Thunder's Place

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Growth Hormone and PE


Growth Hormone and PE

I’ve been taking steroids for a while, and I just started PE. I’ve also been taking HGH (human growth hormone) recently. I don’t know if this is going to work or not, but earlier today I decided to start injecting the HGH directly into my penis. I gave myself two shots this morning, .5iu of HGH on each side. I don’t know if this will have any effect at all, but I’ll keep you posted. I’ve been taking 4iu’s of HGH, but I’ll inject the other 3ui’s into my belly fat until I determine how my dick handles the injections/HGH.

If there are any other bodybuilders on here who have done steroids/HGH, I’d like to get some feedback from you. Jose Canseco did HGH while he was playing baseball, and he’s been quoted as saying it made his penis grow. HGH typically doesn’t cause localized growth, but maybe it will in my pecker.

There is another drug called IGF (insulin growth factor) that bodybuilders say does cause localized growth. I’ve never used it before, but when I start my next cycle I’m going to order some and see how it works. The penis isn’t muscle tissue, and since you can’t “exercise” it the way you exercise a muscle, the HGH and IGF may have no effect at all. On the other hand, it might, and I’m willing to be the guinea pig.

My current BPEL is 5.75. I’m not sure about the circumference, but I’m not worried about that. I would just like to see 7.5 inches or so eventually. I’ve been jelqing and stretching, and I have a pump which I use infrequently.

I’m going to let some one else handle this. I’ll just keep my opinion to myself.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I have spent more than my share of time around guys who juice and juice seriously. I know of not one single account of using the stuff and having it make your dick bigger whether you shoot your shaft or not.

Although I applaud Jose Canseco for putting it on the table I wouldn’t believe everything he’s said.

Welcome bubbe.

[Disclaimer: Whats below is strictly for role playing purposes and should be treated as such.]

As you probably know GH drastically increases healing - therefore it would be counterproductive to use it in PE. Another thing is it doesn’t work locally, but maybe concentration is higher in injection spot, who knows :)

If Jose Canseco’s penis really did grow from GH he must’ve been taking megadoses of it, but I doubt that it did.

IGF is another story, there might be some potential there as some people use it for that purpose, but no hard data - unfortunately.

You have probably heard about PGF2a, there are also other PGFs and combination of PGF2a and PGF1 might be interesting, again no hard data.

Finally I had this totally crazy idea once about injecting esiclene into the shaft, good thing that it’s impossible to get, or I just might have tried it :-s :D

Anyway, good luck :)

Originally Posted by sam1966
I’ve been taking steroids for a while, and I just started PE. I’ve also been taking HGH (human growth hormone) recently. I don’t know if this is going to work or not, but earlier today I decided to start injecting the HGH directly into my penis. I gave myself two shots this morning, .5iu of HGH on each side. I don’t know if this will have any effect at all, but I’ll keep you posted….

I’ve done some reading on this (injecting HGH into the penis) and cannot find one verifiable case of penis enlargement as a result of injecting HGH there.

Having been on steroids for awhile now, you will soon run into the serious physical and mental negatives of doing this. If you want to build your body, do it the hard way so that you don’t irreparably throw off your T levels - and your friends will still want to be around you. :)



I’m not sure if HGH itself is very locally active (somewhat, but much less so than IGF-1) however there still might be some merit to injecting it locally. First of all, it destabilizes collagen (in vitro), meaning your tissue will become weaker and easier to deform (in a good way).

Courtesy of "ticktickticker":

"Collagen is stabilized induced by proline hydroxylation: erscience.wiley … ETRY=1&SRETRY=0

And that

Growth hormone inhibits proline hydroxylation in vitro: http://ajplegac y.physiology.or … /220/6/1808.pdf

In vitro implies that there is no liver activity.

Therefore, GH seems to exert a direct effect (destabilization) on collagen synthesis."

On the other hand, I do not recommend injecting IGF-1 in the penis unless you are using 100mcg kits and reconstituting with BA water. If you reconstitute with acetic acid, you will likely cause fibrosis, which will at best limit your PE gains, and possibly give you erectile issues.

I love GOLD

Originally Posted by gold_member

In vitro implies that there is no liver activity.

Could you say more about this?

“In vitro” is without any liver involvement at all. Whatever is cultured happens in a petri dish.



Attempting to inject into my pee-pee would be tantamount to suicide for me as I have conditioned myself to kill whom ever is on the other end of sharp objects approaching my penis.

More power to you my friend.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by avocet8
Could you say more about this?

“In vitro” is without any liver involvement at all. Whatever is cultured happens in a petri dish.

This simply means that it proves that GH itself had the weakening effect on collagen, not IGF-1 (which is produced in the liver from GH).

I love GOLD

I always thought steroids shrank the testicles and having subscribed to bodybuilding magazines for years I have often wondered if steroids atrophied the penis as well.

I rarely notice any bodybuilders with a noticeable bulge-at least the ones who are probably taking steroids.

I joined a gym a few months back and have gained 8 pounds already. That’s alot for me because I struggle to keep weight on.

I am currently taking 8 different supplements: L-arginine,forslean,taurine,tribulus-pro,whey protein, creatine, and a growth hormone, as well as an aphrodisiac called hombron(because I like the feeling).

I don’t seem to have any negative side effects. I follow the dosing suggestions in the magazine i subscribe to(I don’t know if I’m allowed to say the name.

I wrote all this to say that I had reached a plateau in my PE. For more than six months I measured 7 and 2 8th’s BPEL. But in the last two months I’ve finally gained another 2 8th’s. I consistently measure 7 and a half inches BPEL now.

I changed my routine up also so I think it is a combination of the supplements and routine change. Also My dick gets super hard now after clamping and jelqing. It’s great!

Roids temporarily shrink your balls but do not shrink your penis.

Originally Posted by gold_member

In vitro implies that there is no liver activity.

…or heart activity, or organ activity of any kind. In vitro (or, within the glass) generally means that the experiment is conducted outside of a living organism (quite often in a petri dish) entirely and does not speak directly to the liver. The opposite would be ‘in vivo” or, within life wherein an experiment is conducted inside a living organism.

Originally Posted by john william
I always thought steroids shrank the testicles and having subscribed to bodybuilding magazines for years I have often wondered if steroids atrophied the penis as well.

I rarely notice any bodybuilders with a noticeable bulge-at least the ones who are probably taking steroids.

BB’s use strong diuretics for the shows so are totally dehydrated, in that state big dick looks like a thumb, also show preparation cycle got them bollocks shrunk. And since 95% BB’s pics are from the shows - combine all that and next thing you know you have myth that steroids make you penis shrink.

Originally Posted by wantsmore

…or heart activity, or organ activity of any kind. In vitro (or, within the glass) generally means that the experiment is conducted outside of a living organism (quite often in a petri dish) entirely and does not speak directly to the liver. The opposite would be ‘in vivo” or, within life wherein an experiment is conducted inside a living organism.

Yes, but Avocet asked explicitly what in vitro meant in regards to this experiment.

I love GOLD

I’ve been going to the gym for a few years myself and am consistently keeping at it right now.

I am really not sure about what injecting growth hormone in your penis will ultimately achieve.You do realise that you’ve just made yourself a guinea pig

In a highly uncharted territory.Keep us up to date with your progress and let’s hope no harm comes to your dick.

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