Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anybody Feel A Little Weird About Talking About Their Dick?

I think it is great that we all can be so honest about our selves. However, I can honestly say that I have never spoken to another soul as I have spoken here and dont know that I ever could. I can tell you that my anonymity has everything to do with that. Even if I met you guys face to face I think I wouldnt be as easy going as I am here. But what do I know. For instance, PirateSteve lives in my home town and I have been somewhat uneasy about getting together with him and he is just an everyday run of the mill, freak of a guy, with a great swingers life and is traveling in Mexico right now, that I would love to hear stories about.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally posted by 789
However, I can honestly say that I have never spoken to another soul as I have spoken here and dont know that I ever could.

Thank you for summing up my life!!At least on the subject of PE.
My wife and I have (what I consider to be) an open and forthright relationship. No lies,no BS. She knows I wank in the shower sometimes and I know she reaches for her vibrator when Im not going to be home till late. No problem either way.
But I dont think I can tell her about me PEing just yet. Ive “glossed” over the subject before…and of course…you get the standard “oh honey, your dicks great, blah,blah,blah….no I wouldnt want it any bigger, etc,etc”
However, being only average means that theres room for improvement…and just because we have good sex doesnt mean it cant get any better. Right?
I will tell her about my PEing adventures, when she says to me ” gee your dick feels bigger”
789 is right, the “anna nimity” (sorry, couldnt resist!!) makes everything easy to discuss.

I don’t talk much because I’ve been banned before because of it.

I’m a newbie but I have a very honest and open relationship with my wife of 11 years. I’ve informed her of my PEing and she thinks it’s healthy. We’ve always had great sex but again, there is room for improvement. I’ve shared my new found hobby with my two best friends. They are both BIGGER than me. (Yes, we’ve compared!) That’s another story in itself! Anyway, I feel totally comfortable talking about sex and sexuality. It’s a natural thing. When you think about it, someone had to have sex in order for us all to be here. That’s a lot of fucking. A lot of pleasure was had in the process.

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

Talking about my nob in these forums is a little weird at the moment but thats just my repressed Victorian English upbringing surfacing somewhat unexpectedly and will probably wear off after a few posts. However, it’s probably not something I would ever feel comfortable doing in the outside world although it would depend on the circumstances.

One example I can think of took place a few years ago when I was in hospital after a bike accident. A nurse made some derogatory penis size remark about either myself or the guy in a bed next to mine. We compared notes after the bitch had walked off and we kind of came to the conclusion that it was possible she was referring to either one of us. We joked about penis size for a while and I happened to mention that I had once bought a pump but had not used it much so couldn’t tell if it worked or not. He told me that he would be very interested to know if it worked as he felt he could make use of something extra down there.
I never did get much use out of the pump but now that I have found another system that seems to work quite well for me I know I would feel pretty awkward telling him (we have become good friends since hospital) about my gains & techniques. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to tell him that PE works as I would hate for him to go through life feeling less of a man than he could be (just as I myself used to), but I just don’t think he would be that interested now that he has settled down with a kid etc. If the subject ever comes up then I might say something but tbh I think I would wait until I had gained 1.5” in length first. After-all I would rather be known as a ‘weirdo’ who hung weights from his 7” manhood rather than a weirdo who hung weights from his 5.5” willy!!
My brother on the other hand gets his nob out whenever he’s had a few (I think he sees it as a chat-up routine without the effort of stringing words together) -different for him though as the git has a non-PE’d 9” tool.

I guess what this drink-fuelled rambling equates to is that I’d feel a whole lot more comfortable talking about my dick when I feel it is a more respectable size :)

I am very glad that advoc8 has gotten over his phobia about discussing his willie; still, I wish he would stop calling me up drunk at 3 in the am and reciting “Ode to my penis.”

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally posted by Wombat

One example I can think of took place a few years ago when I was in hospital after a bike accident. A nurse made some derogatory penis size remark about either myself or the guy in a bed next to mine. We compared notes after the bitch had walked off and we kind of came to the conclusion that it was possible she was referring to either one of us.

That’s really fucked up. My wife is a nurse & she would certainly agree that this sort of bullshit occurs at the hospital. She honestly is not that type, but a lot of the women are (she actually finds that disgusting). But she says that when a patient comes in who is either very tiny or very large, many of the nurses will talk & talk about them (especially the huge dongs). And it isn’t dependent on the age of the nurses - from 20 to 60. It’s just about the type of woman each one is.

She also told me they fired a nurse in her 20’s who was caught sucking some horse-cocked old man.

Isn’t that just “special”?

My wife is very conscientious and very serious about her career, she genuinely tries to be compassionate & help her patients. But a lot of the nurses she works with are just trash - beer-drinking, pill-stealing whores. And a number of them get caught with narcotics, or falsified drug charts, etc….or, as I’ve said, blowing an elderly patient. :o

Well I still ride a bike & chances are I’ll end up back in that hospital ward someday. Would hate to have to go back there but it would be worth it just to see the nurses faces & hear the badly hushed remarks when they clock my PE-enlarged dick :D

You guys talking about the hospital made me think about something. I visited a friend in the hospital and I was very surprised to see several nurses check me out for a bulge. I guess I’ve thought that since they see men all the time that checking a guy out like that would not interest them.

A black nurse and a white nurse were walking toward me and I overheard the black nurse say in a low voice “insomnia” to the other one when looking at me. Then as I got by them she said to her, “especially with white grinding on it “. I kid you not, I have excellent hearing. She was quite a bit younger than me but didn’t seem to care.

Later I went to the hospital cafeteria to eat and several nurses were sitting at a table together. One of the nurses in particular made a special effort to get a good look at my crotch as I walked by while she was sitting.

This really was a bit surprising to me since they see everything all the time. Maybe they see so many naked men that bulge watching is actually a treat to them because it’s a different view?

I do feel a little weird when I’m talking to my dick; but the worst part is when my dick just ignores me.

Would you feel better if it actually talked back?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Well i’m pretty much used to talking about my dick now, anybody else’s dick dick, any any dick dick.

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

Originally Posted by Tex3
Somewhere I got the impression that the reluctance/inability to talk about things penis is an American phenomenon and that Europeans are somewhat freer.

I am a natural science student, so me and most of my friends are atheists. I think we are pretty open-minded about sexuality. With my closer friends, we can discuss, for example, different sexual technics, premature ejaculation and temporary impotence, that we have experienced. But there’s one thing that we never ever discuss, and that’s the size of our penises.
The size of the penis is the one quality of a man where average is not enough. Everybody knows that most women want to find a man with a big penis. It would be foolish to tell anyone about your small penis, and if its big, it would seem like bragging. So you just don’t talk about it.

I’ve liked talking about my penis to anyone that’ll listen (unless it’s my in-laws or something akin to that kind of relation) ever since I was about 13 or 14 years old. I used to flash it out all of the time, too, until it started to be turtled all of the time. I’ve discussed my penis with more people (in real live, this is) than I’ll ever be able to recall.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

In my circle of gay male friends we have always talked openly about dicks and everything related to them. We are always careful not to joke much about small dicks just in case one of us is self conscious about his size. When I was restoring my foreskin I was open about it. My friends have seen my soft dick when I showed off my PA. Everyone in my group already thinks I’m hung huge because I show basket and am fairly large soft. If they only knew! But I encourage the fantasy that I’m huge. Nevertheless, I am always open about dick talk because the shy ones might hear something they can research on their own. If I have gains from my PE I will talk about it freely, too.

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5


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