Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Circumcision: What is your opinion?

Originally Posted by Growth8213
research only shows a slight drop in std’s

Any sexual issue is irrelevant to an infant, who won’t be sexual for a long time.

Note that there is indeed research showing a slight reduction in urinary tract infection rates for circumcised infants. However I have never seen any such result in a situation where families clearly knew not to fiddle with the child’s foreskin (and thereby CAUSE the infections). The earliest version of this UTI result was quite fatally flawed, as it compared mostly premies (more likely to be left intact) with mostly full-term babies without controlling for gestational age at birth, and nurses at the military hospital where it was conducted were instructed to retract and clean inside infant foreskins (thereby CAUSING the infections). The main thing to know about UTIs, though, is that any tiny circumcision benefit is far outweighed by the known risks and predictable drawbacks of infant foreskin amputation. Surgical outcomes are obscenely haphazard, and of course the healthy normal patient can’t yet offer informed consent for the non-therapeutic procedure, so it is entirely unethical to take the best part of the penis when there is no emergency.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
practiced by Jews and possibly other religious groups and taken as sacred.

It’s performed in infancy by 97% of Jews in Israel, but only 40% of Jews in Sweden. The commandment is “to circumcise” not “to be circumcised.” That is, a child left intact has done nothing wrong. Long after the covenant of circumcision was given to Abraham, “Thou shall not steal” was given to Moses. Where biblical edicts present a contradiction, solving the ethical dilemma by taking the path of least bloodshed seems a reasonable choice. So many babies have died from religious circumcision that the Talmud expresses rules for how many children in a single family have to die before remaining children can be left intact. It’s three: three dead babies lost by one mother.

It’s performed by about 80% of Muslims, mostly in ages 7 - 12. One might say those patients have somewhat of a voice, but I’ve seen plenty whose screams were ignored. The Qur’an says not one word about genital cutting for either gender, but there are so many Muslims doing it that worldwide, men cut for Islam constitute 2/3 of all males circumcised on earth.

It’s performed at various ages by about half of Coptic Christians in northern Africa. Over 90% of the world’s Christians don’t circumcise children. No pope has been circumcised, except possibly back before the bible was codified. The papal bull of 1442 includes the edict that circumcision “cannot possibly be observed without loss of eternal salvation.”

About half of male infants in the US are being circumcised, but only a few percent of these are for religious reasons.

Originally Posted by Growth8213

I don’t agree with that. The foreskin is important. It protects the glans and contains lots of nerves that increase pleasure. And even if it was useless, why would we want to cut it off? Our fingernails are basically useless yet we don’t remove them from every baby when they are born. Weak logic imo.

You asked my opinion I am not trying you to change yours, you should have put the title as “I think circumcision is mutilation, change my mind.”.

Facts are that men have more benefits to circumcision than to leave that big sack skin hanging lower than its glans (phimosis). Actually no, it does not protect the glans, you may think it does, but only the ischiocavernoso, bulbospongous and kegels muscles in evolution have shown that are the only thing protect the penis, the prepuce is only skin with nerve endings and veins. Aaand, as it keeps the glans closed in moisture and heat, it causes a higher sensitivity in it leading 95% of guys who have it with ejaculating in 2 to 3 minutes, or as some prefer: premature ejaculation. That is why the average sex time is close as 5 minutes of intercourse for men to reach climax and leaving women unsatisfied, why do you think women today have clitoris? Aaand that is my friend how our ancestors 20 thousand years ago evolved.

Why would you want a excess of skin that holds pee and dick cheese around your glans, thereby creating an accumulation of bacteria, moisture and stink all that can cause (if not properly cleaned) diseases in the penis one of those is penis cancer. Even though I properly clean my dick, every time I am going to fuck a woman I clean it in the sink before so the woman do not feel the taste of piss.

I don’t know you, but doctors are not supposed to do this procedure without the parents asking them, and here in my country it is charged R$1000,00 to do this.

I clearly see you have not familiarity with human body, procedures like lisp (tight frenulum of the tongue) it mainly done today right after the baby is born, Otoplasty (those big ears) are done when it is just a baby, microform cleft those bad formed lips and nose right when the baby is still at the uterus are done when the person is still a baby, because those are congenital flaws that if you wait for the person to mature enough there would be some BIG problems that would led for the person when adult or teenager to hate his parents for not having done a simple procedure to correct their imperfections, so not waiting for someone’s consent for some thing like that, how would you do? Now whining about a circumcision, I can’t imagine there are people that are outrageous about this, there are important causes for you to care about.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Now whining about a circumcision, I can’t imagine there are people that are outrageous about this, there are important causes for you to care about.

You present a lot of salient points and they are moot when you close your argument with such a dismissive tone. There are A LOT of people outraged by this. It is a huge debate in this country and it’s important.

Some of us will be vocal about circumcision FOREVER because that’s how our experiences have shaped us. Respect that. Don’t tell us we have better things to worry about. We all spend our time and energy as we please.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I feel like, if this type of cutting away of an organ was performed on a more visible body part, say our ears, there would be little to no debate about whether or not it was mutilation. Imagine if it was some religion’s tradition that children’s earlobes be sliced off. I doubt it would remain so widely accepted as “normal”.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold

You present a lot of salient points and they are moot when you close your argument with such a dismissive tone. There are A LOT of people outraged by this. It is a huge debate in this country and it’s important.

Some of us will be vocal about circumcision FOREVER because that’s how our experiences have shaped us. Respect that. Don’t tell us we have better things to worry about. We all spend our time and energy as we please.

Fine, so my generic answer for things like that based in freedom of speech, individual rights and democracy: if you have a kid simply do not circumcise him, or do if you want to (based on your religion or beliefs). Simple as that.

Now, I just do not understand the point of what is thread is leading to, do you want to force all the people from earth to stop circumcision? Is this what is this thread should lead the trail of thought to? Imagine if this become a political schedule and it starts to force people to violate their conscience.

People who have beliefs or prefer the circumcised penis will continue to do this because they have their reasons and people who prefer the prepuce or simply do not care will live normal as humanity have be doing. I just don’t see why bother with what the other’s do with (in my opinion) a little thing like that that has no affect on you? And for me this is a basic principle of moving on with my own life and let the others with theirs, I thought this was some fundamentals of liberalism in which created the amendments to the United States constitution and it’s people followed.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

I am going to get circumcised in April. The only reason, I am going to get circumcised is for the cosmetic reason because in my "personal opinion" the penis appearance and hygiene is very important.

Dr Cornell is especialize in cosmetic circumcision.

Before and After Circumcision Surgery Images - Circumcision Center

Attn.: When I am in the erect estate my penis looks circumcised cause the foreskin easily moves back. However, I want my penis to look 100% circumcised when the penis is flaccid. You guys will know the outcome in April… :-)

My issue is the dismissive attitude you are speaking with. Once again, regardless your opinion, you make the argument that circumcision as a topic is not worthwhile. If that is your feeling don’t comment on the thread. It doesn’t matter if you are for or against it when your attitude with those that disagree with you is disrespectful. No one is proposing outlawing circumcision. No one made a political comment, liberal or not, before you did. Do not distort or misunderstand what I am saying to you.

Do not tell people they have better things to worry about or that something is a small matter. That’s disrespectful. Period. Regardless what topic it is. Freedom of speech or not in any country, that is toxic on this forum. You can only speak for yourself, no one else. No one is asking for advice on priorities when you give it.

Keep it in mind.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Fine, so my generic answer for things like that based in freedom of speech, individual rights and democracy: if you have a kid simply do not circumcise him, or do if you want to (based on your religion or beliefs). Simple as that.
Now, I just do not understand the point of what is thread is leading to, do you want to force all the people from earth to stop circumcision? Is this what is this thread should lead the trail of thought to? Imagine if this become a political schedule and it starts to force people to violate their conscience.
People who have beliefs or prefer the circumcised penis will continue to do this because they have their reasons and people who prefer the prepuce or simply do not care will live normal as humanity have be doing. I just don’t see why bother with what the other’s do with (in my opinion) a little thing like that that has no affect on you? And for me this is a basic principle of moving on with my own life and let the others with theirs, I thought this was some fundamentals of liberalism in which created the amendments to the United States constitution and it’s people followed.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I’m really surprised at how much of a downward turn this thread has taken.

The o.p. was mutilated, I use this term because it was done against his will or wishes. If it had been his own (adult) decision, I doubt he would have used that word.

I found it very interesting and enlightening to read responses by members who have chosen this path for themselves as adults of their own free will.

Personally I love my foreskin, I can’t imagine being without it. But those responses make me pause for thought.

For the record, I do find the thought that there are people who impose their own beliefs on a child (male or female) by surgically fiddling with their sex organs extremely worrying and distasteful.

Originally Posted by Relaxo
I’m really surprised at how much of a downward turn this thread has taken.
The o.p. was mutilated, I use this term because it was done against his will or wishes…

… For the record, I do find the thought that there are people who impose their own beliefs on a child (male or female) by surgically fiddling with their sex organs extremely worrying and distasteful.

But we are talking about parents / guardians that make decisions for minors all the time. Some medical, some educational, some spiritual.

It is their job to make these decisions…personally I feel many of these decisicions are being neglected far too much these days but that is just me.

Taking away more responsibility from parents/guardians I would say has more negative implications then positive.

Good Thread

I was also cut as a baby. In Australia it was normal in the 60’s and 70’s. I heard that it came about because so many soldiers came back from wars with infections that they started doing it routinely to baby boys. There was no way I would have had it done to my sons- and didn’t. A relative around then had his boy circumcised so he would “look like dad”! Seriously! I gather now (and even by then, 20 years ago) doctors are very loathe to do it on requests like that.

I don’t think it’s like FMG though - that is about reducing a woman’s sinful pleasure. Foreskins aren’t like clits? Or have I REALLY been missing out😳

I had foreskin envy when I started on Thunders but i’m Over that!

Start 9th May 2018. 6.00” BPEL. 5.75 “ MEG. end-newbies: 19th Aug 2018. 6.75” BPEL 6.00” MEG. 20th Sept 6.9” BPEL 6.00” MEG. June 2019 7.25 BEL x 6.1 MEG with cockring on.

Target: An extra inch in length. No fancy car, just an extra inch in length.

Attached is some info regarding circumcision!

I regret being circumcised cause it takes me forever to cum.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
{foreskin} does not protect the glans

It does protect the glans indeed. If it does not, to what do you attribute the dramatically dried and scaly appearance of the circumcised man’s glans, compared to the soft, shiny, smooth, and supple appearance of the intact man’s glans?

Originally Posted by c3ifador
it keeps the glans closed in moisture and heat, it causes a higher sensitivity

I wonder what point you’re attempting to make when you first say foreskin doesn’t protect the glans and then in the same breath you describe the mechanism by which the foreskin does protect the glans? (Google “intact vs circumcised glans” to see many example images of this difference.)

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Why would you want a excess of skin that holds pee and dick cheese around your glans, thereby creating an accumulation of bacteria, moisture and stink all that can cause (if not properly cleaned)

Ah ha! I was wondering if you knew what washing was. Females generate more smegma than males. They wash. We too can wash and never see smegma if we choose.

To say the skin is excess is to place quite a negatively-connoted value judgement. I never had extra or excess. I had the exact right amount.

Why someone would want the normal skin is because of what it is and what it does. It’s full of specialized pleasure-receptive nerve endings, it keeps the glans supple, and it affords an exquisite frictionless gliding mode of stimulation as the sumptuous skin slinks around.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
diseases in the penis one of those is penis cancer.

Not one medical association on earth endorses universal circumcision to fight disease. Many roundly condemn the idea. Penile cancer is a disease mainly of old unhygienic smoking men with phimosis. But phimosis can be treated, usually without circumcision. Circumcised men also get penile cancer.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
procedures like lisp (tight frenulum of the tongue) are mainly done today right after the baby is born, Otoplasty (those big ears) are done when it is just a baby, microform cleft those bad formed lips and nose right when the baby is still at the uterus are done when the person is still a baby, because those are congenital flaws that if you wait for the person to mature enough there would be some BIG problems that would led for the person when adult or teenager to hate his parents for not having done a simple procedure to correct their imperfections

Those are corrections of defects. Normal foreskin as enjoyed by 95% of the secular world is not a defect.

Medical ethics dictates that an intervention may be imposed with only proxy (parental) consent IF waiting for the patient’s own informed consent would lead to net harm, and WHEN less-destructive options are exhausted. Non-emergency circumcision fails this common test decidedly. Fixing a lingual tongue tie passes with flying colors.

Informed adults can decide for themselves. The procedure is much simpler and the outcomes are more predictable when done to the adult. The same crude and haphazard method used on infants (Plastibell) is available for adults (PrepEx) except that for the adult, the foreskin does not first need to be forcefully torn from the glans, the adult can tolerate much more effective pain relief during and after the procedure, the adult does not need to heal in a fouled diaper, the infant parts are much larger so any small error is magnified as the patient grows, and of course the adult can weigh in on how much foreskin he would keep or what style of cut he wants.

In the US, the total money spent on botched circumcision corrections rivals the money spent on the initial procedures.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
I can’t imagine there are people that are outraged about this

Even a correctly performed non-therapeutic circumcision is outrageous when you consider the lack of ethics involved in altering someone’s sexual experience forever without their consent. Since outcomes are obscenely haphazard you really should google “circumcision damage” (on an empty stomach) to see pictures illustrating why some men have an especially strong complaint, before you tell them to find something more important to complain about.

Using the search function I found that the topic of cut vs uncut has been debated extensively.

Each individual man has his opinion on cut/uncut and that’s cool.

On the question if women like/ prefer uncut/cut I don’t give a shit.

Some guys prefer on a woman labia that are small and other guys like meat curtains, still I don’t care.

Whether a cock is cut or uncut it requires washing and cleaning…vaginas even more so.

To the original poster and guys who were cut young and they regret it, I am sad for you and hope you get over it.

I suggest men accept or build their cocks and that’s the essence of penis enlargement and penis enhancement.


Longer, thicker, tighter, deeper


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