Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

5 Years Of Extender Experience

According to 4x labs you should have gained those 2 inches in only 6 months. :) It tells me on the calculator that I’ll be 10.5 inches in 12 months. Would be amazing if true.

Originally Posted by Sultan
Thanks for your wisdom.

I have the same problem. I am using the LeLuv Slider which sounds similar to the device you use. I am going to follow Baba_Booey’s advice and just stretch beyond my BPEL.

Sultan how can we find out how much pressure the slider is getting?
I got mine from le luv too it seems like it would be more than a
spring based stretcher since there are no springs?


Has anyone tried modifying this device to add springs?

I don’t have this device, but it seems like it would be simple to add a small set of springs between the adjustment nuts and the sliding head of the device.

Then you could easily gauge how much tension you are applying by how much the spring is compressing. Push the springs down on a scale to “calibrate” the amount of compression that equals the amount of tension you want (eg. If you want 2 lbs of tension on your penis, put your springs on a scale, push down on the springs till your scale reads 2 lbs. and measure the length of the spring. Then when the device is on, if you tighten it till the spring is compressed to that same length, you will be applying 2 lbs. of tension.)

Here’s a quick mock up of what I mean in the case of the Leluv Slider.

(15.9 KB, 337 views)

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Cantlook, I will check out your picture when it is approved but that sounds like a good idea. Right now my extender is more like an hour long manual stretch as far as my penis will go, and I’m not sure if its possible to measure the amount of force used when we stretch manually.

Big to bigger.

I have no idea at what pace to use the extender some days i can stretch a little above EL

and other most of the days i have to stretch way below EL because the penis turtles and slips a lot

and its painful, its beginning to test my patience 6 hours a day to be still wearing it is a challenge for me

i get really desperate! haha

i hope to see something soon i been using it for 3 and a half months and nothing gained i don’t know what

i do wrong.

Didio, I can’t diagnose your lack of success but I’d like to point out a few things:

1. It could take longer than 3 months to see gains
2. Therefore the only way to know if its working until you see gains is to monitor PI’s (physical indicators)
- You mentioned that your penis is turtling, that’s a negative PI, you’re probably doing harm to your penis, not growing it. When your penis is growing it will hang heavier and longer after your routine.
3. Aim to have consistency in your routine. You may be stretching too hard which causes your penis to turtle and slip out on other days (I’m speculating here). Turn down the intensity of your stretch and see if that may help eek out some gains.

Big to bigger.

Baba_boey How much did you’re flaccid increased? Because I know extenders do that!

01.11.2010 BPEL - 7 ,EG - 5

GOAL - 0.5 so I can be a believer!

I thought that but i never stretched past my EL for those 3 months, but even then
my penis while i was wearing the extender wanted to turtle and at a very low tension
and stretch length!, now that i try to stretch past erection length (which maybe is the reason i haven’t
got any gains because i didn’t stretched past EL before) still my penis wants to turtle because
the shaft gets hard and starts pulling back the extender obviously keep stretching after like 1 o 2 minutes
penis shaft goes soft again and the penis stop pulling back again but those 2 mins are painful! happens
like 10 times in the 2 hours session.

The things is when i finish the 2 hour session my penis is hanging much more and if it turtles even
for being turtled is longer, so its very weird really because it turtles and hang a lot on and off, my unit has an attitude or something.

Originally Posted by Didio
I thought that but i never stretched past my EL for those 3 months, but even then
my penis while i was wearing the extender wanted to turtle and at a very low tension
and stretch length!, now that i try to stretch past erection length (which maybe is the reason i haven’t
got any gains because i didn’t stretched past EL before) still my penis wants to turtle because
the shaft gets hard and starts pulling back the extender obviously keep stretching after like 1 o 2 minutes
penis shaft goes soft again and the penis stop pulling back again but those 2 mins are painful! happens
like 10 times in the 2 hours session.

The things is when i finish the 2 hour session my penis is hanging much more and if it turtles even
for being turtled is longer, so its very weird really because it turtles and hang a lot on and off, my unit has an attitude or something.

I agree that in order to see gains from stretching/extenders you need to stretch beyond your regular erect length (not very far beyond, just a little)

Perhaps I am misunderstanding, but to me it sounds like you are getting semi erections while you are in the extender.

If you are extending past your erect length and you become erect, yes your penis will pull back harder on the extender but this is not “turtling” as I understand it.

If you injure your penis stretching or jelqing, after you are done your PE and are no longer applying force to your penis, your flaccid penis will gently pull itself into your body in an attempt to protect itself from what it thinks is hurting it. It’s not a huge amount of force, and not a force that would defeat the extender, but just enough to pull it inside when no other forces are acting on it.

What kinds of other things are you doing while you are in the extender?

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Well i don’t know really because when i have a semi-erection it feels and looks a little engorged and i feel

pressure behind the glans where the strap is like it is tight because the penis is filling with blood,

but when i say it turtles the penis just pull back really hard without being engorged or feeling any tightness

it just pulls back hard and the penis shaft becomes really hard without any engorgement so its a very different

feeling that’s why i say its weird really…. and i occasionally do jelqs like 160 jelqs i don’t do more but

its no difference with or without them, did that happened to you too?? the same that happens to me?

Originally Posted by Didio
Well i don’t know really because when i have a semi-erection it feels and looks a little engorged and i feel
pressure behind the glans where the strap is like it is tight because the penis is filling with blood,
but when i say it turtles the penis just pull back really hard without being engorged or feeling any tightness
it just pulls back hard and the penis shaft becomes really hard without any engorgement so its a very different
feeling that’s why i say its weird really…. and i occasionally do jelqs like 160 jelqs i don’t do more but
its no difference with or without them, did that happened to you too?? the same that happens to me?

Does it happen wearing the extender straight up, straight down and/or straight out?

I was going to suggest that it could be some sort of involuntary kegal action, but the way you describe the shaft getting hard is strange and beyond my experience.

I hope someone else can offer something.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

It happens at wearing it at every position, its gets like hard in flaccid state and then returns to normal

that’s how i can describe it, that occurs me often even without the extender on, sometimes my flaccid penis

shaft gets really hard and then gets really like fluffy its weird, i do hope too someone else can give me some advice if they had a similar experience please.

Originally Posted by Baba_Booey
I thought that I never went on PE forums for my first few years, but I forgot that FastSize had their own forum, which I did read. Eventually they got rid of it and linked customers to the big-penis forum.

It was on the original FS forum that I got this from. Guys would measure their length in the extender and compare it erect length, and it was the consensus that when guys stretched below their erect length, they didn’t gain erect length.

When first starting, you don’t need to stretch that far because it takes a very small amount of force to get the body to adapt. Over time, you adapt to the stress, and it would make sense if you reached a point where an extender cannot apply enough force to continue to gain. This is the time when people suggest decon breaks, which I’ve never done, but I probably should because I gain at a very slow pace.

Baba Booey

Do you jelq after you do your x 4? I haven’t had much luck at all jelqing.
My penis tends to wanna grow wide so i really dont jelq?


I don’t currently do any jelqing, but I was pumping for awhile. I haven’t pumped consistently enough to know about permanent length or girth, but it definitely increases my vascularity. I’ve also stopped pumping before and the vascularity seems to be permanent.

I can’t answer the question about flaccid gains with the extender because I don’t keep track. I think I gained in flaccid from hanging BTC, which didn’t affect my erect length, but lowered my exit point.

Starting length: ~ 6” BPFSL (Mid ’06)

Current length: ~ 9.35” BPFSL (June 2020)

Yes I see some guys on here that hang alot and have a huge nbpel

but not that much gains in bpel. I hope to gain bpel like you have.



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