Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

please don't tell me this is nerve damage...


I got a sensation like that when I first started, and I took a break - immediately! Even though I knew it was very mild, I was quite worried (like when you suddenly realise you have mislaid your *spare* dick, and are down to your last and only one).

Usually if you quit stressing your body at the first indication of strain, it make a fast and perfect recovery. If however, you keep on ignoring the signals, the result can be a very long-winded recovery. Or permanent damage.

The good thing about these injury threads is they remind everyone to take it EASY!

I'm fed up of having a signature!

I know man, the problem is it’s just hard to find the right balance you know? I was on a 2 month plus plateau, and finally managed to find that sweet spot and make some great gains. Sure there was some mild soreness but in the end all the other PI’s were there: morning woods, high EQ, best of all .35” in about 6 weeks. There weren’t any significant indicators that I was doing too much. I guess all we can do is be more careful.


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