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igf-1 injection


igf-1 injection

Insulin growth factor-1 (igf-1) is produced in the liver from human growth hormone (hgh). It has become part of the drug regime of high level bodybuilders. Generally, it is injected directly into the muscle you are trying to induce growth in, ex., the biceps before an arm workout. Igf-1 induces growth by stimulating angiogenesis,i.e., the formation of new blood vessels.

Could this be a useful adjunct to other PE methods for generating new growth? Using a small gauge needle (28 or 30) could the shaft of the penis be injected in the hope of stimulating angiogenesis in the corpous cavernosum? Penile injections are done now as therapy for ED with prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) so the basic technique seems safe. Any thoughts or feedback?

I did a search for prostaglandin E-1, and the supplier (Cayman) has a footnote saying that the substance is not recommended for human or vetinerary use, and also warns it is extremley hazardous.

With that in mind, it is best left alone

Thanks for your reply petitfaun, however, I think you have misunderstood my question. PGE-1 has been FDA approved for over a decade for the treatment of ED. It is sold under the trade name of Caverject (alprostadil). I cited the use of this drug to give an example of how penile injection is generally safe. My question is could the powerful growth stimulator igf-1 be injected into the penile tissues with the hopes of inducing growth? Igf-1 can be ordered from for $450.00 and would probably last several months.

The CC is basically a vascular network and in theory if you could increase the size and number of blood vessels in the CC you would have a longer, thicker penis.

There was some sort of other injection for ED. It was not subdermal. You merely put the nozzle of the container in your urethra and squirted some in. The formula needed to be applied after urination as it needed left over urine within the urethra to mix.

HGH , prohormones, steroids have been debated as to whether or not it could increase penis size. I don’t think its one substance. During puberty there HAS to be some sort of hormonal “cock”tail going on. Remember though even in puberty the average gains were about 1 inch in 1 year, presumably without any sort of PE.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

I’ve used Long R3 IGF-1 along with topical DHT, and found no real benefit in the particular protocol I used (DHT might have some use, but since that’s not what you’re asking about I’ll save that for another thread). I did not inject into the CC though (I think that’s a crazy idea, for which I’ll reason in a moment). I injected into the delts with a 30g pin.

There is fierce debate about IGF-1 being a site specific injection. The majority of people in the debate say “screw the reasons why, it just is, and my results prove it”. I’m one of those people who always asks “why?”. If any other hormone with or without ester is systemic, then why would Long R3 IGF-1 be any different? The only reason I can see that this myth (imho it’s a myth at least) exists, is that IGF-1 on its own without modification, has an extremely short half life, and it would be deactivated before meaningful amounts diffused into the system. With LR3 that is not the case, since it will not bind with IGF-BP1 (a binding protein), and is purported to be active for 12 to 18 hours (though people like Pat Arnold will take issue with that point too).

If you think about what IGF-1 does, then the only real benefit is that it could help you repair more efficiently so you can train more often. In body building the key benefit is hyperplasia, since that does not normally occur in adult muscle tissue. I don’t believe penis growth is IGF-1 dependant in the same way. The ‘claimed’ exceptions are two guys from MOS called Supra and Magnum. I don’t know what to make of their claims since they went quite vague when pushed for details, but nobody else was able to reproduce their results (including CC injection).

As for CC injection, the reason I think it is a crazy idea is that results of surveys taken from regular PGE-1 users indicate that about 9% develop some form of tunical fibrosis at the injection sites. A smaller percentage of those go on to experience peyronies disease. For those that are interested in PGE-1 for erections, you can do it real cheap by using misoprostol tablets dissolved in dmso applied in the urethra, but be warned, it stings like a mofo in the extreme (pass the lidocain!).

Last edited by Shiver : 01-21-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Shiver
As for CC injection, the reason I think it is a crazy idea is that results of surverys taken from regular PGE-1 users indicate that about 9% develop some form of tunical fibrosis at the injection sites. A smaller percentage of those go on to experience peyronies disease. For those that are interested in PGE-1 for erections, you can do it real cheap by using misoprotol tablets dissilved in dmso applied in the urethra, but be warned, it stings like a mofo in the extreme (pass the lidocain!).

I have significant experience with injectible PGE-1, actually “trimix” which is a combo of three vasodaltors which I use, or other things, for my own ED.

The risk of fibrosis (nodules or plaque) is actually extremely low if you keep changing sites of injection, side to side, up and down along the shaft. The problem most men have with this is that they get lazy (or dumb) and keep poking the same area. I get checked every year and always come out plaque free as do many, many other users of this therapy which has been around for years. This is tested territory as for the vasodilator injectibles.

However, what Expectant is suggesting, injecting a compound into the CCs which has not been tested there, to my knowledge, is very chancey and potentially dangerous to the CCs. Injecting into a bicep (muscle) and a cock (no muscle there except for “soft muscle tissue,” which in fact is not really muscle) is not at all the same. You only get one cock. Be very careful with it.



Originally Posted by avocet8
The risk of fibrosis (nodules or plaque) is actually extremely low if you keep changing sites of injection, side to side, up and down along the shaft. The problem most men have with this is that they get lazy (or dumb) and keep poking the same area. I get checked every year and always come out plaque free as do many, many other users of this therapy which has been around for years. This is tested territory as for the vasodilator injectibles.

So it sounds like the frequency of repeat on a particular site is important. Perhaps this is to do with the stage of repair the tissue is at when the site is used again(?) I don’t recall reading anything mentioned about whether the injection site was varied or not. I do recall seeing one site that showed where to inject suggesting either side within the first couple of inches of the base to lessen the risk of venous or nerve puncture, so assumed that was standard practise.

However, what Expectant is suggesting, injecting a compound into the CCs which has not been tested there, to my knowledge, is very chancey and potentially dangerous to the CCs. Injecting into a bicep (muscle) and a cock (no muscle there except for “soft muscle tissue,” which in fact is not really muscle) is not at all the same. You only get one cock. Be very careful with it.

That brings up a good point I neglected to mention. It makes a difference if the IGF is already reconstituted or not. If you reconstitute it yourself from powder on an each day basis, then you can use bacteriostatic water alone. If it already reconstituted already then check how. If it is benzyl alcohol then not only will it be a very painful injection, but it will likely cause necrosis at the injection site. This is a minor deal for a large muscle since we’re talking a few hundredths of a centilitre, but in penile tissue this could be a very big deal. Some later versions are in acetic acid (basically vinegar), which is less of an issue. When I used it, I mixed 40mcg IGF with 1cc BAC water. This was painless in the delts, but cannot comment on the penis as I’ve never tried it.

Originally Posted by Shiver
I do recall seeing one site that showed where to inject suggesting either side within the first couple of inches of the base to lessen the risk of venous or nerve puncture, so assumed that was standard practice.

Anywhere up to the glans but avoiding both veins and arteries along the way, the urethra on the ventral side and the nerve bundle and main vein on the dorsal surface works fine. Alternating sites is the key, Shiver.



Sorry expectant, I missed your meaning there. I assumed that as you had quoted the two on the same ‘excercise’ they would be similar in effect. I just took the last named as the one you were using to extol the virtues of the other, and therefore would be somewhat similar in effect.

My apologies !


You can avoid the benzyl alcohol problem if you get 9% sodium chloride bac water to reconstitute it.

I have tried 30 days of hgh injection sub-q with no benefits…..just an experiment. However, there was bruising at the injection site due to the high degree of network capillaries.

I’ll probably try the R3 IGF-1 into the CC with an insulin pin combined with pumping, jelqing, and hanging. IGF-1 acts not only on muscles, but also in internal organs. Internal organ growth is one of the side effects of hgh….so it’s possible that IGF-1 could also act on penis cells.

Further, puncturing the tunica will cause scar tissue formation, but not much unless you keep injecting at the same place. However, deep massage such as jelqing may help break it up such as done using Active Release Technique for muscle scar tissue.

Bottom line is that no one knows til enough people try it. I’m also trying for a better price than from that bolex board sponsor.

I have been on couple of boards where some users said that their penis size and testicle size has increased since taking igf-1 r3. These people we’re injecting I’M

Any update

Has anyone tried this? I ordered some LONG R3 IGF-1 and I am considering trying penis injections.

Mattnbham- Not that I know of. It will be your responsibility if you do so or not. Document it if you DO try it. Why are you thinking of doing it? For research or because no other methods have helped. If you are not severely below the average I would advise against it. Even if you are, ask yourself if it will be worth losing all function of your penis.

I wish you good health whatever you do.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Dude don’t inject your dick with igf.

It won’t help it.

Many weight trainers have come to the conclusion that igf site injected still goes all throughout the body.

Examples made:

Site injections on quads only but worked out mostly arm routines showed the arms and the legs grew the same.

It will not have an effect on your dick.

Why you would want to stick a needle into your best friend is beyond me.

Here is an idea,

Order mgf instead of igf and use that.

Mgf is what the igf turns into in your body and it is required to site inject the mgf.

So if you really wanna stab your dick, try this and keep us informed.

As pocopeepee has stated, IGF circulates through the entire body. You MAY find that the site that you injected gets even better results, but the IGF WILL circulate through the entire body. I highly doubt that injecting into the penis will have any effects on the penis compared to injecting elsewhere.

One reason that IGF may not have worked for many in increasing penis size is because of the duration of the cycle. Many have stated that 4wks is all that you will see as far as results. I personally will be taking on a cycle that will last much longer (8wks) and see the benefits from that. There are many vets who will argue against the 4wk cycle and say there are many more gains to be had beyond the 4wk mark. My main purpose is not for PEing, but bodybuilding, but I will see if there are any advantages to longer cycles on the penis.

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