Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

” I dont want you to get big headed but you feel massive”

So now I have a huge smile and a girlfriend who has been having allot of fun.. to the point she now has the dreaded honeymoon ailment. Its the first time she has said that to me and we have been living together for quite a few years… and yes she was sober and didn’t want me to pay off her credit card debts!!!!

I can tell you how I did it and it only took me 10 sessions!!!

Guys this is my first ever post but I have been reading the forum for a year and trying different techniques with no real success. I get a real lift when you guys make break throughs and you have all given me some hope. So after another session of Jelqing I decided to have a rest and take a few days to evaluate where I was going wrong. SO for about a week I worked on different grips new ways to engorge my penis and most importantly making a note of my penis pliability or rather density. I found that some days my penis was easy to manipulate and some days regardless of the erection state I felt that for all the puling squeezing and gripping in the world my penis wasn’t responding as well. In days gone by I would have just carried on. I concentrated on the single technique that would give me the most controllable increase in size of my penis.

So now I only do my exercises when my penis is warm and very malleable, this tends to be when my penis is about 10% erect, contrasting my previous 60-70% jelqing state. At this point I can pump blood into my penis and trap it with my grip. I then use one hand to hold the blood in and the other to bend my penis back on itself making sure that the bend ensures maximum expansion of the penis at the bend.. in other words making it as thick as possible, I find at this point if the penis is getting hard then it limits the max thickening of the shaft. The key thing I concentrate on is getting as wide expansion I can get from the bend and hold it for 10secs I work on left and right bends working progressively up the shaft and it only takes 10min. The frequency is every other day, I find every day isn’t as effective though I think thats a personal thing and how my own body adapts.
By purely concentrating on the state of my penis and looking for the most expansion I can get for the least amount of erection has given me the gains. My length has gone up by half an inch and I have gained nearly a whole inch and a half in width… I think my girlfriend noticed the width, I did as I was holding it before I put it in, it felt really heavy in my hand and as I was easing in, I was thinking to myself ” It feels bigger to me and the tape says its bigger will she notice”…. and as I said she did.

So guys my advice is don’t give up hope as you will find the technique, that suits you, try and try, concentrate on the job in your hand and be logical and methodical. Don’t do your exercises, go through the motions and hope for gains like I did for a year…. specialize and personalise.

Good luck

That’s the reason we PE. Nothing can be sweeter than those words coming from your partner’s mouth. Congratulations man.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Congrats.. keep us posted on all further commentary and successes..

Masters of the art of life draw no sharp distinction between work and play. Their labor and leisure, their mind and body, their education and recreation... They hardly know which is which. To them, they always seem to be doing both.

If you gained a inch and a half in width what width did you start with? How exactly are you measuring?

Why do some women NOT want to say those kinds of things? My level of desire would go up further!


Did it really only take you ten sessions to gain 1 and a half inches in girth??? It took you less than a month?

This sounds like an interesting method. I have to try it sometime. Since I injured myself I don’t want to do exercises that involve trapping blood at high erection levels.

Does your penis go lumpy with this method?
Did your glans grow too?
On a scale of 1-10, how much pain is there when you do it?



Never heard of this.

I have read other threads where flacid exercising seems to work better than erect. I think I have tried to put too much pressure on my dick in an erect or almost erect state, assuming this makes the most sense for stretching the tissue. I have made very poor gains over the years. I am starting flacid jelks and will try this exercise as well. It gives me new hope.

Mr. Orange, when you say you “bend back” does that mean you are folding the top side to put pressure on the underside, or visa versa, or both?

WOW……. IF you don’t mind, PLEASE describe your method again in a little more deatail, just to make sure I’m getting it. Also what are your current stats (Length and Girth) to make your girlfriend say those MAGICAL words? GREAT JOB!!!

Holy cow 1.5” in girth ?? Are you sure.
Do an area calculation you have probably added 2.5 times to your penis volume
Along with the length gain.

I hope you don’t mind if I am just a touch skeptical with your first post, but hey if you really did thats awesome, congrats.

What we’re your before and after stats.

Originally Posted by mrorange

when my penis is about 10% erect, contrasting my previous 60-70% jelqing state. At this point I can pump blood into my penis and trap it with my grip.

Describe the method you use to “pump the blood into the shaft” Is this a basic jelq, what are you doing exactly? with your erection level so low I would think that the normal OK grip wouldn’t work?

Originally Posted by mrorange
I then use one hand to hold the blood in and the other to bend my penis back on itself making sure that the bend ensures maximum expansion of the penis at the bend.. in other words making it as thick as possible,

I don’t really understand or have a mental picture of what your saying here. Are you simply twisting it in one hand while clamping with the other?

Honestly if you really gained what you say (I hope you have believe me). You are going to have to give details, post pictures, and name every technique because you have the holy grail to PE!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Mr. Orange, you made some very incredible claims and now please give us the details of how you did it!


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