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Low LOTter's any success?

Hey Bugs, just curious, what’s your erection angle?

I’ve also thought about if most of the PE gains, if not all, simply comes from the ligs and/or improved erection quality (stronger erections). Ligs improving the length and better EQ making it generally bigger, head size, girth etc. Interesting thought.

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I think it work’s because I know my penis very well and I know when tissue is being stretched, I have tested it a few times not much but it really gave me a great stretch that SO alone did not do. Also in my manual routine’s I did exercises that stressed my tunica in the same way and I have made some pretty good gains since I started.

I agree with “I wish people would put things under more scrutiny before pushing them” very heavily which is why I even decided to post in this thread.

ponylok: “i heard the LOT theory was dismissed”

kooljohn: “it seems to be pretty much completely debunked and ignored now by those in the know. Same as the warm down which is now all about the cooldown at the end of a workout.”

There would of been some guy that read their post’s not knowing if their info was legit and went on to tell other people “yeah LOT theory is wrong”

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

surely the tugback would have something to do with how strong your kegals are ?

The tugback is so small with me, and its stronger at 9 o clock than at 12 o clock, is this common ?

I think im just trying to get myself to dismiss the theory as ive just found out that i have low LOT.

The loss of tugback shows when your ligaments are engaging, you can have a very strong bc muscle and you would still experience a loss of tug back.

I haven’t heard of anyone with stronger tugback at 9 than 12 yet :S surely you mis-judged?

Anyway don’t get hung up on all of this it’s no big deal, I’ll let some other people give their opinion’s now.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Bluray, I understand you liked it but no one has really gained from it. It’s an unproven technique with very little to show (picture wise and results wise).

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Originally Posted by bluray
The loss of tugback shows when your ligaments are engaging, you can have a very strong bc muscle and you would still experience a loss of tug back.

I haven’t heard of anyone with stronger tugback at 9 than 12 yet :S surely you mis-judged?

Anyway don’t get hung up on all of this it’s no big deal, I’ll let some other people give their opinion’s now.

Hmmm maybe it stays pretty much the same. I am hopeless at stretching up, any tips?

Originally Posted by bubba77
Bluray, I understand you liked it but no one has really gained from it. It’s an unproven technique with very little to show (picture wise and results wise).

There is also a lot of people who says no one has really gained from hanging weights from their penis and all the before and after photo’s were bogus, but that didn’t stop me from trying and succeeding.

I understand though where you are coming from but I am going to incorporate it into my routine after I feel I no longer gain from BTC for a few months.
I will be sure to post all the information of whether it fails or provides me with nice gains.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by gainerihope
Hmmm maybe it stays pretty much the same. I am hopeless at stretching up, any tips?

Why exactly do you have trouble with the upper angles?

Maybe you just need to practice?

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by bluray
Why exactly do you have trouble with the upper angles?

Maybe you just need to practice?

Not sure really the skin just seems to slip upwards while strecthing at upper angles, also feels like im pulling the skin more than the penis.

Yea ill keep praticing thanks.

Well a lot of time’s at new angles the skin is the first thing that is being stressed, maybe after you stretch the skin enough then you will hit the tissue you was aiming for.

When I first started doing BTC the skin was the only thing being stretched and I thought I was doing it wrong until the skin finally stretched out.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by gainerihope
I was told I should be stretching downwards due to high erection level, now I’m supposed to be strectching upwards?

Familiarize yourself with the penis/pelvis anatomy and get in there and have a feel.

While flaccid and standing up straight, having your pelvis straight, take your hand and trace the penis shaft behind the balls down to it’s root (the bulb). If the exit point is located a bit higher than the root of the penis that means the ligs is holding it up and you would benefit from working the ligs.

Just from a quick feel I can tell that from my exit point my shaft then goes downward in an angle to the root of my penis. This also means I have a high erection angle because the angle between the exit point and root determines the angle of the erection, thats basically where the penis will point when it gets rigid.

If your having trouble finding the root of your penis you should know the BC muscle is located there too, if you do a kegel you can locate the muscle with your hand (you will feel it contract). That’s the root of your penis.

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Bubba77 I was searching for RSDT gains so I could possibly share with you and I came across one of your old thread’s where you asked if RSDT fulcrums worked for others, the first reply the guy said he had gained 1/4” in a pretty short amount of time. That is a big gain if you ask me.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
Familiarize yourself with the penis/pelvis anatomy and get in there and have a feel.

While flaccid and standing up straight, having your pelvis straight, take your hand and trace the penis shaft behind the balls down to it’s root (the bulb). If the exit point is located a bit higher than the root of the penis that means the ligs is holding it up and you would benefit from working the ligs.

Just from a quick feel I can tell that from my exit point my shaft then goes downward in an angle to the root of my penis. This also means I have a high erection angle because the angle between the exit point and root determines the angle of the erection, thats basically where the penis will point when it gets rigid.

If your having trouble finding the root of your penis you should know the BC muscle is located there too, if you do a kegel you can locate the muscle with your hand (you will feel it contract). That’s the root of your penis.

I dont exactly know what you mean here. When you say down to its root, do you mean follow it all the way round to by the anal hole? I dont think you do mean this. I dont get what you mean when you say, take your hand and trace the penis shaft behind the balls down to it’s root (the bulb).

Sorry not the brightest lol.

I have a low LOT and have recently started doing OTS hangs. Going to be doing OTS and SO hangs for 3 months and see what my results are like. If they’re pretty good I’ll make sure to post a thread with the results.



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