Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Linear Newbie Routine

They surely look pretty “advanced”. I am sure, that they work, but I wouldn’t keep any rush in moving to that harsh methods.

As we talk here about advanced methods. Here is one stretching method, that could be useful for those who look a bit more effective stretching exercise and have done their routines for some time. That was actually my first post in here.

Warmed stretching.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Originally Posted by J123

They surely look pretty “advanced”. I am sure, that they work, but I wouldn’t keep any rush in moving to that harsh methods.

Of course I did not mean I will do them now. I intend to do the Newbie Routine for 2-3 months.

J123- Do you think it is better to use a standard grip when jelqing or an overhand grip, or do half overhand and half normal? I’ve heard it is better to jelq at lower erection level if you want to gain length, is it the same in this routine? What direction do you recommend jelqing in, my lot is very low-like 7 or near that.

Well here is answer to that jelqing question from my another post. I do that way, because it gives better overall expansion, but it is not necessary to jelq that way, but it has some advantage.

“When I jelq with the other hand I do a bit like V-jelq, but with normal jelqing grip so, that the sides of my fingers puts pressure to the sides of my penis (hand is above penis), then with the other hand I jelq just normally (from the side). Then I just repeat this.”

Well, if you are jelqing I recommend focusing to getting expansion and the erection level should serve it. If you want to gain length and girth what is the purpose of jelqing it is better to choose a golden midway with erection level. So let jelqing be jelqing and stretching be stretching.

LOT theory may have some advantage, but personally I don’t use it and have made my gains without it.
Jelq to direction, that feels naturally to you and of course depending about erection level. Do not force your penis.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Originally Posted by J123
Now I need volunteers to try this routine. Try this at least that 2 weeks or month and report to this thread whether you have gained or not and how much. I don’t want to
know your penis size, I just want to know how much you have gained. Good luck.

This is perfect for me. After posting here like a mad man for two or so weeks I finally had a chance to look over all the techniques and newbie shit and well best officially starting PE July 3rd (really guys I promise this time ;) )
I’ll let you know how it goes J123, thanks for posting this info.

I will also join in and try your routine. I’ve been doing a routine for the past month and a half and haven’t seen any improvement so here’s hoping that yours works for me!

Quick question: I just start with 20~ jelqs for the first few sessions before adding more and eventually adding stretches? That would mean the first session would probably only take like 1-2 min excluding warmup/warm down. Just wanted to make sure since it seems so little (although I guess that’s the idea :) ).

Yes, 20 or so jelqs is very short session. Even it is planned for total newbies, it is good also in your case, because it lets your dick to get used to a lighter routine. Good gains.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Hi J123,

In post #9 starter47 - NEW newbie + advanced routine here I volunteered. Its exactly 4 weeks since I started. Here are my stats:

Start June 12, 2006 FL:8.1cm x FG:10cm, BPEL:12.7cm x EG:10.8 cm

2 Weeks June 26,2006 FL:8.5cm x FG 10.2cm, BPEL:13.1cm x EG:11.2cm

4 Weeks July 10,2006 FL:9.0cm x FG 10.8cm, BPEL: 13.5cm x EG:11.5cm

Gains after 4 Weeks from start :

Gain FL: 0.9cm

Gain FG: 0.8cm

Gain BPEL: 0.8cm

Gain EG: 0.7cm

I don’t have an inch ruler. So the inch values have to be calculated. I will enter the calculated values for the convenience of those more accustomed to inches later.

Appreciate your comments and advice.

Well, those are surely good gains starter47 and gotten just in a month makes them even better. That is really great, congratulations. Just keep doing the routine and remember to keep your head cool. That is just beginning, don’t hesitate. I surely feel happy for you.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Thank you J123 for your encouraging comments. Should I continue the same routine? When do you think I should move to advanced routine? Not that I am in a hurry, but thought that your answer may be based on my progress.

I must tell you that I have a positive side effect too. I can hold longer during sex now. However, I noticed that during sex the stiffness cannot be maintained after I am inside her in spite of the initial full erection. I have to take out and ask her to play with it to regain hardness. Any ideas why? Any tips to maintain the hardness once inside would be appreciated.

Last edited by starter47 : 07-11-2006 at .

Starter47, just keep doing the same routine as long as you are in any significantly way gaining from it. After that you may consider moving to advanced routine (hopefully you are already in your goal then). You have gained so far really well and you wouldn’t gain any better doing advanced stuff, so stick with the basic routine.

PE reduces your dick’s sensitivity temporarily at many ways. You are stimulating it a lot more, than usually and exercises reduce sensitivity also and when it is healing it is less sensitive. Best what you can do is to keep stimulation of penis in minimum outside PE (mainly reducing masturbation and such). The long term “holding longer in sex effect” is because of increased awareness and control of your penis.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Last edited by J123 : 07-11-2006 at .

That bring up a good point J123. I noticed mine is somewhat the same way. Though I am still able to hold an erection just sometimes it very a lot less sensitive. I’ll be sure to hold off on the masturbating as much as possible. Maybe only on my days off.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Originally Posted by J123
Best what you can do is to keep stimulation of penis in minimum outside PE (mainly reducing masturbation and such).

Thanks again J123.
No I don’t masturbate outside PE. That is if “masturbate” in your context mean “until I ejaculate”. But on the PE-off days I do I spend about 10 minutes just stimulating lightly (no jelqing, no stretching, no edging or ballooning), watch the erection and admire. I call it “mental PE:) . I believe that not only the physical exercises but also the “auto-suggestion” that the unit is getting bigger helps to achieve success. In fact I am trying to train my mind to get the erection for this purpose without even touching.

Apart from above I certainly don’t do any other stuff with my unit outside PE - except of course sex with her.

What about my other question? Will the hardness during sex come back after some time?

Well, I did mean all stimulation (without partner) and masturbation (ejaculating or not) being just a one way to do it, but that 10 minutes is just fine and with that mental visualization it does just good. Sex is of course exception to that less stimulation guideline (opposite, more sex).

Your dick has just used to greater stimulation when doing PE, but I think, that you will get that hardness back quite soon. You just have to teach to your dick the difference between PE and sex. Maybe having a kind of a teasing sex would help, where your dick’s pleasure nerves will learn to enjoy even from a slightest touch (but not so much, that it will lead to opposite problem).

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine


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