Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New member needs help with his member


New member needs help with his member

First off, I’m 18. Turned 18 on August 6th. (make sure to get that out of the way). I’m mainly of west indian(jamaican) descent with german, latino and european thrown in there.

My starting lengths:
Flaccid- 5.5-6”
Erect- 8”

My starting girths:
Flaccid- 4.8”

Ok. I’ve been wet jelqing for 2 weeks now. I’ve noticed NO gains whatsoever though I’ve read that many members have gained around an inch in just their first month. Now, I did practice jelqing a few months ago, but wasn’t serious about it. I was hoping it would grow more by this time.

My goal lengths:
Flaccid- 6.5-7.5”
Erect- 9.25-10.25”

My goal girths:
Flaccid- 5.5-6” or something around that
Erect- 6-7”

Do you think this is possible for me? I mean, I heard that if you start out with good gains, you are likely to gain around 2 full inches in length. I know I’m doing it right, every video source I’ve seen matches my method.

Can anyone help me in achieving my goal? Before you go and say the goal sizes are unnecesarily large, you have to understand this. I never want my ‘stuff’ inside a person. I just want the confidence and the aesthetic pleasure of a larger penis. Being 6’1”, my penis looks rather average on me.

Oh. I do my kegels normally too, but I dunno if that helps. Hmm.. I never let myself ejaculate in the same day I jelq. Uhm… I get plenty of water, even though my town went through a recent water scare. I’m not overweight in the least. I weigh 160-165lbs ussually (you know how weight fluctuates). And I have a flat stomach, so there isn’t any missing length due to fat. Can’t think of anything else that would hinder me besides the fact that I don’t have multi-vitamins… and since I’m still in HS and recently got fired, no money for them.

Hi KittyCat,

Welcome to the forum.

Firstly 2 weeks is no time at all. If you don’t see gains in 2 months, then worry. Always be willing to tune your routine as your penis gets more used to and resistant to PE.

Age might play a factor in some people’s initial gains. Often it seems the people in the 30’s or above get these. I don’t think that’s the only explanation but some people get them and they are lucky, others don’t and they are maybe the more normal.

What is your full routine?

Full technique?

Well.. my warm-up is rather weak. I usally just cover up in my comforter with my hand around my flaccid penis. I ussually wet-jelq, since I’m circumsised and dry jelqing HURTS. Hmmm… I do the wet jelqs for about 30-45 minutes. Kegels during the jelqing then many after. Sometimes I do a few uli stretches before or after too.. because I liek the feeling. Before I was jelqing, I help my penis between my legs and pulled. It made the base really sore fore a while, no gains. Did that for about a month or so.

I’m confused how long have you been PE’ing 2 weeks, 1 month or more?

It sounds like you are doing a lot of jelqing, and I understand how that feels like a good thing, but when you start up often less is more and you need to give yourself a path upward.

It would probably be sensible to follow a full routine including stretches like the Newbie Routine.

The hot wrap stage is important. It loosens everything up and actually allows for greater extension without damage so it’s probably not a good step to dodge.

hmm…link me to it?

I wish I still had my heating pad.

I’ve been Jelqing for 2 weeks. I did the penis betwixt the legs thing for a month before the jelqing.

OK, I think it’s time for a full program (I linked the newbie routine above).

If you don’t have a heating pad right now, there are load of other options but a wash cloth is the obvious one. You will really notice the difference heating makes to stretches, you can come out of a stretch session feeling like you’ve done some work.

You confused me with your ULI mention. The ULI #3 is a squeeze, what’s a ULI stretch? The originator of the ULI#3 was Ulistretch.

Try following the newbie routine, but up the jelqing time to maybe 15-20 minutes. Also up the stretching time slowly and maybe turn to more intense stretches after a while.

20 minutes of jelqing can often be more intense that 60 minutes if you make sure that every stroke counts and the stretches will initially work the ligs to get any gains you might have going for you there.

These are just suggestions, but take a template modify it to your needs and stick with it consistently so that you can monitor how much it is working for you.

While you’re following this routine read up the anatomy threads, so you know what you are working and why and look out for stuff to modify your routine with after a couple of months.

I hope that helps.

Thanks so much n_n; and don’t worry, I’ve read a lot about what I’m excersing , expanding and whatnot :x

Do you think my goals are realistic though?

>Thanks so much n_n; and don’t worry, I’ve read a lot about what I’m exercising<

Good stuff. I know it took me some time here before I realised the ligs didn’t go all the way up the shaft :D

>Do you think my goals are realistic though?<

Yeah it all looks realistic. Make sure you get good measurements so that you know what you are gaining and be willing to commit time measured in years rather than months or weeks.

Your racial mix might play a part in the way you gain, there has been some talk about the amount of elastin in the tissue based on race before*. This may also play a part in initial fast gains though not long term gains. I’m not sure how much of this is really speculation though, there has been some research in racial differences in muscle but this kind of research isn’t particularly hip at the moment and how much or little it would appply to you with your heritage is another question.

Years? wow.. the idea is kind of scary. I’d almost like to pump.. but those are supposedly dangerous and not too effective. And that power jelq item looks liek it would hurt. Hrmm.. I’m just typing this to myself, ignore me for now x.x

Originally Posted by KittyCat
Years? wow.. the idea is kind of scary. I’d almost like to pump.. but those are supposedly dangerous and not too effective. And that power jelq item looks liek it would hurt. Hrmm.. I’m just typing this to myself, ignore me for now x.x

I suggest you go check out the pumper’s forum for more information on pumping. It can be a very safe, excellent way to PE if you do it correctly.

Current stats- 7.75" BPEL X 5.25 EG Goals- 8.5BPEL X 6.00 EG

Originally Posted by KittyCat

Ok. I’ve been wet jelqing for 2 weeks now. I’ve noticed NO gains whatsoever though I’ve read that many members have gained around an inch in just their first month. Now, I did practice jelqing a few months ago, but wasn’t serious about it. I was hoping it would grow more by this time.

My goal lengths:
Flaccid- 6.5-7.5”
Erect- 9.25-10.25”

My goal girths:
Flaccid- 5.5-6” or something around that
Erect- 6-7”

Do you think this is possible for me?

It is very possible. Here is what will be needed on your path; Attitude, Discipline, Common Sense, Positive Outlook, Hard Work, Determination, and Proper Tools, which you have provided for you here. We can’t supply the first six, though.


Originally Posted by wannabelarge99
I suggest you go check out the pumper’s forum for more information on pumping. It can be a very safe, excellent way to PE if you do it correctly.

Will do! I really do like the idea of it.. just kinda scared. Let’s see if the forum can supress those fears :x And if anyone wants to donate money so I can get one :p hehe

*giggles* and thanks Alice :p

Fear is healthy, don’t believe otherwise. Always respect what forces you are applying and you will do OK.

Damn ,I forgot patience, I need that too most of the time.

New topic

I don’t like cluttering forums so I’m pretty much making anew topic here. By the way, could you guys move this to that personal progress page?

I saw somethign about ‘clamping’ here. Is it safe though? I sometimes use rubber bands to cut off the flow because I like the veint and full look (I have a rather underdeveloped mushroom for the most part). I had no idea it could enlarge the penis (in girth). Could you guys give me details on this?

Sorry if I’m being a bit of an annoying pest to some.

Nevermind about moving this to the progress forum. I’ll start a topic there, but please answer the constriction questions.


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