Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Female curiosity

Zane, I think you and Mr. Happy would make a fine looking couple!

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

I wonder how often Robyn Williams gets called “Mr. Happy” by strangers on the street?

This could be a soap opera. Will Mr. Happy be able to please the lady Blue or just end up with blue balls? Stay tuned for the next zany adventure.

β€œToo bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair.” - George Burns

Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock. Will Rogers stats- Started PE around 10 yrs ago at 6.25" el and 4.5" eg as of 8/1/2005 6 7/8" el and 5"eg PE does work. If I had been dedicated all along I would probably be 9x7. I never have been consistent with my PE but have gained anyway. Goals are 8x6 by 8/1/2006


YOU LIED! YOU’RE NOT BLONDE AT ALL! (Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)

Semicolon’s are good. What’s wrong with semicolons? Are you suggesting you need a semicolonoscpy?

I like this avatar much better. It’s cute and cuddly. Well, cuddlier than that scary Eye In The Sky anyway. Is that really you? I suspect foul play. We know zane is a blonde. Who are you and what have you done with her?

Oh, one more question is fish-oil good for paranoia as well OCD and schizophrenia? I sometimes exhibit symptoms of all of those things.

It could be my helium habit.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 08-24-2005 at .

I’m 5’10” and I like black leather—maybe cute and cuddly to some people but not to most. Yes that’s me, taken back a couple years ago when I still had access to my ex-husband’s digital camera. Although I’ve got a webcam now, I suppose I could take a still with that.

I have no idea about fish oil and paranoia :)

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by 24 Hours
I wonder how often Robin Williams gets called “Mr. Happy” by strangers on the street?

I live in New York. People only talk to each other on the street if there is an imperative need for it.
You know, like: “Get the Hell out of the way you’re blockin’ the sidewalk.” or “Hey! I’m walkin’ here!”

In LA it’s a different matter.

Nice shot, there zane. Any chance we can see the leather regalia? Or perhaps you have something clingy in a nice black latex?

You know, casual attire.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I’ve heard of husband-wife teams on Thunder’s, but not about them meeting at Thunder’s…


regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I live in New York. People only talk to each other on the street if there is an imperative need for it.
You know, like: “Get the Hell out of the way you’re blockin’ the sidewalk.” or “Hey! I’m walkin’ here!”

In LA it’s a different matter.

Yes, it is different in LA. People don’t talk to each other on the street here because everyone is in a car!

Originally Posted by zaneblue
I have never experienced a twenty-minute orgasm, although I’m working on it. I’ve experienced twenty orgasms in twenty minutes.

Most tantric techniques for men are too hard. Tantra is full of tricks and techniques for better lovemaking but personally I believe at the heart of it is a basic physiological phenomenon. If a person has lots of these small orgasms from PC muscle flexing, like a couple dozen a day, then it does something to the nervous system, allowing orgasmic reactions at different non-genital parts of the body. It’s much easier for women than men to do this, first off because PC muscle orgasms come naturally to us, and second because we do not naturally release this energy during orgasm the way men do.

Just doing tricky BC muscle flexing is generally not enough for men to have prostate orgasms. That’s why I recommend the Aneros for men—I’ve heard it can bring on sort of an automatic tantra. But of course lots of men aren’t going to want to stick something up their ass (although I say don’t knock it until you’ve tried it). I’ve also come across a technique that somehow seems to generate this energy without BC muscle flexing, that seems to channel regular male orgasmic energy back and up (and also helps delay regular orgasm), called key sound multiple orgasm. Here are websites:

I believe these two approaches are the quickest way to full tantric ability for men.

I suppose what I want out of life is sensual pleasure. I know being a hedonist is shallow, but call me shallow. That’s part of the reason why I stay on my diet. Women ask me why I stay on my diet with the excruciating libido that it brings when I’m currently celibate. It’s not only the many orgasms that I have, it’s also the general pleasure that having high dopamine brings. Music sounds better, colors seem richer, the world just seems more sensual.

Looking I to Tantra right now!


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