Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is 6.5 BPEL really above average?

The point I was making was that becaue you see it so often (and yes. I know about mirrors) but you see it so often in the same situation, like Krowax says it doesn’t register as big because you are used to seeing it.

This might interest some guys here: Deconditioning the Eyes. It may sound like a rather extreme method just to notice gains, but it’s the only way I can see my dick size “realistically.” Looking in a mirror doesn’t do much for me — actually looks smaller than when I look down.

I agree with you - BPEL is definitely “useable” size. When I’m grinding passionately, I am no doubt countersinking my cock far below that soft, yielding fatpad.

I measure BP for erect, NBP for flaccid - for just that reason. And when it comes to flaccid, it is what you see. But erect is the money measurement, and when I’m screwing I sure don’t stop on skin contact!

I feel the same way. I’m about 1/4” longer than you and your words basically described my own thoughts about my tool.

I do believe that we often look at the world through PE-colored glasses; nonetheless, I do believe that we can draw some fair assumptions or opinions about cock size.

Personally, I would not describe my cock as huge (I don’t know if this contains vestiges of my less-than-satisfactory flaccid size, or simply seeing a lot of porn over the years, etc.). But in my honest opinion, I think a guy should be 8+ (nbp) x 6+ (mid) before he could consider himself huge. And I would say that is a huge-looking dick (and most women would certainly agree). But if you’re talking about 6.5, 7, 7.24, BP, etc., you’re really just arguing with the ruler. A big dick speaks for itself, loud & clear.

And I would agree with you that girth offers the most immediate, dramatic statement for a “big dick” (especially width over simply girth). A guy could be 6+ x 6 and most women would say he’s bigger than a 7.5 x 5 (and that’s without their having any knowledge of volumetric readings, etc.). And a fat cock just looks “stronger” and opens up a woman more than a thinner cock.

As the now-infamous “Dr. Bitch” had mentioned, “Most guys just focus on length, but women care about girth. I love girth!” (apparently her buckeye didn’t feel the same way). :)

I agree Para-Goomba,
Whenever I look down at it, I’m unimpressed, yet, when I’m sitting down leaning back, it looks frigging huge.
I’m like damn, if I were a chic I’d be all over that. Makes me think, I should just go around whipping it out.

Chris Rock comes to mind.
You look lovely today…like some some dick? and just whip it out.
Bets on how many times I get laid vs. how many times I get arrested?
Wonder how many would say, “Why yes, thank you, I was just thinking how I’d like some dick,
don’t mind if I do, put it right here please.”
Don’t think too many would say, “None for me thanks, I’m on a diet.”

Once again though, when I look in a mirror, I’m unimpressed, haven’t tried looking at it,
at someone else’s house though.
I should definitely do that, it would prove to me at least, unequivocally, that the subconscious is at work
wreaking all sorts of havoc and deception.

What’s PM mean.

Originally Posted by Shiver
I’m a nads toenail shy of 7.5bpel, and to me it looks absolutely average no matter how I look at it (top, side, mirror etc). I look at records that I kept where is was definately smaller, but it looks exactly the same to me. I’m not saying it’s tiny, I certainly wouldn’t claim above average in public. I just think the ruler shrank or something.

While I’m logically aware of the inconsistancies in terms of change vs perception, what I see compared to what is measured just doesn’t seem to plug that gap. The message here is probably that most guys who want to PE should probably find something more productive to do with our lives. The eyes do lie though, that’s the only reasonable conclusion I can come to.

I’m 7.25” BPEL now and look at it the same way. If not for the ruler and tape I’d think nothing had changed. The very best BPEL I got on the day I started PE was 5.5”. I hit 5 5/8” after some stretching and jelqing. Girth is up at least 1/2” from then in base, mid and foreshaft, yet I don’t notice any difference either by sight or feel. The tape shows it.

Our perceptions change.

A great way to use the full length of your cock is to have the girl ride on top while you’re on a hardwood floor. A soft cushy bed bends the guy’s torso enough so the shaft submerges.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

I agree with mravg and powpow

Originally Posted by muttley
A great way to use the full length of your cock is to have the girl ride on top while you’re on a hardwood floor. A soft cushy bed bends the guy’s torso enough so the shaft submerges.

Tense your butt cheeks too, it’ll look bigger instantly.

Originally Posted by dongdon
Tense your butt cheeks too, it’ll look bigger instantly.

I’ll try that!

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

I know this horse has been beaten to death but I am board, so there.

For most of us, the only other dicks we have seen are from porn. This creates a mindset of what the average dick looks like. As we all know, there are not a lot of *average dicks* in porn. In fact, most are in the above average and huge category. Combine that with the photo tricks (angle, distance, the way the hand is placed at the lower base of the dick, etc..) and even a slightly above average dick looks really big. This is why a good analysis of the size surveys is important.

From what I have gathered if you have around 6.5” BPEL and 5” EG you are solidly in the average category, possibly upper average. At 7” BPEL and over 5.25” EG you are safely above average. I think a lot of guys feel pretty comfortable at 7+ but still feel somewhat inadequate because of our porn conditioning. I personally will feel much better about my size when I get to 7, but I will not be completely satisfied with anything less than 8.

I know there are a lot of guys here in the 7+ category that are not happy with their size. It is interesting that those who started smaller and gained a lot are not as unhappy as those who are 8 and started at 7.75. I think if they had to wear a 5 for a week their perspective might change.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Although I always liked the idea of owning a huge dick, I never had any issue with size until I realised something could be done about it.

Giving it some more thought, I think my dick has become the symbolic victim of some as yet unearthed inadequacy or complex. How to bring that kind of thing to the surface eludes me though.

Originally Posted by mravg
when you look at other guys, you can’t see how big they are bone pressed. So 2 guys could both be 6 inches nbp but one of them could be 7 BP and the other 6.25 BP. The guy who is 7 might feel better about himself, but if they were both with the same woman, that woman would say they are the same size, right?
I never measure BP, I find it useless.

NBP is definitely what counts for the woman but not so fast, think about this…

You are totally right however I would not go as far as to say that BP is useless because its a scientific measure of real growth that took place without any distortion from the fat pad otherwise how would you know how much growth really occured?.

Besides if two guys measure the same NBP but there is a .75 difference in BP then the guy with more BP merely has to lose some weight in order to benefit and convert BP into NBP ( what really counts) but the guy with .75 less BP must actually grow his penis if he has no fat to lose. I would rather be the guy with more BP that only has to shed some pounds because it seems to me that shedding pounds would be an easier task than growing inches.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 01-28-2005 at .

Originally Posted by hughGRection

According to a thread on this site, ( and I’ll post the link if I can find it ) MRI scans of couples having sex have shown that up to 1/3 of penis length can come from internal penis, under the fat pad during sex.

I just want to know who the fuck took an MRI of people having sex!! Was it a slow day at the radiologist??


I dont see how thats possible dont you have to perfectly still during an MRI?

How could he be thrusting unless he was like applying constant pressure?

You are kidding right? :) There must be a better and more cost effective way of doing that.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since




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