Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bulking and ED

I am gaining yes. Gained 20 lbs in the past two months. Of course with about 2lbs a week jus a little more than half is fat that i know. But i am definitely not overtraining. Not with only 3 times a week bodypart split. I dont feel overtrained. Vikingwhore that bike routine sounds interesting i will try it. Is 12 mins intense cardio enough to be called heart healthy? I heard that the heart rate has to be elevated for atleast 20 mins? Is that bullshit or does it depend on the intensity?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Yes most sertainly, and it is only four minutes intense cardio the rest you do slow, warm up/ down.

Your heart, fat burning and legs will benefit much from this routine.
Will be hard but all it takes is 12 mins, gotta love it. :)

Forgot to add that I have been doing the same routine on and off for about 4- 5 years if I remember correctly and would not recommend it if I had not tried it out myself.

And science also backs up this routine.

Science, yeah.

Let’s be serious please.

Sed, give a read to this thread when you have time, read it all because it is pretty instructive
What the fuck is wrong with me?

I could POSSIBLY be overtraining. I do work the target bodyparts hard and my chest and legs take about 4-5 days to recover from the workout. is that part of the reason? Also i eat between 3-4000 calories a day if that helps and get a lot of protein .

Marinera i read that thread and saw some good ideas i will look into.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

One thing to note, is that you could be not overtrained, techniqcally, so still having gains, but your EQ suffer, because all your Test is used to build muscle & c. instead than being used for sexual function.

If you just want to be right, so be it I’m just trying to help out a fellow member the best I can answering some of his questions.

An Marinera you wrote in the link responding to someone that they should read the whole thread before jumping in, maybe time to follow that advice yourself?
And to me it seems that that in the link you posted the “conclusion” is about the same as here, please correct me if I’m wrong.

And it should be common knowledge for anyone who lifts weights that a one week break every sixth week or so is a must for letting your body recover.
Try not to take longer breaks than 10 days ( unless it is needed ofc) as this is the peak point of your bodys muscle building/repairing/anabolic abilitys after that it is downhill.

I know something about having low testosterone levels having them measured for 5 years straight due to illness.

Originally Posted by marinera
One thing to note, is that you could be not overtrained, techniqcally, so still having gains, but your EQ suffer, because all your Test is used to build muscle & c. instead than being used for sexual function.

Wow i didnt know it could work that way. If i cut back a couple sets on my bodyparts so i wont be sore as long do you think that would make a diffference in testosterone distribution?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Forgot to ask do if you PE at the moment, maybe overdoing it? You do your kegels? Felt depressed lately? Just gotta ask you know. :)

On the diet part I would suggest you putting some more fibres in there fruits, berries, vegetables, whole grain products and so forth.
People that train regularly might sometimes experience a decrease in testosterone levels because we use most of it for building, but at your age perhaps not.

Not trying to turn this into a pissing match and sorry if it comes over as one. Just pointing out that it has already been mentioned regarding low test levels due to training.

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
If you just want to be right, so be it I’m just trying to help out a fellow member the best I can answering some of his questions.

An Marinera you wrote in the link responding to someone that they should read the whole thread before jumping in, maybe time to follow that advice yourself?
And to me it seems that that in the link you posted the “conclusion” is about the same as here, please correct me if I’m wrong.

And it should be common knowledge for anyone who lifts weights that a one week break every sixth week or so is a must for letting your body recover.
Try not to take longer breaks than 10 days ( unless it is needed ofc) as this is the peak point of your bodys muscle building/repairing/anabolic abilitys after that it is downhill.

I know something about having low testosterone levels having them measured for 5 years straight due to illness.

I don’t think so.
miltonic24 - My erections are so poor?! HELP!

About the ‘science’ comment, what I mean is that, despite what you can read about everywhere, there isn’t much science if any in training. Supplements are a waste of money, and studies cited to support this or this other way to train or dieting can be counteraddicted by other studies that find exactly the adverse. You shouldn’t feel upset.

Originally Posted by sed26
Wow i didnt know it could work that way. If i cut back a couple sets on my bodyparts so i wont be sore as long do you think that would make a diffference in testosterone distribution?

How do you know how many sets are efew nough to give your body a break? I think if you take one or two weeks off, you are not going to lose any gain and it will be enough time to notice a difference in your EQ. If that doesn’t work, at least you’ll know the problem is elsewhere.

That hard training will raise your Test levels and will help your sexual drive is something that we hear everywehre. I have lifted weigths for 30 years and I have seen many many people training. Basing on facts I know, serious training will not help your sexual drive at all, if anything will harm it. Sorry for the bad news.

I like the cayenne pepper and garlic power in the cup idea from that link marinera. It’s cheap and sounds effective since cayenne pepper seems legit from my google research on it. I will be buying some cayenne pepper either today or tomorrow and try that as well as cutting back on too many intense exercises.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Was not upset, maybe a bit irritated :D as I know everything I wrote helps. And on the science part we agree to disagree and most of the tips I gave was all natural foods except the ZMA which every person who trains should take to increase test levels as zinc is a important component in sperm production which can help him. And it is only an suplement to compliment the diet.

But hey, won’t stress it anymore. :)

Yes let’s all jump to conclusions and give horrible sympathetic advice.

Sed26, I have been in your shoes way too many times. Even now I have some minor ED for up to 48 hours after a serious workout which is complicated worse by dieting. All scientific data aside, the reason you are having problems is not because you are incabable of getting an erection but because the blood vessels have shrunken due to adrenalin and the fight or flight response drawing blood away from that region. Over time the blood vessels shrink back to normal and may even cause the flaccid penis to retract a little inside you. You would know if you had lower testosterone levels by now.
If you want to remedy this all you have to do is warm up like you were pe’ing and edge more often. You can even pump or jelq but you might have to separate your sessions into day and night routines and include a pump up session an hour or so after your workouts. Everything else just make sure your diet is fairly low fat 2 hours before you want to pe and drink plenty of water.


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