having erection. Even with VG its not strong or fully Erected what I had before.

I work away which means no sex for 2-3 months for a year n half now. Do my pumping on and off for 10 years. Chew few ashwagandha few others here and there, Enjoy watching porn frequently. Any ideas whats happening with my body?


One of the greatest erections I ever remember having was when I drank about 400 militres of vodka being crazy drunk. Everything spinning but not at the point of throwing up soon- I’m quite durable for alchohol. Somehow manage to get a hard on and busted a brutal nut. I’ve no idea how I did that

I would suggest ejaculation 3 times a month by masturbation NO MORE NO LESS. Sperm should be ejacted every now and then but not too often IMO

Just wanted to say that this thread has been highly inspirational to me for the past few days. Sometimes I have trouble maintaining an erection due to masturbation and have been trying to quit entirely, but seeing someone directly state to completely give it up really, really, helps. Decided to buy some ashwaganda also because of this thread but haven’t been consistently using it. Gonna come read this whenever I get urges to self-pleasure. Checked out that pdf and began to modify my breathing as well although I didn’t get that far into it. Thanks guys

Hello, first post. Do you guys feel that porn is still damaging if you don’t ejaculate? Can you use it for stimulation while clamping or is it still messing with your EQ?

What I would advise any man to do at any age with any type of erection problems:

1) Get blood tests for testosterone levels, free test and shbg
2) Stop porn completely

These 2 things cure 99% ED (when your tests come back fucked, obviously there is work to be done to get them right).

Start: 6.3"BPEL X 5.1" MSEG

Now: 7.3" BPEL X 5.7" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL X 6.5" MSEG

Everything in moderation.

Masturbation is healthy unless it’s compulsive.
Watching a bit of porn here and there, especially if it’s not something that creates unrealistic expectations regarding real life sex like amateur porn is totally fine regardless of what the nofap cult would have you believe.

Ejaculating on a regular basis is not only natural and normal, but it’s healthy and reduces the chance of prostate enlargement and cancer.

Having orgasms every day is so good for your mental health.

The problem is if you overdo it. And let’s be honest, with the limitless availability of all sorts of fake and unrealistic porn out there, it’s very easy to overdo it and create an unrealistic view/expectation when it comes to real life sex with a real human being.

I myself find that if I DONT ejaculate at least once every day or every other day, my libido actually decreases.

On the other hand, if I masturbate 2-3 times in a day and then try to have sex, ya it’s a bit more challenging to both maintain 100% erection, and to ultimately orgasm.

There is a whole another aspect to this though.. your partner. Are they doing what you need in order for you to be turned on?

I’m sorry, but I don’t buy the whole notion of “my dick has to be so starved for attention and so desperate for release that it will get hard at the merest presence of a woman”

Do we have that expectation of women? No. That’s why foreplay exists. You need to warm her up, turn her on, get her wet.

The same aught to apply in return. We should speak up for ourselves and expect reciprocal effort to turn US on and we shouldn’t blame ourselves if just the mere sight of a naked woman doesn’t immediately make us rock hard and dripping precum.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
Everything in moderation.

Masturbation is healthy unless it’s compulsive.
Watching a bit of porn here and there, especially if it’s not something that creates unrealistic expectations regarding real life sex like amateur porn is totally fine regardless of what the nofap cult would have you believe.

Ejaculating on a regular basis is not only natural and normal, but it’s healthy and reduces the chance of prostate enlargement and cancer.

Having orgasms every day is so good for your mental health.

The problem is if you overdo it. And let’s be honest, with the limitless availability of all sorts of fake and unrealistic porn out there, it’s very easy to overdo it and create an unrealistic view/expectation when it comes to real life sex with a real human being.

I myself find that if I DONT ejaculate at least once every day or every other day, my libido actually decreases.

On the other hand, if I masturbate 2-3 times in a day and then try to have sex, ya it’s a bit more challenging to both maintain 100% erection, and to ultimately orgasm.

There is a whole another aspect to this though.. your partner. Are they doing what you need in order for you to be turned on?

I’m sorry, but I don’t buy the whole notion of “my dick has to be so starved for attention and so desperate for release that it will get hard at the merest presence of a woman”

Do we have that expectation of women? No. That’s why foreplay exists. You need to warm her up, turn her on, get her wet.

The same aught to apply in return. We should speak up for ourselves and expect reciprocal effort to turn US on and we shouldn’t blame ourselves if just the mere sight of a naked woman doesn’t immediately make us rock hard and dripping precum.

This is the most common sense post I have ever read on this site.

Starting measurements: 7 1/8" BPEL 5 1/8" EG

Quitting porn is first and foremost. Alcohol didn’t effect me until my 40’s, so.

I would caution against Ashwaganda. It can cause Anhedonia (zero pleasure) after only two weeks of use. Not for everyone, but I view it as Russian roulette. Try a different, less dangerous adaptogen like Cistanche. Cistanche does everything Ashwaganda does, but does it better and without the horrible taste. If Ashwaganda works for you, then great! But, people have been permanently damaged by it. One dude is offering $100,000 to anyone that can figure out how to reverse the damage Ashwaganda did to him.

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
I myself find that if I DONT ejaculate at least once every day or every other day, my libido actually decreases.

On the other hand, if I masturbate 2-3 times in a day and then try to have sex, ya it’s a bit more challenging to both maintain 100% erection, and to ultimately orgasm.

The first part is one that long-term No-Fappers may not realize. It starts to work against you after a while. There’s a perfect equilibrium to be found.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

Originally Posted by Don Logan
The first part is one that long-term No-Fappers may not realize. It starts to work against you after a while. There’s a perfect equilibrium to be found.

According to John Gray the Mars Venus guy seven day hormone cycle is optimal if in an established committed relationship

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
We shouldn’t blame ourselves if just the mere sight of a naked woman doesn’t immediately make us rock hard and dripping precum.

As I wrote before. Quit porn, check your test levels and act on the results.
I get rock hard dripping precum just watching my wife change underwear, and I have been with this woman for 18+ years.
We have sex daily, or every other day (so I agree with you on frequent ejaculation).

Zero porn, 800+ ng/dl test, right free test and shbg and you in fact should get rock hard in sight of naked woman.

Start: 6.3"BPEL X 5.1" MSEG

Now: 7.3" BPEL X 5.7" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL X 6.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by paja23
As I wrote before. Quit porn, check your test levels and act on the results.
I get rock hard dripping precum just watching my wife change underwear, and I have been with this woman for 18+ years.
We have sex daily, or every other day (so I agree with you on frequent ejaculation).

Zero porn, 800+ ng/dl test, right free test and shbg and you in fact should get rock hard in sight of naked woman.

Been with my wife for 25 years. OMG so true, I’ve been off porn for over 2 years and just seeing my wife IN her underwear makes very strong noticeable blood rush to my penis. I get all drippy inside, I stop talking, I stop listening to her, I blurt out uncontrollably "omg your abs…" or "your hips are amazing" or just "you are so fucking hot omg" its like a spasm I can’t control. I cum so much easier now when she gives me head she barely has to work at it anymore. Stimulation I give myself is profound and amazing, I fell in love with my body and penis again and didn’t know how detached from it I was just sitting and stroking mindlessly to porn. Can’t have much sex at all due to her being in menopause although the HRT is starting to fix that, its slow going, but she’s getting it back. Back in the day though, well for the first 20 years of our relationship, we fucked every day possible, or twice a day a lot of times. A 3-day vacation once influenced us to have sex 8 times, 4 times on day two. I consumed so little porn then, maybe 10 minutes a day in the morning and I used it to cum once or twice a month. Menopause and covid changed that and I was on porn all the time, all during the day and night. It was horrible. Thanks for sharing your experiences with no porn, men think porn is okay but sometimes any at all is a major hamper in certain men’s lives.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)


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