Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Keratinization of the glans!!!!

Originally Posted by Bugs Bunny
Yes their is another thread on here started by MagnumXL, he is very serious about reversing the damage done by Keratinization. He also reccommended alpha-hydroxy cream, apparently he purchased his at Walgreens. I am going to give AmLactin and his a shot. When I get some more time we were going to discuss different methods but alas I am wondering where the veterans stand on this. They must have some insight on this and possibly a cure.

alpha-hydroxy cream? I know that would increase sensitivity but thats acting like an exfoliator. Would using this cream make your head smoother or just make it very sensitive to the touch? Kind of like if you used acne cream on your glans.??

Udder Cream was also reccommended, available at walmart. Using a silicone baby bottle nipple and the cone device that was mentioned are also ideas. Purchasing a silicone sleeve is another idea. Maybe the Eroset Oil, offered in Eroset’s thread, would smoothen the head of the penis. It does not sound like this is much of a problem for some, otherwise more input would be heard from others. I don’t know but I am going to be trying them all.


Well report back with results bugs!

The amazing thing in all this is my own experience over the past three weeks since I resumed restoring my foreskin. Just by keeping the glans covered about 10 to 16 hours a day, the glans is becoming shiny again. My sensitivity has increased dramatically, to the point that it feels like a completely different dick.

Masturbation is unreal, as the available foreskin has increased enough that it covers the glans (while I am stroking) of my erect penis. Lube? Who needs lube? Three weeks. That’s all it took for me.

It’s very hard to keep my hands off it. (That’s a funny line). :)


has anybody every asked there doctor about dekeratinization?

Originally Posted by Damfino
The amazing thing in all this is my own experience over the past three weeks since I resumed restoring my foreskin. Just by keeping the glans covered about 10 to 16 hours a day, the glans is becoming shiny again. My sensitivity has increased dramatically, to the point that it feels like a completely different dick.

Masturbation is unreal, as the available foreskin has increased enough that it covers the glans (while I am stroking) of my erect penis. Lube? Who needs lube? Three weeks. That’s all it took for me.

It’s very hard to keep my hands off it. (That’s a funny line). :)


Sounds like you hit the jack pot. Please fill us in on your supplies, materials, creams, oils, covers, etc etc. You’re daily routine would also be greatly appreciated =)


No oils, no creams, no lotions. It’s called foreskin restoration, and there’s lots of info on this site about that which can be found using the search function.


what about for those of us not will to restore their foreskin though. Many girls are turned off by not being circumcised. Which is stupid but the way it is.

Are you PEing for yourself or for someone else? It seems to me that if you care enough about your own body parts to try to regain sensitivity, or increase the length or girth of your dick, or even gain or lose weight to be more attractive, you’ll have more satisfaction in the long run if you are doing it for yourself.

Trying to please others and attempting to be what you think they want you to be is crazy-making. To thy own dick be true. You’re attached to it 24/7.

Someone help me get down off this soap box.


Well said, Damfino. :up:

Starting size: BPEL: 7.2"(18,5cm) EG: 5.3"(13,5cm) Andropenis during 7 months (August 2003-March 2004): BPEL: 8.3"(21cm) EG: 5.5"(14cm) Current size: BPEL: 8.5"(21,5cm) EG: 5.7"(14,5cm) Goal: :D BPEL: 9"(23cm) EG: 6.5"(16,5cm)

Right now im just keeping my glans covered all day until i see the doc. I havent touched my unit in 3 days. I use a band aid or tape to keep the skin over the head since i have much loose skin.

Yesterday i put a big glob of Vitamin E cream on the glans and then wrapped my penis in toilet paper. The cream soaks into the paper leaving it to rest on the skin all day. Made all the skin real soft and acted as a cover for the glans.

Udder cream works great im using that also now! HAs anybody tried the senslip?

I bought the Senslip a year ago and used it once. I felt it was nothing like real skin. It’s as if you cut the thumb out of a large pair of latex or rubber gloves, opened both ends and then put it on your penis. Hard, deep folds that are nothing like real skin. Looks pretty silly, too.

It’s just another failed idea of mine for my toy box.


Last edited by Damfino : 01-27-2009 at .

Lol damfino. I seriously cut the thump off a r latex glove yesterday and tried doing that.


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