Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ask a Female

Originally Posted by Longth
My next question, would you ever consider having all your teeth removed to allow for a toothless oral experience for your boyfriend? Dentures are barely distinguishable from the real thing these days, so I’m wondering if this might become a trend of some kind?

My god no. I just got them fixed by nearly three years of braces. They’re staying in my mouth for awhile. If this question was a joke, then woops.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Is this for real?

My thoughts exactly.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
You like getting teeth? Look around they all have removable teeth these days.. PERFECTLY NORMAL

Well yes I still have all my teeth. The teeth I was born with. And they’re not coming out. And the only articles I could find were ones about girls getting their wisdom teeth pulled and wanting to have oral sex. But not every single tooth.

Also, the article doesn’t work.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
I guess by now you are familiar with the sizes and how we measure.

Do you have any idea about the maximum size you would your bf to grow to? Is there a measurement where you could envision yourself to say”please, enough”.
You know for some who grew to much it can lead to be turned down for sex.

And.. Do you feel or see when your bf has grown?

Well he’s trying to go for a world record so whatever size that is, he’s going for it, and I’m okay with it. I encourage him as well.

Right now everything is fine and I have no reason to say “Okay that’s enough”. For one, it would be rude coming from his number one supporter. But in general, I guess enough is enough when sex is unpleasant for the both of us.

And I can’t really feel any difference. Not yet at least. And as far as seeing any changes, those are a bit tricky.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Originally Posted by Rycbar
Well yes I still have all my teeth. The teeth I was born with. And they’re not coming out. And the only articles I could find were ones about girls getting their wisdom teeth pulled and wanting to have oral sex. But not every single tooth.

Also, the article doesn’t work.

Im cracking up over here. Sorry, was supposed to be ironic and a pic of 007 villian “jaws” ^^

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
I’m cracking up over here. Sorry, was supposed to be ironic and a pic of 007 villian “jaws” ^^

Haha. I guess I need to improve upon my skills of reading written words. It’s always hard for me to tell if a person is joking or not when all I see is their written words.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

I wouldn’t be posting in a penis growing forum if I didn’t have too much free time.

Actual question.

Is a penis ever visually appealing? Like, is there such a thing as a “pretty penis”? Just curious, because they really are just like floppy sausages on top of the grossest walnut packaging I’ve ever seen.

The cock thickens


I attached a picture. Once it gets approved, imagine it’s a cock he is chewing on, not a rope. Do you think his teeth come out, like dentures?

Richard Kiel of “Jaws” fame in 007 passed last month. Too bad. He was kind of a cool guy.

Originally Posted by Longth
I wouldn’t be posting in a penis growing forum if I didn’t have too much free time.

Actual question.

Is a penis ever visually appealing? Like, is there such a thing as a “pretty penis”? Just curious, because they really are just like floppy sausages on top of the grossest walnut packaging I’ve ever seen.

Well, I’m no Wilt Chamberlain (knew 10,000 women intimately supposedly), but I’ve known my share including one Playboy Bunny and some models and I think it is likely we (men) appreciate the appeal more than the opposite sex. The first thing out of a woman’s mouth is not generally going to be, “Nice cock, cute shape, darling head, I love banana shapes,” or anything like that. But then, we are men and by nature we have been excluded for eternity from ever really knowing what women really think. It’s our lot in life.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Richard Kiel of “Jaws” fame in 007 passed last month. Too bad. He was kind of a cool guy.

Richard Kiel died?! That sucks. And Wilt Chamberlain is/was my all-time favorite basketball player. I wish I would have been alive when he was playing.

Richard and Wilt, RIP you tall bastards!

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Richard Kiel of “Jaws” fame in 007 passed last month. Too bad. He was kind of a cool guy.

Huh? What does “Jaws” have to do with James Bonds’s special number? Am I totally missing the point of this?

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Well, I’m no Wilt Chamberlain (knew 10,000 women intimately supposedly), but I’ve known my share including one Playboy Bunny and some models and I think it is likely we (men) appreciate the appeal more than the opposite sex. The first thing out of a woman’s mouth is not generally going to be, “Nice cock, cute shape, darling head, I love banana shapes,” or anything like that. But then, we are men and by nature we have been excluded for eternity from ever really knowing what women really think. It’s our lot in life.

But that wasn’t the question.

Do not pass go. Do not collect 100 dollars.

Surely there are ugly ones, and surely there are not so ugly ones. I’d like to hear the definition from the lady.

A good for instance; would discoloration on a dick be bad? Foreskin gross or great? Veiny or smooth? Big bulge in the middle good or bad? Baseball bat shape? Reverse baseball bat shape? Giant urethra? Squirt gun urethra?

Explain from the other side

Originally Posted by Rycbar
Huh? What does “Jaws” have to do with James Bonds’s special number? Am I totally missing the point of this?

Jaws was one of the villains in a few James Bond movies. He had terrible looking metal teeth.

Originally Posted by Longth
Jaws was one of the villains in a few James Bond movies. He had terrible looking metal teeth.

Thank you for clarifying! :) And yes the teeth do look terrible.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson


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