Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Collected wisdom from the vets and good gainers

I am so addicted to PE now. I want to get into my pump all the time because it is sooooo comfortable. I know I can not overdo it.

Excellent thread and very encouraging for those of us who seem to get discouraged very easily. I had been PE’ing off and on for some years (mostly off). No gains and very mechanical. So stopped for a few years. Then found Thunders and all the positive threads and posts. I started in February and have stayed on a beginners routine (taking some time off for vacations.the joys of retirement). Have felt a definite change in my penis and now jelqing is something sensual and something I look forward doing.I have yet to measure my cock. Figured I’d wait for a few months.

My interest in Pe’ing ,besides added length and girth, was mild Ed due to blood pressure meds. At 63, I am in very good health, except for the Ed. I jelq, stretch and kegel.I also use cock rings after a session to keep the pump longer.

Thanks guys for the success stories and the constant encouragement.

Great thread! I read this when I first started and forgot it. Now I know where I got my idea of high quantity jelqs with a good mix of hand positions, kegels, edging and why I am growing. I sometimes wonder if my jelqing isn’t an erect stretch as they sometimes get pulled hard like a squeeze with two hands. I like to mix it up. But like you I’m not consistent on stretches other than my hot tub warmup BTC’s.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Great accounts of getting bigger. Thanks brothers.

Count me in as a PE addict. Immense advice and encouragement here from the wise elders.

Thank You.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)


As a newbie this thread has been very inspiring. I have started PE to improve erectile quality and gain length and girth as a secondary benefit. I am married to a great woman who is satisfied with my current size but not so much with my ED I got after coming home from Afghanistan. For some woman size definitely counts. My first wife was like this; never achieving orgasm with me without digital intervention. She had an affair with a rather well hung guy; I know because I came home from work and caught them at it. After a massive argument with her she admitted her boyfriend made her orgasm very easily. Well that marriage ended and I was left feeling shattered and inadequate for years. I

I hope I gain easily but am in this for the long haul. In the first month now but already my ED seems to have gone and my erections seem harder, fuller, and heavier.

Originally Posted by tknick140
As a newbie this thread has been very inspiring. I have started PE to improve erectile quality and gain length and girth as a secondary benefit. I am married to a great woman who is satisfied with my current size but not so much with my ED I got after coming home from Afghanistan. For some woman size definitely counts. My first wife was like this; never achieving orgasm with me without digital intervention. She had an affair with a rather well hung guy; I know because I came home from work and caught them at it. After a massive argument with her she admitted her boyfriend made her orgasm very easily. Well that marriage ended and I was left feeling shattered and inadequate for years. I
I hope I gain easily but am in this for the long haul. In the first month now but already my ED seems to have gone and my erections seem harder, fuller, and heavier.

Wow now that’s anecdotal motivation for PE if I ever saw it. I’m glad to here that your current wife is happy and that your current incentive is EQ. Best of luck my friend.

We're never lazy about that which gives us joy; therefore, laziness is a deficiency of joy.

Gain goal: 1"BPEL x 0.5" meg

great thread

Creciendo día a día... en todos los sentidos :D

Great thread.
Feel happy for all the gainers.
I would like to start PE. Is there an age limit to start. I’m 41.
Any specific foods to have along with the exercises?

Thank you

No age limit, if my memory serves me correctly we had a member that was in his 70s and was gaining.

Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL

Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG

Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)

The only requirement is to have a beating heart.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Thank you seniors.


Originally Posted by tknick140
As a newbie this thread has been very inspiring. I have started PE to improve erectile quality and gain length and girth as a secondary benefit. I am married to a great woman who is satisfied with my current size but not so much with my ED I got after coming home from Afghanistan. For some woman size definitely counts. My first wife was like this; never achieving orgasm with me without digital intervention. She had an affair with a rather well hung guy; I know because I came home from work and caught them at it. After a massive argument with her she admitted her boyfriend made her orgasm very easily. Well that marriage ended and I was left feeling shattered and inadequate for years. I
I hope I gain easily but am in this for the long haul. In the first month now but already my ED seems to have gone and my erections seem harder, fuller, and heavier.

Part of the reason I started back up again this year was because I was concerned my wife would consider finding a bigger guy than me. Sorry for your loss, and you will find with PE that anything is possible with time. ( :

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by avocet8
Weighing in, luvdadus, on your inspiring thread to Newbies:

At age 56 I started experiencing ED. I thought it was simply age-related, but not so. It turned out that years of beta-blocker blood pressure medications combined with a thiazide diuretic had had their vascular toll. At the time I rarely had nocturnal erections or woke up with morning wood. Sex was becoming a _very_ iffy proposition and I began to avoid opportunities because of fear of failure. This fear/avoidance led to my receiving the highly-dubious Performance Anxiety Poster Boy Award for 1999.

One of the men at (links to this organization are listed at the top of MSHF) suggested pumping to me as a means of perhaps recovering some of my penile vascular losses. He said also not to be surprised if my dick got larger over time.

I had a nice dick in those days. 6 x 5.75, not real long but thick and I was pleased with it, except when I was flaccid. I’ve never been a shower. 2 inches was par and I’ve been extremely self-conscious about that since junior high. Given the possibility of reducing the level of my ED and increasing (maybe) my dick size, I started pumping, but more for ED than size.

After 4 – 5 months of pumping (no other PE exercises) I was an inch longer and had more girth. Nocturnal erections and morning wood were coming back. I needed a bit less Viagra to stay hard during sex. I was stoked.

Found PEForums first, which led me here. I have nothing bad to say about PEForums, however here at Thunder’s I found a membership much more interested in the “science” of PE and the comparative mechanics of getting results than in how far one can shoot and how to get laid more often. That stuff was gravy to me; I wanted quality erections and more flaccid size.

Rather than tell you what I’ve tried – a long laundry list of techniques that changed many times during my going on three years of active PE, it is easier to tell you that I did not hang, did no “blasters,” no reverse Kegels, or use sticks or devices other than the pump. Nothing wrong with any of these; they just didn’t fit my “style” or time budget.

At somewhere around 8 length, I was totally delighted with my erect size. By then the degree of my ED was much reduced. My penile vasculature was quite different – from smooth and no veins to very prominent veins and arteries. But flaccid gain lagged waaay behind. On a very good day I was 3 inches, no big whoop to me.

It was not until I began to experiment with cock rings that flaccid gain began to kick in. I wore a standard 3 snap leather cock/ball strap for about four hours after all PE workouts. Sometime later I had a series of PM and email conversations with Peforeal, who had the same flaccid intentions as I did, learned about his clever find of the Wrist Strap and began wearing one of those instead of the leather one for reasons of comfort. The cock/ball rings seem to have resolved my flaccid gain problem. Without one, I now hang 6 x 5.5 compared with the old, skinny 2 inches.

For the first time in 6 decades, I feel – inside my head – that I’m “hung.” More later about what that and the rest of this PE stuff means to me.

I went into “semi-retirement” at 8.39 x 6.39. Then (WTF?) I went up to 6.50 girth. Now, (WTF?), I’m pulling another extra half inch of length in my pump cylinder. That hasn’t cemented, but I don’t care if it ever does because I am a very happy camper.

Newbies: This is about stick-to-itiveness, not some sort of passive wish you might have. As DLD and others say, you have to visualize and you have to take the time - often taking it away from the rest of your life requirements - to stay with it.

This is truly inspiring!! I also lack in the flaccid hang :(

Amazing thread :)
I’m by no means a vet yet, but my gains are beginning to show up as I always wanted (a.k.a. “fianceé commenting about how thick and lengthy I am without knowing that I’m doing PE and never having commented things like these before”).
There are a few good things that I wish I had read before starting - some of ‘em are good advices because they change a few things in a way that most of us like, but some may not want such results:
* based on my oown experience

1 - It really is a matter of time and sticking to your routine, but you WILL get gains, even if only due to stretched ligs.
2 - As long as you do things right and don’t overdo, your EQ will be hugely improved.
3 - As soon as you start taking things seriously, your dick will start to show its veins to the world - usually this is a look most guys desire, but some may prefer a more “flat” look. I was a very flat guy; now I’ve got that “hulk” looking veins all over the place (and I do love having ‘em).
4 - The overall shape of your unity WILL change. I used to have a 100% straight dick considering every axis. No it does point up a little, which is something I like, but some may not. I also have a more even girth across the shaft.

Started: ~5.9 BPEL x ~4.72EG (November 2014)

Current: ~6.82 BPEL x ~5.7EG (February 2019)

Goal: 8 NBPEL x 6.5EG


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