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stop shampooing movement.


stop shampooing movement.

Has anybody else read or Googled up on the “no poo” movement? For those not familiar its where you stop washing your hair in the traditional sense. You stop using shampoo and using baking soda, vinegar,or just warm water. It sounds gross but the theory behind it sounds sound. Shampoo strips your hair of its natural oils and PH balance.Your hair makes excess oil to make up for it causing it to be extra greasy. Once your hair adjust to the oils stop being stripped it stops being greasy and back to a normal natural shine. A lot of hair sites have men that swear it makes there hair thicker and growing back new hair and sense the scalp isn’t being dried out there is zero dandruff. The other thing is mostly women insist that their hair is clean and doesn’t smell,and some of the people have been doing it for 5+ years. I dont have much hair and buzz what I do,but been thinking of growing back out and it could make it thicker it might be worth it.

My mother used to massage my hair with Olive Oil, wrap my head in a towel and then sleep in it. I would wash it off in the morning. Made my scalp and hair awesome, did it around once or twice a month. However, my friends thought it was weird as fuck. So it stopped doing it. Might try it again soon haha.

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Overuse of soaps and other harsh things applied to your skin and hair aren’t good for you. They won’t kill you but they do kill the positive flora on your body. It’s a big reason why you can stink so bad in such a short time without bathing.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

I have friends who are doing this and I’ve noticed positive results. It’s a gradual process, I’m told; you can’t stop shampooing at once. You have to ease into it. I’m definitely interested in it though.

I tried giving up all soaps and shampoos a few years ago. I have seborrheic dermatitis, though, and after a while it became clear that it needed continual treatment with a special shampoo. For maybe three years I have been using shampoo on my hair and using body soap to clean my belly button, my ears and between my butt cheeks. Nowhere else on my body gets soap on it. My skin always feels soft and clean. What I used to construe as “clean” now feels papery and dry, on the odd occasion when I do use body soap on, say, my arms.

The only thing that really needs to be removed from your body is the built-up scum from dead skin and accumulated sweat and atmospheric dirt. Get a stiff-bristled brush and use that on most of your body and you’ll be fine. Use scalp massaging brushes on your scalp too, to help break up the gunk that accumulates at the roots of your hair.

9/10/2014: 6.00 BPEL x 4.5 EG

10/2/2014 6.25 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Goal: 7.50 BPEL x 6 EG by 5/2015- Can he make it?

I used to shampoo twice a day. I stopped washing so often and I don’t need to. I don’t know that there are health benefits or anything, I’m just saving money on shampoo, and not needing to put as much gunk in my hair to tame it down. When I was washing all the time it had a Grizzly Adams tendency if I didn’t goop it down.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

In an urban workplace it is not nice to run into hippies who insist on being shit-ass stinking for some sort of belief, while we have to hold our breath on the elevator.

My wife works in a scent free environment, which makes sense, but she says there are a few tunts who don’t even wash and it makes it difficult to share confined spaces with them.

I’m lucky that I’m only in clients work spaces for short periods, and don’t have deal with much of any of that silliness.

My clients all wash and wear clean clothes.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I went no-poo as an experiment quite a while ago. My scalp ‘normalised’ after a couple of months and my hair has never felt or looked as healthy. Nature does know what it’s doing. I don’t think it’s helped any grow back though :( :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I hope my hair will grow back if I do this.

Seems as though it is easier to shampoo your hair then not to. Not shampooing means a baking soda mixing operation followed by a vinegar mixing operation. Morning showers usually don’t allow for extra minutes mixing up no-shampoo solutions.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I just went with hot water and a good scalp massaging brush. The point was to get away from chemicals, as no other creature on the planet uses them! I still use soap on feet/pits/groin and anywhere else if I’ve bed doing dirty jobs, but I prefer a sauna and shower to get clean.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat

if I’ve bed doing dirty jobs, but I prefer a sauna and shower to get clean.

You do dirty jobs in bed? :)

Originally Posted by gerg

You do dirty jobs in bed? :)

He does them Cheap as well. This way he has an excuse to why he cannot afford shampoo.

Rub a dub dub three men in a tub
And who do you think they be?
The firegoat and the gerg and the Patiently Growing
Turn ‘em out knaves all three!

A bit of speculative ‘history’: The History of Nursery Rhymes

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

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