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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My dick has been numb and flaccid for 4 days

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
No one gets, or even notices morning wood every morning. Sometimes it happens while you are asleep and you don’t even know it.

Unless you are Bill10 with his latest routine. He’s losing sleep because of it.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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Originally Posted by Legitusz
Anyone know anything? I’m starting to get scared again. My base feels a little disconnected as I said but it’s a minor feeling. It still feels attached but not as much.

Eating anti inflammatory, shower hot/cold and walking basically. Also in showers sometimes on hot it goes to some hard flaccid state where it looks a bit too blood filled but really healthy shape.

I was erect yesterday just to let it heal like that but now I’m thinking about just waiting flaccid for 8 days and see where it leads. Being erect seems to maybe slow it down a bit.

I’ll update in like a month if no comments. Regards

Can you elaborate what you mean by feeling disconnected at the base?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
No one gets, or even notices morning wood every morning. Sometimes it happens while you are asleep and you don’t even know it.

Originally Posted by How lack
Unless you are Bill10 with his latest routine. He’s losing sleep because of it.

My morning / night wood has been waking me up lately also, and even bordering on annoying - except that I’m so happy for this positive PI.

Originally Posted by ChuckaChicken
Can you elaborate what you mean by feeling disconnected at the base?

Tldr: It’s like if a healthy penis feels 100% attached to base my feels maybe 70% and that the 30% most left side have just given up(it was a lot worse so I’m hopeful)


It’s getting better now, but for some early days of injury if I was full flaccid and move it up and down by hand it felt much lighter than before. I hope that feeling is gone now, haven’t tried in a while.

Theoretically it feels like if I where to stretch it unreasonably hard outwards it would be pretty impotent tier, just a general feel and might be mental.

Sometimes when I (I’m sorry) pee in the hot shower and the muscle wants to empty the bladder(that twitch motion) it sorta bends to the left (not whole penis body but just the base) before moving upwards.
I’ve started to try to avoid all these left hangings since they usually happen after I twitch it and it seems a bit tired after them.

It’s like the penis base tells it to move up but the left side isn’t working yet so the right side overpowers it and it swings in a very minor helicopter motion to the left instead of straight up, while rotating slightly so that my center vein(which was and mostly is centered now) get’s uncentered and more to the left.

Sorry if this is badly explained, left side base seems a bit damaged but if you imagine a flaccid healthy penis. Freeze it to stone and imagine it’s a doorknob you turn 15 degrees to the left that restores it’s natural angle over time while I get more muscle ache afterwards.

The penis body seems somewhat healthy overall. Red discoloration on tip and less blood flow to the head but it’s not major. The underside base is where it feels damaged. Also some on the left side of it at the very bottom(might count as base too).

Found a case I thought was somewhat similar (but still different) and it took that guy 7 months to heal.
Still quite hopeful, your comments help! Thanks

Last edited by Legitusz : 07-10-2016 at .

Originally Posted by Legitusz

Found a case I thought was somewhat similar (but still different) and it took that guy 7 months to heal.

7 months to heal fully, 2 months before he started having sex.*

Originally Posted by How lack
Unless you are Bill10 with his latest routine. He’s losing sleep because of it.

It’s true I swear. It usually happens between 5 am and 8 am, that’s when I wake up. I move a lot when I am sleeping and keep bumping my erection.I also sleep very lightly.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

So I got morning wood today and I get erections if my mind wanders off to good stuff..

But it’s all been weak, like 70% filled and head not filling.

Otherwise it feels better each day in regards to ache/muscle pulsating. >.>
Once erect it seems to take quite long to empty so I guess/hope I don’t have venous leak of some kind.

Originally Posted by Legitusz
So I got morning wood today and I get erections if my mind wanders off to good stuff..

But it’s all been weak, like 70% filled and head not filling.

Otherwise it feels better each day in regards to ache/muscle pulsating. >.>
Once erect it seems to take quite long to empty so I guess/hope I don’t have venous leak of some kind.

Do you have a weak urine stream? What kind of red discoloration do you have on your glans, is it a spot, and where is it located on your glans? Did you jelq with an okay sign grip?
Don’t let these questions worry you, I’m just trying to rule out some possibilities.

Originally Posted by ChuckaChicken
Do you have a weak urine stream? What kind of red discoloration do you have on your glans, is it a spot, and where is it located on your glans? Did you jelq with an okay sign grip?
Don’t let these questions worry you, I’m just trying to rule out some possibilities.

Thanks for the answer!
Maybe a little weaker, not sure to be honest I just pee sitting now and I didn’t before. It feels like it needs a tiny bit more force to start urinating maybe.

Basically whole tip, maybe 1 cm of my it is a little red, more feeling there and a little ticklish. It’s more on the right side so the spot isn’t circular.

Used OK grip yeah.

Originally Posted by Legitusz
Thanks for the answer!
Maybe a little weaker, not sure to be honest I just pee sitting now and I didn’t before. It feels like it needs a tiny bit more force to start urinating maybe.

Basically whole tip, maybe 1 cm of my it is a little red, more feeling there and a little ticklish. It’s more on the right side so the spot isn’t circular.

Used OK grip yeah.

If it’s not really noticeable it’s probably just a bit of PC tension.
Don’t jelq with an okay sign grip anymore. Many of the “pros” on this site will even tell you that you shouldn’t jelq with an okay sign grip because it’s much more likely of causing an injury. Yet this site still only teaches the higher risk okay sign grip to newbies who are already more likely to injure themselves and make it seem safer than it is. It’s kind of bullshit.
You should be alright though. Continue to let your penis rest.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate you calming my nerves. I actually just had that thought that I read about Ok grip being bad after I quit jelqing and didn’t think much of it then cause my dick worked. Also learned OK grip was ok when I started think from here..

Hope PE knowledge overall grows, it’s like an underground hidden cockbook, literally.
Think the knowledge could be very refined if feminism (I’m sorry if I hurt someone) died down and we as a society, focused a little to help the men too.

Well I hope you’re right about the injury and it’s a good feel, thanks! :)

Ok grip is still ok as long as the pressure of the grip goes only on the sides. It take practice but not too much practice.

Overhand grip is the best in my opinion and V grip is probably the safest.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I’m afraid I’m basically impotent but I don’t really know yet.

I’ve read more and my symptoms seem to match that of a torn/damaged fascia. I read surgery is a possibility and I’ve not lost all hope.

I don’t know if it could be PC muscle strain only as I actually do think I heard a minor pop noise and the symptoms match very much unfortunatly, like stiff/ache(sorry didn’t say in first post(so much symptoms)) underside base.

I think I’ll see a doctor next week either way just to check up. I have some money and are in a first world country, might look into surgery.

That said it still feels a bit like it heals but it have plateaued at the stage I’m in now two times. No masturbation yet, my wiggle power is very diminished but works after hot showers/blanket and morning wood is 70% strength of before and rare (none today).

I’m on phone otherwise I’d post a discussion on medhelp about colles fascia tear, and I match what people are discussing there a lot.
Still could be just a strained PC muscle I guess, but I’m pretty doubtful.

Just now beginning think this is what happened. Thinking of not masturbating for long time, look into laser healing and surgeries.

If the stars align I’m just an idiot and it’s a PC strain, or it will heal fine bit I seem to wake up every other day with a very limp, smaller flaccid and have to activate it with hot/cold for it to look normal.

Well that’s it for now, I guess if I should recover some more if I let it rest but I’m afraid it will peak without risky surgery if I’m correct about the cause(I’ve come to this conclusion for about two hours ago so not sure).

Would love some thought out theories.. :/

Managed to paste:

superficial colles’ fascia tear from stretching the flaccid penis. (pegym destrier) - Urology - MedHelp

Might be a bit too desperate but we’ll see. One week at a time. I keep reading people that are like “it heals, 99% of it heals, you’ll still be able to have sex etc” about similar injuries. And it does feel a tiny bit better each day AFTER warm up (unfortunately) unless I wake up with weak wood.

I hope I’m just irrational.

All these updates.

Well I just want to state again I’m not sure of the fascia scare yet. It could very well be a quite bad muscle strain and that I will recover over time. It could also be a fascia damage and that I’ll recover enough so it’s whatever and I still can pleasure a woman.

The main thing that’s leads me to believe it’s a tier 2 muscle strain instead of fascia is that it hangs in strange angles sometimes and I have no clue how fascia damage would cause that but maybe it does. It could be that I’ve got the two injures at the same time but that sounds ridiculous. Also as said, it does get slightly better each day but I can’t really explore every aspect of healing but it’s just a hunch. It could also be mental but I’m 99% sure it’s some kind of physical damage but it might be less than my mind makes it.

I hope I get out of this one boys, and I’m just a bit freaked out again, sorry. I don’t care about top sexual health anymore, I did before when I started PE but now I just want to be able to have a girlfriend without risking being dumped, that’s my only concern.
All talk about surgery is of course speculation, I would not rush into that. I’ll give it lots of time and rest and we’ll see where it goes.



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