Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Circumcision: What is your opinion?


Originally Posted by TLCTugger
And it would be way too soon to assess. Give it 5 years to appreciate the deadening of the glans and surviving foreskin.

After circumcision, the glans becomes lighter because a layer of creatine forms which also causes further desensitization, which can also mean irritation and loss of feeling. That’s why I wear my foreskin closed and only open it for masturbation, urinating and washing. I would never be circumcised because you can masturbate very well with foreskin.

Masturbation is better than sex!

They can really screw up an infant circumcision. What I experienced is probably considered minor by a doctor, but has affected me for over 35 years since I recognized the damage. As a teen I realized that the skin on the underside of my penis was 90% scrotum skin. I could see where the scrotum stopped there was something like half an inch of penis skin, then the circumcision scar and an then another half inch or less until the glans. I knew immediately that this was not how it should be and was horrified by that realization. I didn’t think there was anything I could do to improve what I had but swore to myself that if I ever had a son, he would be left intact.

What could I do? I found a home electrolysis device that my parents had and used it on myself. This noticeably reduced the number of hairs on my shaft and I have plucked the remaining since then. Another ten years later I discovered restoration and did that for several years and made a good amount of progress towards having more skin, but of course it’s mostly on the dorsal side of the penis. Then, of course I discovered Thunder’s Place and began my PE journey which is documented here. Through jelqing, pumping, hanging, ball stretching, and only God remembers all the other things I might have done, I’ve achieved a pretty good result on both fronts. I really don’t have a “turkey neck” at all, and it was pretty bad, even though the skin transition is still close the same location as it was way back then.

I will stop reliving my entire life story. My son is not circumcised. I may have convinced a few expecting parents to leave their sons intact. And I hope that this barbaric practice (infant circumcision) will go away one day because some boys are harmed much worse than I was.

If you have some phimosis problems, is ok, but if you don’t have any problem I don’t see any reason to do it.

I help men to solve their sexual dysfunctions and improve their sexual life without feeling useless.

Ayudo a hombres a resolver sus disfunciones sexuales y mejorar su vida sexual sin sentirse inútiles.

Originally Posted by kitkat789
If you have some phimosis problems, it’s ok

There are non-surgical ways to resolve phimosis, and even if surgery is the only option, one rarely needs to excise the whole foreskin to make the skin tube comfortably mobile.

Originally Posted by firegoat
One of the best things for me was that I could feel my penis sliding against the vaginal walls, rather than just in and out of my foreskin, and that there was more friction for the woman as they could feel the same.

I was reading this thread and I saw this post.
Well I am uncut but when I am getting erected my forskin is rolling back automaticaly and my glans corona is keeping it there during sex.
So everyone is different.

My Dad was circumcised later in life (I believe that he was having some kind of a problem with his foreskin) so he thought that he was doing me favor. As it was, most of the male baby boomers were circumcised. So I didn’t feel weird in the locker room. I remember back in grade school some Hispanic kid was using the urinal next to mine and I happened to glance over (don’t get me wrong, I was not the habit of checking out other kids at the urinals) and I thought that this kid must be deformed LOL.

I would have preferred not being circumcised as a baby. I feel like it’s mutilation. I mentioned it to my mom and she said everyone does it for health reasons. I said there are more uncircumcised men in the world.. Than there are circumcised men but she didn’t believe me. I didn’t let the doctor snip my son though. So his is still intact. I am working towards restoring my own foreskin though.

Originally Posted by Growth8213
Hi everyone,

I was circumcised shortly after I was born. I didn’t even figure out that I had been circumcised until I was about 10 (I thought I was just born that way). Around 13 or 14 I started becoming very sad and angry about it because I had no choice over it and I wished that I still had my foreskin. I still struggle with this every day. I personally believe that circumcising boys without their consent (when they are just babies) should be outlawed. I’m not against the procedure itself but I believe that the person receiving it should have consented to it. Even if there enough evidence to support circumcision (which there really isn’t, research only shows a slight drop in std’s), I still don’t think it should be done to a child who has no control. You’re taking away a part of someone’s body (one of their most important parts at that) without their permission, most of the time just because it is a tradition. If someone wants to be circumcised later in life I think that it is totally fine, but not as a child. What are your opinions on this?

I restored my foreskin starting when I was 14 years old. I now have a 3/8” overhang. This even tricked my family doctor. Doing this is as mundane as brushing your teeth. I did much of my tugging while sleeping. It worked well. Provided you clean under the foreskin with running water everything I read says it is healthier not to be circumcised.

The reason I started was because of every erection painfully hurting. My missing foreskin was needed to accommodate erections.

The bonus came about 4 months into this. The callous came off my glans. I couldn’t believe the pleasure that is taken away from being circumcised.

I don’t agree with circumcision without informed consent of the penis owner.

It’s a barbaric, backward practice that is rarely useful in the 21st century, not even for most cases of phimosis.
I’m gay myself and have the luck of living in Belgium, where most guys are not circumcised. The ones I had sex with who were, well, it’s clear they don’t have the same level of ecstasy as I experience.
I know this will probably hurt some people, but I actually refuse receiving anal sex when the guy is circumcised. It’s just not fun and painful for me (note that I know that it is not the same for everyone, I stress that it’s just how it is for me), it’s more difficult to keep lubricated, and at least 50% of the cut guys are in my experience more rough.

One day I had a date with an American exchange student. He dropped his pants, I looked down and saw his heavily mutilated member. I looked up again & into his eyes. I’ll never, *ever* forget his look.

I don’t understand how some people still cheer for the practice, including women who often praise “the hygienic and aesthetic benefits”. BS. They just don’t know what they’re missing.

Originally Posted by The_G_Man
I looked down and saw his heavily mutilated member. I looked up again & into his eyes. I’ll never, *ever* forget his look.

It makes me so angry that any man has to live a random level of damage because someone couldn’t wait for the penis owner’s informed input before altering his genitals with a risky haphazard partial amputation.

I’m not against circumcision. If somebody, wants to cut off their foreskin, I say go ahead if it will make you happy. I just hope he doesn’t end up regretting the decision.

That being said, I’m against infant circumcision. No part of the body should be altered without someone’s consent. If he wants to get circumcised when he grows up, he should be the one making the decision.

In my knowledge, America is the only country that circumcises their baby boys for non-religious reasons. However, the curcumcision rates have been going down over the years even though the procedure is covered under medicaid. This means more and more American parents are actively choosing not to circumcise their baby boys even though it’s done for free. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next 10 years, majority of the newborn male infants in America are uncircumcised. But, and I may be wrong about this, there is a minor level of stigma against uncut men in the country and being uncut is a deal-breaker to some American women from what I have heard. The Americans on this forum may be able to shed some light on this.

Religious circumcision is another matter altogether so I won’t comment on it.

May the gains be with you!

Start (20-4-2021): 5.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Now: 7.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG | Second Goal (7.5" x 5") Achieved on 06-04-2022 My Gains & Progress

Next Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Last edited by thisistheway : 08-17-2021 at .

My take on circumcision is that parents don’t want to teach their sons how to wash and maintain their uncut penis because it will be, to them, like teaching them how to “play” with themselves. I think parents are scared to teach their kids how to wash their genitals because they think they force their kids to touch their genitals, which leads to masturbation, which is embarrassing for parents to deal with. Add religion into this and its a mess: parents need to stop worrying about sex so much and teach their children how to bathe, its ok and cleaning is not a sexual act! I mean parents are afraid to tell their kids about sex and what it is, so you can imagine they definitely don’t want to teach their kids how to clean (touch) their own genitals. I’m not a parent, but I always felt like the fear, worry and shame that could be attached to parents teaching their kids about genital cleanliness leads them to just circumcise their sons.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

It’s also a result of decades long policy of routine circumcision in newborns. Such a thing surely leaves traces. When a firm belief or established practice (ritual, if you want) is called into question, you directly attack the sense of safety, beliefs, trust in government and doctors etc.. Which is very hard for people to accept. I guess the same is true for religious circumcision because criticism may feel as an attack on people’s core values.

But I think you surely have a point: there *still* is an enormous stigma on sexual organs (whether it be male or female), but we all come with a set. It’s ridiculous, when you think about it.
I mean, other than “Spartacus” and “Game of Thrones”, I can’t name any recent movie or TV series where the penis is showed proudly and without all the stigma.

People should be proud and accepting of their own bodies and that of other. Revel in the differences, unite in the likeness!

Good day to all :)

Originally Posted by pumpedmember
My take on circumcision is that parents don’t want to teach their sons how to wash and maintain their uncut penis because it will be, to them, like teaching them how to “play” with themselves. I think parents are scared to teach their kids how to wash their genitals because they think they force their kids to touch their genitals, which leads to masturbation, which is embarrassing for parents to deal with. Add religion into this and its a mess: parents need to stop worrying about sex so much and teach their children how to bathe, its ok and cleaning is not a sexual act! I mean parents are afraid to tell their kids about sex and what it is, so you can imagine they definitely don’t want to teach their kids how to clean (touch) their own genitals. I’m not a parent, but I always felt like the fear, worry and shame that could be attached to parents teaching their kids about genital cleanliness leads them to just circumcise their sons.

Originally Posted by The_G_Man
It’s also a result of decades long policy of routine circumcision in newborns. Such a thing surely leaves traces. When a firm belief or established practice (ritual, if you want) is called into question, you directly attack the sense of safety, beliefs, trust in government and doctors etc.. Which is very hard for people to accept. I guess the same is true for religious circumcision because criticism may feel as an attack on people’s core values.

But I think you surely have a point: there *still* is an enormous stigma on sexual organs (whether it be male or female), but we all come with a set. It’s ridiculous, when you think about it.
I mean, other than “Spartacus” and “Game of Thrones”, I can’t name any recent movie or TV series where the penis is showed proudly and without all the stigma.

People should be proud and accepting of their own bodies and that of other. Revel in the differences, unite in the likeness!

Good day to all :)


Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Difficult To Find The Right Thread.

I was searching for a more up to date thread on this topic, but with the search tool couldn’t find it. I paste what I wrote in an outdated thread about this topic:

Now I’m 43 years old, had my foreskin intact a lifetime and had it cut now. Means I definitely know both worlds.

My decision has partly to do with penis enhancement, and this is why I want to write about it. As far as I know there are a lot of critics in the US against circumcision of little boys. I don’t want to comment on that. I answered the poll from my personal view. Having in mind my personal decision I would have preferred to get cut before adolescence.

In Europe things are different. Many men consider circumcision not only for serious health reasons. Many just don’t like the look of their uncut member. Others find cut dicks looking better. In most parts of Europe cut men are still rare. In the middle east things are the opposite of course.

For me I didn’t like the look of my foreskin. It had this typical little boy willy look, the foreskin fully covered the glans and ended in a little pipe. I would have liked to have a looser foreskin that exposes a little bit of the glans. That looks good to me.

Also, after starting PE I had the feeling, that my foreskin doesn’t allow my penis to hang freely, thus show my progress. It was as if it pushed the shaft back into the body.

There were no serious health related reasons. My foreskin was elastic enough, so was the frenulum. Only when fully engorged the frenulum became tight and drew the glans downwards. But I was with almost permanent inflammations of the urethra, which means a lot of discomfort and unpleasant smell.

I came across “auto circumcision” which means to wear your foreskin retracted all the time to get an idea of a circumcised penis. Tried it for several months. I liked the feeling of the exposed glans after getting used to it. It is as if any tiny movement or rub stimulates it. Loss of sensibility? No way. Permanent triggers that’s what I got. Ultimately I started to like the look and the feeling. After going dry my glans skin feels like velvet, very nice to touch.

Well it’s a surgery and there is a scar and some scar tissue. The result won’t be as if I was born with a circumcised dick. It will always be visible. And it would have looked better if I was cut before teenage, before my dick grows.

What’s the outcome? The grass is always greener on the other side? May be. I thought things through, got informed, considered opportunities, made a test and made my personal decision, which I don’t regret so far. I benefit in look, health and feeling.

PS: for those who think they have lost something because had been circumcised when being little: the penis is a very “intelligent” organ. It adapts to changing circumstances to still get what it needs. Things have changed a lot for me. But I don’t have the feeling, that I have lost something. It’s just different and still very good!

Stats: 06/2011: BPEL: 13 cm; MSEG: 10 cm; 04/2022: BPEL: 20 cm; MSEG: 14 cm

Goal would be: BPEL: 20 cm => reached 03/2022; MSEG: 15 cm

Bangel77's Journey More pictures: Post full body pics here (p. 216)


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