Thunder's Place

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Pravachol and weight gain ???

Pravachol and weight gain ???

I had a friend of mine just go to the doctors for a physical and his cholestorol came back at 270ish. Bad to good ratio was 112/65 ish. His triglycerides are at 280 also.

Now he is about 30 lbs overweight and is trying to lose weight. The doctor prescribed Pravachol to reduce his cholesterol and he is a little nervous about taking the drug. I googled Pravachol to dig up information but not specifically about what he asked me. I asked my own doctor and they didnt want to give me information for someone else. Can you guys answer any of these questions for me?

1) Will he fell any different when he takes it?
2) Will he have more energy?
3) Will he feel better and not feel in a “fog” most of the time?
4) Will it effect his erections at all?
5) Why does he have to take it at night before bed?
6) Are there any side effects?

Your help is greatly appreciated.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Okay I know it’s not an exciting thread like some of you guys post. But I was sincerely looking for some answers.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


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