Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do you think about people that say an extender stretches penis but doesn't work

Originally Posted by nexus8
Everyone claims 1”,2”,3” or 4” in length but there is no proof of anything.
No pictures taken with the ruler as a doctor does before and after the penis surgery.
Just loads of talk no facts.
Come on guys!
Show the results.

Wow, just look through picture progress section.

Current BPEL - 6.1 Inches

Goal BPEL - 7 1/2 inches

Girth is of no issue at the moment, one goal at a time!

They do work. The ones that say they don’t, they don’t own one or didn’t put enough hours in it. It seems like alot of folks think they can get away with using it for 3/4hrs a day and they will reap rewards. Sorry Don’t work that way. But the same person will tell you that manul pulls will work but a stretcher won’t. We’re is the sense behind that? Hmm🤔

Originally Posted by thumbcock
I just have an extender! I am going to gain a half inch of EL by this time next month. Which should place me at 7.8 inches!

Im curious of your schedule, if you wouldnt mind sharing what’s your hours per day per week?

Originally Posted by 2 short
They do work. The ones that say they don’t, they don’t own one or didn’t put enough hours in it. It seems like alot of folks think they can get away with using it for 3/4hrs a day and they will reap rewards. Sorry Don’t work that way. But the same person will tell you that manul pulls will work but a stretcher won’t. We’re is the sense behind that? Hmm🤔

I agree, I think those who say they dont work generally have been inconsistent or not enough done overall hours when looking at the anecdotes from those who say they do work. People should be well aware that an extender takes a lot of time, with a lot of hours clocked and a regular schedule. I have yet to see anyone who has followed instructions directly of attaining 1000 hours with regular work and rest time and not gained anything.

P.S. “A” and “lot” are two seperate words. “Alot” is not a word in any language. “A lot”, not “alot”. Just had to point it out ;P

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by dj8cut
I gained almost 2 inchs in length in 4 years (non stop).
Extender worked for me but, it takes years.
I really don’t believe that someone can add “half inch” in one month.
The same thing for that someone can add 4 inches to his penis with (no pic).
Sounds very funny….lol

Half an inch per month does seem dramatic to me too, in one year that 6 inches of penis… soon enough, there will be a skyscraper in his pants, an insane improvement of his current 8-inch cervix-scraper!

DJ8 can i ask what you’re routine was in those 4 years, and when you saw the most growth? I’m asking around, because I am beginning to extend in a regular routine and want to have an ideal amount of knowledge to know if I can improve on it.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by thumbcock
I have added over four inches of length and 1/4 girth to my member in 10 years via extender. I could have shortened the time by 4 years had I been more consistent and also utilized manual manipulation vs extender only.
Now I have a better understanding of how my penis works, and it is possible for me to gain a half an inch per month.
This knowledge would have not been available to me if not for my extender.

Mind sharing your most effective routines Sir?

Originally Posted by LightningZee
Half an inch per month does seem dramatic to me too, in one year that 6 inches of penis… soon enough, there will be a skyscraper in his pants, an insane improvement of his current 8-inch cervix-scraper!

DJ8 can i ask what you’re routine was in those 4 years, and when you saw the most growth? I’m asking around, because I am beginning to extend in a regular routine and want to have an ideal amount of knowledge to know if I can improve on it.

HI LightningZee!

I started as a newbie and after a few months I increased my exercises in progression.
For several months I wear my extender between 3 and 6 hours a day.
I did jelq for almost an hour following by a lot of squeeze.
Sometime I mixed jelq and squeeze in the same exercise.

The first year I had in gain around “0.5 inch” and almost the same for every year up to a total of “2 inches” in length until now.
I have gained around “0.7” inch in girth so far.
But, between you and me I think you must to be a bit crazy to do so many P.E. lol
Now I have less free time so my routine is:

Warm up: 10 minutes
Stretching: few minutes
Jelq: 20 minutes
Squeeze: 10 minutes
Extender: 3 hours per day
5 days on - weekend off
(kegel every day in my car)

I hope this answers your questions.

Last edited by dj8cut : 06-25-2018 at .

Originally Posted by dj8cut
HI LightningZee!

I started as a newbie and after a few months I increased my exercises in progression.
For several months I wear my extender between 3 and 6 hours a day.
I did jelq for almost an hour following by a lot of squeeze.
Sometime I mixed jelq and squeeze in the same exercise.

The first year I had in gain around “0.5 inch” and almost the same for every year up to a total of “2 inches” in length until now.
I have gained around “0.7” inch in girth so far.
But, between you and me I think you must to be a bit crazy to do so many P.E. lol
Now I have less free time so my routine is:

Warm up: 10 minutes
Stretching: few minutes
Jelq: 20 minutes
Squeeze: 10 minutes
Extender: 3 hours per day
5 days on - weekend off
(kegel every day in my car)

I hope this answers your questions.

Hey dj8cut, thanks for replying!

Your routine sounds incredibly similar to how I plan to, however I will also be throwing in some fulcrum and bundle stretches during the warm-up and a bit of pumping for 7.5 minutes per day before wearing the extender (i read the scientific tests showed a better gain when using a pump).
I can only hope to gain as well as you have, you must be incredibly happy with your results! But are you sure 3 hours per day extending is enough? The studies showed that those below 4 hours gained almost nothing. If you want I can try and dig up those studies :)

Haha how do you know about my PE schedule? *wondering*

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
But are you sure 3 hours per day extending is enough? The studies showed that those below 4 hours gained almost nothing. If you want I can try and dig up those studies :)

4 hours a day is a practical number to shoot for; however, I believe one can still gain below 4 hours a day.

The process and the accumulated hours are the keys to growth. After acclimating and growing into your current extender length set up, one must push to the next level and then start the growth/acclimation cycle over again. Thus far I have added bars in .5” increments. I have done this twice so far over the course of 965 hours. I am shooting for 4 hours today, but it’s typically something less than that.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
4 hours a day is a practical number to shoot for; however, I believe one can still gain below 4 hours a day.

The process and the accumulated hours are the keys to growth. After acclimating and growing into your current extender length set up, one must push to the next level and then start the growth/acclimation cycle over again. Thus far I have added bars in .5” increments. I have done this twice so far over the course of 965 hours. I am shooting for 4 hours today, but it’s typically something less than that.

If you have personally had results contrary to what I have said then I think everyone should take note; as I said I was just going by what the studies say.
I agree that the accumulated hours are important too, as is the tension. I assume you are using a SizeGenetics-like extender, my previous post was based on the Phallosan, which I forgot to mention.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
If you have personally had results contrary to what I have said then I think everyone should take note; as I said I was just going by what the studies say.
I agree that the accumulated hours are important too, as is the tension. I assume you are using a SizeGenetics-like extender, my previous post was based on the Phallosan, which I forgot to mention.

I use the X4.

I have gained 0.50” over almost 1000 hrs. I also perform all kinds of other forms of PE such as jelqing, clamping, pumping, etc.

So all of that has to be taken into account.

I haven’t read the studies. I surely wouldn’t argue with them, since my own study is only test subject one.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LightningZee
Im curious of your schedule, if you wouldnt mind sharing what’s your hours per day per week?

I agree, I think those who say they dont work generally have been inconsistent or not enough done overall hours when looking at the anecdotes from those who say they do work. People should be well aware that an extender takes a lot of time, with a lot of hours clocked and a regular schedule. I have yet to see anyone who has followed instructions directly of attaining 1000 hours with regular work and rest time and not gained anything.

P.S. “A” and “lot” are two seperate words. “Alot” is not a word in any language. “A lot”, not “alot”. Just had to point it out ;P

thanks for the correction. Lmmfao

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I use the X4.

I have gained 0.50” over almost 1000 hrs. I also perform all kinds of other forms of PE such as jelqing, clamping, pumping, etc.

So all of that has to be taken into account.

I haven’t read the studies. I surely wouldn’t argue with them, since my own study is only test subject one.

The x4 is almost identical to the SizeGenetics, isnt it? I have tried to wear the SG but couldnt get it on, not sure why. BPEL is a pretty average 16cm, but i just coulnt figure it.

Half an inch for 1000 hours is pretty decent to be fair. What measurement is that though, flaccid, BPEL or NPEL?

The study was quite extensive with multiple participants, although im not clear on the measuring techniques and if they were self-measured etc, i’m given the impression that they were not self-measured. Still, your experience can add to the picture of gains with extender usage.

Originally Posted by 2 short
thanks for the correction. Lmmfao

We’ve been over this bro, punctuate! This means capital letters *rolls eyes* :P

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
Hey dj8cut, thanks for replying!

Your routine sounds incredibly similar to how I plan to, however I will also be throwing in some fulcrum and bundle stretches during the warm-up and a bit of pumping for 7.5 minutes per day before wearing the extender (i read the scientific tests showed a better gain when using a pump).
I can only hope to gain as well as you have, you must be incredibly happy with your results! But are you sure 3 hours per day extending is enough? The studies showed that those below 4 hours gained almost nothing. If you want I can try and dig up those studies :)

Haha how do you know about my PE schedule? *wondering*

Hi LightningZee!
Because of my work now I have less time to use my extender but, until now I have worn my extender over 4000 hrs.
I do not know which extender you use but, with my andropenis I can do some harder manuel stretch without using the “little springs steel”.
The springs are no longer powerful enough now for me since 2 years.
(don’t know if is a good way to do it but,it still works for me)
Wish you good gains.

Originally Posted by LightningZee
The x4 is almost identical to the SizeGenetics, isnt it? I have tried to wear the SG but couldnt get it on, not sure why. BPEL is a pretty average 16cm, but i just coulnt figure it.

Half an inch for 1000 hours is pretty decent to be fair. What measurement is that though, flaccid, BPEL or NPEL?

The study was quite extensive with multiple participants, although im not clear on the measuring techniques and if they were self-measured etc, i’m given the impression that they were not self-measured. Still, your experience can add to the picture of gains with extender usage.

We’ve been over this bro, punctuate! This means capital letters *rolls eyes* :P

and you need more time then 4hrs in stretcher or your wasting your time. And bro get off my ass don’t care if my spelling or anything else is off.

And we’re are the mods at? Seems like every time a clown gets cocky or arrogant with me you don’t say a thing but when i start to def back a certain mod gets all over me. Funny huh?


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