Thunder's Place

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Lap dancer has given me some sort of awakening. Whats going on?

Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
I will do a search on Tantra on Thunders after this. See what I can find.

Ever since I had the awakening I have been fairly sure it was a chakra thing and flowing energies. As I have said before I tried and wanted to believe in this when I was young and eventually dismissed it. And now it has happened I want to learn more. I also have a lack of intimacy in my current relationship which I am keen to address. The dancer was an attempt to address this lack of intimacy and it has worked to an extent as we do have an amazing connection. But it’s not sustainable. The age difference. She is attending rave parties and I am 50. Not that I would have a problem with rave parties, I actually like to music.

So I’ve booked into see a Tantra Goddess. Basically you get naked and put on a robe. The Goddess is in her underwear. She takes your penis and starts to generate sexual energy and teaches you to use you PC muscle, apparently she checks the strength of your PC muscle by placing her had behind your balls and asking you to flex. From what I can gather the PC muscle is key to drawing the energy up from your sex centres. Then you do the same thing to her, the idea being that when you go back to your partner you actually know how to do it. It was explained as trying to learn to dance by reading a book, not easy.

You then move closer with her legs over yours. She removes her bra. She then basically simulates sex without penetration by rocking back and forward on your penis with a barrier between your and her bits. So you get penile stimulation and you are also stimulating her cliterous. Again you move the energy from you penis and it ‘should’ not feel like you need to ejaculate, and the pleasure keeps increasing past where you would have normally cum.

You then move into some intimacy work and that is lesson one in 90 min.

They are quite clever as they give you a book, so that when you are back with you partner and they notice a change, you simple show them the book. All being well they should be interested if the techniques you were taught work.

Thank you for sharing. I’d love to hear the concepts of the next sessions.

About what happened to you.. Yes, it is your energy center, and it is the same as what the Indians call “Chakras”. Chakras are part of your Soul (think of light entering a prism). I’ve had the same experiences but with my first girlfriend. I followed the experiences to what I now know to be Truth. There is a Divine Source where all that energy is derived from.

Make the most out of it but dont lose your Self.

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

Originally Posted by Egotesticle
Thank you for sharing. I’d love to hear the concepts of the next sessions.

About what happened to you.. Yes, it is your energy center, and it is the same as what the Indians call “Chakras”. Chakras are part of your Soul (think of light entering a prism). I’ve had the same experiences but with my first girlfriend. I followed the experiences to what I now know to be Truth. There is a Divine Source where all that energy is derived from.

Make the most out of it but dont lose your Self.

Thank you for the advice.

Session 2 is receive and give a tantric massage. She shows you and then you giver her a massage. Not further described other than it isn’t a rub and tug.

Session 3 is tantric massage and multiple or valley orgasms. So you orgasm but don’t ejaculate. The idea being that you can go again and or have multiple orgasms.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
I’m just wondering how you’re going to wield that weapon once those skills are fully acquired.

With great connection, intimacy and hopefully love and defiantly respect.

Well I had my first session with the Goddess.


It didn’t happen as was outlined above.

First when I arrived she sits me down and asks why I am here. I tell her it is the awakening I had with the lap dancer and a desire to increase intimacy in my relationship. That is all fine and then she asks if I know what is going to happen. She explains that I will be nude and was that OK. Of course, I say. She then kind of asks it I am OK with her touching me. I am totally comfortable with this. She then goes to the bathroom and tells me to undress an hop onto the bed, which is a massage table. She knocks and comes back in. So in under 10 min of meeting the Goddess I am naked straddling a massage table as instructed. Well that is a first for me.

She checks my PC strength and says I have some work to do. She then checks again and asks me to flex as hard as I can for as long as I can. I go about 10 seconds to which she replies, that is not bad. But I still have work to do.

She then goes through the chakras which I mostly know, forgot Solaplexes, and said I am making her job easy. When then did a small meditation designed to get us into the present moment and leave other things outside. She explains that we are gong to do 5 min of eye gazing and that blinking is fine. She instructs me to look into her left eye and she will look into my left. She explains that her face will change in appearance to me and that I may see her aura. We hold hands and begin. (She puts on a 5 min long song) It was a really nice experience and the 5 min goes quite quickly. Her face did change and I saw a dark colour that I thought was black. I wondered at this point if she was evil and that was why I was seeing black but went with it. She asked if I saw an aura and I said yes. She said was it purple? I said yes, it was a dark purple (and not black as I had thought).

Now we go into Yab Yum, which she puts her legs over mine and we move into an embrace. She places a towel over my penis so we do not contact each other. She explains that the aim is to connect my second Sexual Chakra to my Heart Chakra using breathing. She is only wearing knickers and no bra. We embrace and I follow her breathing. Breathing in I am suppose to visualise the energy from my second chakra travel up my spine into my heart chakra. To aid this she runs her had up my back as we breath in. On the out breath I was supposed to release. I did not realise at the time that the release was supposed to spread the energy, I read this in the book after the session. We do that for a few minutes.

Now to the Tantric massage. She says you penis will do what it does and there is no wrong or right response. I actually was surprised that I was still flacid. She said you can also flex the PC muscle on the in breath and relax it on the out, but just the breathing is enough for now. I tell her that I am confident I can do the PC flex and will go back to breathing only if it gets to hard. (never been so grateful for flexing the PC muscle and blood into my clamped penis) She said that heaps of men blow and if that happen it is fine. She instruct me that if I get to an 8 out of 10 to simply say 8. I lie face down on the table and she begins to massage me with oil. It is really nice and the but cheeks get some attention. During this I follow her breathing which is sucking in like as if you were using a straw and breathing out with an Ahhhh. During this time you visualise the energy coming up into your heart and releasing on the out breath. Then she asked me to turn over. The body still get a massage but so does the penis.

She is stroking my penis and it gets hard. We are still doing the breathing and PC. After a while she says I want to to breath in and hold it and hold the PC muscle. And that is what turns out to be my first edge but I did not get to the edge. More body massage and then back to the penis and repeat as above and I still did not get to the edge. The third time I was thinking , shit I am gong to blow and was just about to say 8 when she says to breath in and hold like before. She has dialled me in and can tell when I am approached the edge. (I want to ask her how she knows I am approaching the edge.) We do another edge as I spread the energy and the pleasure is rising. At this point I am having spasms in my abs and in general jerking, which she said may happen. We get to the 5th edge and she is really stroking fast. The pleasure is amazing. Again just as I am about to say 8 she says breath in and hold it for as long as you can. Bliss and the session has finished.

Now in any other situation with the speed of her strokes there is absolutely no way I would not have blown, bit I didn’t. Truly amazing.

She leave and tells me to relax then get dressed. I get off the table and I am shaking a little and have to sit back down. I get dressed and she returns. I try to pay her and my brain is just mush. We sort it out, she gives me a cuddle and a kiss and I thank her and leave.

The rest of the day was just bliss, with the exception that I had to go home and shower as I smelt of coconut oil. As I said to my friend, I am pretty good at talking my way out of things but coconut oil on the penis? Well I have Nothing. I also had to masturbate later in the night as there was just too much tension. It was amazing.

The following day was also bliss. The yesterday was also bliss with heightened senses. A woman’s perfume smelt amazing, colours are brighter, tastes are stronger. I ate the same dish at a restaurant and it was better. More tastes and more ability to notice them. funny thing was that I was also quite emotional, both good and bad. The Goddess did comment on opening the heart chakra and that she appears to have done this.

My homework is to spend 5 mins stimulating myself and doing the breathing and PC to move the energy and and spread it. First session I got to the edge after 9 mins then I tried to hold it in but I blew. (I realise now I should have stopped and come away from the edge)

I cum hard. Abdominal contractions and I end up almost in the fetal position. I didn’t shoot as far as I thought I would but I figure the PC is fatigued from the practice.

The Goddess said that even if I only do five mins each day I will notice a huge difference in a week.

Now to arrange the next session.


How much does something like this cost? I know you’re in AU, but I can translate it to US dollars. Sounds like a fantastic session!

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

$290 Aud

And 1.5 hours.


Hi There. I have just read this entire thread with interest. magicwand9’s story was also very touching. I would like to give you my 2 cents, for what it’s worth if you are interested. First a little about me:

I’m 52 and have done a lot of things. I have been meditating for 41 years. I used to give Tantric massage. I’ve met women who have had the sexual effect on me that your dancer has had on you.

So now back to you. Dude, you have been blessed by some fantastic experiences lately, but, I think you need to take a deep breath and take stock. Most of what you are experiencing has some element of illusion to it. Yes, the experiences are real, but it’s when we start trying to search for the meaning that the trouble starts. The internet is full of people who will tell you the meaning of what you are experiencing - some of them for a not very small fee.

The point is, while you’re on this journey of self discovery, you can gain a lot of bliss, but lose your soul. I will give you one example that relates to you personally:

When you met the Tantra woman, you said “I tell her it is the awakening I had with the lap dancer and a desire to increase intimacy in my relationship”. I really believe you believe this. But deep down you probably also know you’re fooling no-one, especially yourself. Why? Because, if you’re doing all this behind your wife’s back then that’s the opposite of intimacy. Hence, more illusion, if you pretend it’s about increasing intimacy.

So… I am not suggesting you tell your wife! I’m not suggesting you marry the dancer!! What I’m saying is STOP. Stop and think. Ask yourself: what do I want? Anything, ANYTHING is possible, but you need to be honest with yourself. You have had an awakening, but you have not cemented it yet. You risk falling asleep again if you don’t process what has already happened to you.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Last edited by marky777 : 02-09-2019 at .

Originally Posted by marky777

Hi There. I have just read this entire thread with interest. magicwand9’s story was also very touching. I would like to give you my 2 cents, for what it’s worth if you are interested. First a little about me:

I’m 52 and have done a lot of things. I have been meditating for 41 years. I used to give Tantric massage. I’ve met women who have had the sexual effect on me that your dancer has had on you.

So now back to you. Dude, you have been blessed by some fantastic experiences lately, but, I think you need to take a deep breath and take stock. Most of what you are experiencing has some element of illusion to it. Yes, the experiences are real, but it’s when we start trying to search for the meaning that the trouble starts. The internet is full of people who will tell you the meaning of what you are experiencing - some of them for a not very small fee.

The point is, while you’re on this journey of self discovery, you can gain a lot of bliss, but lose your soul. I will give you one example that relates to you personally:

When you met the Tantra woman, you said “I tell her it is the awakening I had with the lap dancer and a desire to increase intimacy in my relationship”. I really believe you believe this. But deep down you probably also know you’re fooling no-one, especially yourself. Why? Because, if you’re doing all this behind your wife’s back then that’s the opposite of intimacy. Hence, more illusion, if you pretend it’s about increasing intimacy.

So… I am not suggesting you tell your wife! I’m not suggesting you marry the dancer!! What I’m saying is STOP. Stop and think. Ask yourself: what do I want? Anything, ANYTHING is possible, but you need to be honest with yourself. You have had an awakening, but you have not cemented it yet. You risk falling asleep again if you don’t process what has already happened to you.

Thanks for you post. You are correct on many levels however I think you missed an illusion that I tell myself and that is that I think this will help with my relationship. I think that is my biggest illusion .

My actions are designed in part to restore the relationship and probably more in part to stop the pain I feel from lack of intimacy. It’s killing me slowly. This has been going on for so long. This blew up over Xmas when I broke down after an old school friend kisses me passionately and I realise I won’t get that from my wife.

My wife doesn’t touch and her mother also disliked touch. I should have known. I’m close to walking.

Thanks again.


Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
Thanks for you post. You are correct on many levels however I think you missed an illusion that I tell myself and that is that I think this will help with my relationship. I think that is my biggest illusion .

My actions are designed in part to restore the relationship and probably more in part to stop the pain I feel from lack of intimacy. It’s killing me slowly. This has been going on for so long. This blew up over Xmas when I broke down after an old school friend kisses me passionately and I realise I won’t get that from my wife.

My wife doesn’t touch and her mother also disliked touch. I should have known. I’m close to walking.

Thanks again.


I never took it as an illusion. If so why would you be working towards obtaining the ability to achieve the highest levels of intimacy, where it was not forthcoming. I took it that you had learned from your circumstances, to be prepared for the opportunity. Hopefully we learn not only from the successes but from the shortcomings of others.

Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
the pain I feel from lack of intimacy. It’s killing me slowly.

I hate to hear that. That’s rough. What do others think: Is this a pattern among women, where they are close and intimate at first, but then grow physically more distant? I think that women do that more than men.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

Originally Posted by Don Logan
I hate to hear that. That’s rough. What do others think: Is this a pattern among women, where they are close and intimate at first, but then grow physically more distant? I think that women do that more than men.

I have a close friend who confids in me. He is in the same situation. Most of my other male friends, with the exception of the one that left his wife, all complain about lack of sex, which i read as intimacy.

So let take this morning.

I go out and take hold of each of her hands, look her in the eye, her eyes are elsewhere, and before I can open my mouth I get. I’m busy.

I say Ok, well when you have a moment can you come back to bed for a cuddle, no sex unless you ask.

A few hours later she comes and give me a half hearted kiss as she is off to the shops. I say, how is that time for a cuddle going? I get, I’ve been busy with this and that. So I say, so what you saying is you don’t have time to invest in us. She continues with the busy story. I reply, that fine, at least I know where I stand, and I motion my hand to ground level. As in the bottom of the pile.

I then get, if you had done the ironing I would have had time. I reply did you ask me about the ironing? No response and she is gone shopping. Apparently mind reading is a skill i lack WRT ironing.

I go to hang out the sheet and start thinking. She has externalised the cause away from herself so now she doesn’t need to change as it is my fault. Handy trick. I then recall that she won’t let me wash her clothes as apparently I don’t do it right. So I text her saying that you won’t let me wash your clothes so why the F would I pick up an iron. To which I get a response of how she appreciated me taking the kids to school last week.


Let’s take last week.

Do you want to come back to bed for a cuddle? Out of her mouth, I don’t want sex. To which I reply, we won’t have sex until you ask for it. We go back to bed and I give her my version of a tantric massage. So mostly a body massage with occasionally moving across erogenous zones. Then as I am massaging she spreads her legs and ask if I want sex. I say, you have to ask for it. She does.

She can cum through penetration but it’s not as intense. So I offer to go down on her. She is pretty hot and warmed up and in a few mins I have her orgasming with her shuddering as the contractions hit.

Anyone wonder why I fell like I am on a rollercoaster?



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