Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thought on how much size matters


Thought on how much size matters

Just a thought but if size were a big factor in women deciding on their partners, wouldn’t natural selection and evolution come into play. What I mean is if a majority of women sought out bigger than average penises, wouldn’t over time the gene pool give us all large penises?

Don’t get me wrong, I am here as is everyone to get bigger but for those who worry so much about it maybe take that into consideration.

Start nov05 6.313" BPEL x 5.250" EG

Current 7.5" BPEL(goal reached!) x 5.375" EG

Goal 7.5" BPEL x 6.25" EG

Ever seen any greek statues? Yeah… we’ve evolved, atleast some of us. What you said is true. Good job for saying something that’s not true.

Size doesn’t really “matter” for me anymore. I mean… there’s still people with bigger penis’ than me. This actually troubles me a lot and keeps me at it. But really, at this point P.E. is just a hobby for me… the same way others play soccer or build model cars or collect baseball cards. It’s fun as hell… has a more satisfying result than other hobbies. And I get to play with my favorite body part. The hobby is pretty low budget compared to others… it’s an awesome hobby to have. The only thing that sucks is that unlike soccer and baseball cards we don’t really get together and P.E. or whatever. Other than on TP of course. So, then I guess it kind of is the same because it has its community. But then again… you wouldn’t really talk about it.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Natural selection ensures that women choose the partner who is going to be able to best provide for them and their offspring. Penis size comes way down the list from that.

Greek statues never displayed reality; the sculptors had to take into account that people then had the same insecurities as now. Who is going to buy a statue with a larger penis than themselves?

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by theskyisthelimit
Ever seen any greek statues? Yeah… we’ve evolved, atleast some of us. What you said is true. Good job for saying something that’s not true.

That is interesting. I did a little Google on the subject and picked up this paragraph from an article, I’m not sure of the creditability but maybe this will explain that.

“It also appears that the difference in age did not really matter. Not youth, but beauty was important. (The ancient ideal of male beauty: broad shoulders, large chest, muscles, a wasp’s waist, protruding buttocks, big thighs, long calf’s. A man’s forehead was not supposed to be too high, the nose had to be straight, and he had to have a projecting lower lip, a round chin, hawk eyes, and hair like a lion. His genitals had to be small; men with big penises looked like monkeys.)”

Start nov05 6.313" BPEL x 5.250" EG

Current 7.5" BPEL(goal reached!) x 5.375" EG

Goal 7.5" BPEL x 6.25" EG

Good point. I’ve been wondering the same thing many times. Maybe the society was so much different that women couldn’t choose from that many candidates. In the past financial security had more to do with the decision to take a husband. I mean women didn’t go to work as often as they do now. When you are financially independent, then and only then, you can choose the cock you want :) .

This is why I will predict that the average cock size will go bigger in time. Maybe like 1/4” in every 20 years. So keep on working people or the youngsters will take your MILF’s :D .

Theskyisthelimit, how long have you been doing PE? If you started jul 2005 that kind of growth must he a record.

Before PE: NBPEL 5.50" x EG 4.30"

Current: NBPEL 6.50" (BPEL 7.5") x EG 4.6" (head EG 5")

Goal: NBPEL 7.00" x EG 5.25"

His genitals had to be small; men with big penises looked like monkeys.)”

Monkeys have very small genitals compared to humans dude. The average Gorilla penis is like 1.5 inches or something like that. TINY!

Right. Gorillas have small whangs. But the smaller primates get, the larger the average cock gets. Strange.

Originally Posted by MaximumPuffer
Monkeys have very small genitals compared to humans dude. The average Gorilla penis is like 1.5 inches or something like that. TINY!

Thank you for informing me of that, I was only quoting from an article about what the Greeks interpretation of a man with a big penis for their art subjects were. Maybe by “monkey” they were meaning primitive or beastly, dude.

Start nov05 6.313" BPEL x 5.250" EG

Current 7.5" BPEL(goal reached!) x 5.375" EG

Goal 7.5" BPEL x 6.25" EG

Originally Posted by sumyunguy
Just a thought but if size were a big factor in women deciding on their partners, wouldn’t natural selection and evolution come into play. What I mean is if a majority of women sought out bigger than average penises, wouldn’t over time the gene pool give us all large penises?
Don’t get me wrong, I am here as is everyone to get bigger but for those who worry so much about it maybe take that into consideration.

My opinion is: quite possibly.

The Kinsey study was done in the 50s or something, for all we know a study nowadays could result in the average being 0.25” higher. But, there are also the other studies to take into account, the scientific ones where guys were measured by trained nurses in a scientific manner.

The greek small penis fad was a backlash against what they all knew deep down IMO. The guys with small dicks tried to gang up on all the guys with big dicks and through the bandwagon effect everyone believed smaller was better, whereas biologically that generally isn’t true.

“Greek statues never displayed reality; the sculptors had to take into account that people then had the same insecurities as now. Who is going to buy a statue with a larger penis than themselves?”

That’s a witty comment.makes sense to me!

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
The larger peni “went missing” for some reason or another.

No doubt in the possession of the patrons wife…

"Debate the idea..."

LOL sometimes post like these makes me laugh. There are just some crazy misguided people in this earth.
Penis size is not a big factor or a factor at all when women try to find their partners for life. Even if it is a factor, it will be insignificant. Penis size doesn’t make, break or prolong a relationship. Getting a woman or keeping one depends on your personality and definitely not the size of your penis.

Penis size is only for sex. You also have to keep in mind that even if you have a big penis, it doesn’t mean you know how to use it. A big penis will sometimes give more pain than pleasure in bed.

Originally Posted by gamecity
LOL sometimes post like these makes me laugh. There are just some crazy misguided people in this earth.
Penis size is not a big factor or a factor at all when women try to find their partners for life. Even if it is a factor, it will be insignificant. Penis size doesn’t make, break or prolong a relationship. Getting a woman or keeping one depends on your personality and definitely not the size of your penis.

Penis size is only for sex. You also have to keep in mind that even if you have a big penis, it doesn’t mean you know how to use it. A big penis will sometimes give more pain than pleasure in bed.

Stick around.

"Debate the idea..."

Been in betterman, thundersplace, Fastsizeforum, penissizedebate and generally PE for 2 years now. I don’t think I need to stick around because I’m glued already.

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