Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just Got My P Shot

Originally Posted by piercedkeith

When it comes to the name sayers. To each there own. If I can help my cock in any way I will.

That’s the outlook I have too. I can’t say I’ll do it for sure but I’m very interested.

It’s not about naysaying guys.

I for one would very much like the shot to work. I don’t care about the money that much. It’s just about the procedure being safe. There are some people here on TP that had big EQ problems and thought they lost gain because of the shot.

Can PRP Injections Really Give You a Bigger Penis? :

If, despite all of this, you are still considering this treatment, you should consider the risks. Though I am sure that some men will complain of pain, I am more worried that repeated injections might lead to scarred, disfigured penises. Plus there are some concerns about rare risks leading to life threatening blood-clotting problems.

Priapus Shot (P-Shot) 2019 Reviews and Analysis: Does it work? - The Size HQ

http://www.peyr … hp?topic=6352.0

Priapus Shot Received (p. 3)

I will continue my research and would like to conclude that it’s safe, that I can get it (I’m healthy) and that it will help my PE. But not to the price of my penis/health safety.

PhoenixNow Progress Reports

Started August 2018: BPEL/MEG 5.7" x 5" - Now: 6.1" x 5.25" BEG: 6.25"

Goal: BPEL/MEG 8.5" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by PhoenixNow
It’s not about naysaying guys.

I for one would very much like the shot to work. I don’t care about the money that much. It’s just about the procedure being safe. There are some people here on TP that had big EQ problems and thought they lost gain because of the shot.

Can PRP Injections Really Give You a Bigger Penis? :

If, despite all of this, you are still considering this treatment, you should consider the risks. Though I am sure that some men will complain of pain, I am more worried that repeated injections might lead to scarred, disfigured penises. Plus there are some concerns about rare risks leading to life threatening blood-clotting problems.

Priapus Shot (P-Shot) 2019 Reviews and Analysis: Does it work? - The Size HQ

http://www.peyr … hp?topic=6352.0

Priapus Shot Received (p. 3)

I will continue my research and would like to conclude that it’s safe, that I can get it (I’m healthy) and that it will help my PE. But not to the price of my penis/health safety.

I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about when people say why would you do this or when they say I’ve had 2 or 3 shots and nothing happened. Those are who I’m talking about. If you try and nothing happens at least you tried. If you don’t try then it could have worked for you. You know what I mean? For those who dare, Win.

First of all I’m not really sure about this, but a couple of things. One we know that PRP enhances healing. That said it seems to me that circumstances would have to be created or already exist that would require healing in order for this to be an effective adjunct. So it actually makes sense to me that the use of the VED concurrently with the shot would be necessary unless there already is an injury there or the conditions are already there but are exceeding the healing capacity of the host.

With that said if someone doesn’t think that penile traction or the use of a VED for PE works, then they’re also unlikely to think that the PRP would do anything beyond maybe providing healing for an existing condition.

Another thing, if a practitioner has competing interests to the Pshot, they’re likely to favor their offerings and are probably going to be biased, especially if they genuinely believe their approach is better. Moreover they are not likely to endorse something without sound clinical data, so there’s always that, keeping in mind that most of what could be regarded as valid clinical data is focused on rehabilitation or restoration rather than enhancement.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Ok this morning I noticed that I’m definitely thicker starting out. My girth has changed in a good way. The length not yet, but girth yes. Sensitivity, a little. Still it’s been less than a month so I am seeing changes in my 1st month but I would say pumping while the shot is rejuvenating the tissue is a must.

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
Ok this morning I noticed that I’m definitely thicker starting out. My girth has changed in a good way. The length not yet, but girth yes. Sensitivity, a little. Still it’s been less than a month so I am seeing changes in my 1st month but I would say pumping while the shot is rejuvenating the tissue is a must.

This kind of info is crucial. Thank you for continuing to update this. Any numbers on the girth changes?

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I will put up pics and numbers tonight.

For the guys that received multiple PRP injections, what is stopping you from buying a centrifuge and doing the injections yourself?

Originally Posted by Bigmig1028
For the guys that received multiple PRP injections, what is stopping you from buying a centrifuge and doing the injections yourself?

You’re injecting into an organ, I’d only trust trained professionals to do that. I dont think anyone here would want to injure their penis by doing it themselves.

Starting (08/2011): BPEL 5.5, MSEG 5

Current (11/2018): BPEL 8, MSEG 5.75, BEG 6

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
Ok this morning I noticed that I’m definitely thicker starting out. My girth has changed in a good way. The length not yet, but girth yes. Sensitivity, a little. Still it’s been less than a month so I am seeing changes in my 1st month but I would say pumping while the shot is rejuvenating the tissue is a must.

What’s the difference between Priapus Pumping for a Month and just Pumping for a Month?

I’ve been pumping on and off for 15 years now. Now I know I have not been on top of things in the past and kept up with my routine like I should. I have made gains on length and girth but not like I have over the last 2 years. In the past I used pumping as a masterbation tool and not as a workout . I know for fact I over pumped on several occasions and caused damage to me cock. But after staying on a regiment for the past 2 years I hit a wall. Heard about the rejuvenation properties that the prp shot showed and said what could it hurt. Did the shot and now 17 days after the shot I’m starting to see improvements again. It’s like I moved to the next level. Having ED caused by I believe the drugs the VA had me on I woke up this morning with a hardon from hell. It was so hard it hurt a little. I haven’t had one of those since I was a teen. 17 days in and I’m starting to see results.

I can tell you right now. If this keeps up and I can afford it , I will try to use this as a maintenance plan and try to get the shot 2 or 3 times per year for 2 or 3 years. Then 1 per year after that. But we will see..

Please keep us informed I’m 50/50 on doing this with my tax return lol

I think I’ll get it too, I’m just too damn curious. I’ll try to go on Friday.

pierecedkeith, what is the PE routine you used after having the shot and are using now?

PhoenixNow Progress Reports

Started August 2018: BPEL/MEG 5.7" x 5" - Now: 6.1" x 5.25" BEG: 6.25"

Goal: BPEL/MEG 8.5" x 6.5"

I admit this sounds very promising! I want to but I’ll wait until at least May to give my current hanging routine zero intervening factors and time to work.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.


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