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DIY lube, what additives are useful?

DIY lube, what additives are useful?

I dissolve menthol crystals in my lubricant. It increases erection strength for me, though I seem to build up a tolerance to it so I cycle it. I haven’t noticed any beneficial impact on gains from menthol. I’ve tried adding many different substances I think have a low risk profile to my lube, other than menthol I have nothing particularly useful to report.

What do you guys add to your lube, and what does it do?

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

This is not a recipe.

Natural Neem oil used alone with nothing else added. It does have a natural fragrance.

Organic Coconut oil used alone with nothing else added.

Sigmoid, what are you using for basic lube?

Even being sparing with application, I’m using a lot of water-based lube now that I’ve resumed pumping. A tube of generic lube used to be $2; now they’re $6 locally, except presumably due to “supply chain issues” nobody has any in stock, so I paid $9 for a tube of boutique-brand lube at the drugstore since I needed it right now. And it’ll last 3 to 4 weeks..

I’ve read about J-lube, which is certainly cheap, but the enthusiastic descriptions of its slipperiness put me off. Somehow I manage to make a slippery mess with ordinary lube no matter how careful I try to be, more slippery would be more trouble.

I order Pregnenolone and DHEA cream from LifeFlo. All of their topical hormones are bio-identical. I will mix them with some of their magnesium chloride lotion/gel. The gel is much more concentrated magnesium. Magnesium is a natural "relaxing" element and very important for the ENTIRE hormone cascade (taking magnesium alone will raise your T levels if they are deficient). When I started taking topical magnesium (it has a bad oral bio-availability in oral form) my performance in the gym went up several notches, and I am already a balls to the walls lifter. Most people just want to raise one hormone (ie test), but the best approach is to give your body the larger upstream hormones (pregnenolone being the master, followed by DHEA which is used for other hormones like test & est). My goal is to let the body balance the hormones, and then make more of all of them. You can only fiddle with 1 downstream hormone (like testosterone and estrogen) so long before the body learns the pattern and adjusts itself (like when you take steroids and then you stop, you’re shut down). You won’t ever have that problem if you take a combination of pregnenolone and DHEA. Don’t take too much DHEA because in excess it tends to convert to estrogen, but if you’re taking pregnenolone (the precursor to ALL hormones) you shouldn’t really have to worry about that.

Topical magnesium gives you a natural pump, and more strength. It definitely adds more volume to my jelq sessions and leaves it hanging larger and fuller afterwards which I never got with anything else. Just be warned that magnesium will sting just like sodium/potassium on open wounds, and will agitate any rashes (ie if you shave down there you’ll notice this right away if you put magnesium on there, especially the gell since it’s more concentrated).

Magnesium is an essential mineral and is required for over 300 chemical processes in the body, and unfortunately most of us are deficient in it. You’ll sleep better at night too while taking it.

The DHEA and pregnenolone will increase your drive and vitality in life. I always feel that within 20 minutes of application, and it lasts most of the day if not all day long. I figured I would just make my own jelq cream and let that be my daily use of it instead of taking the time to apply it elsewhere. DMSO helps things to absorb through the skin and I’ve never had any problems with it despite the fear you see about people being afraid to touch things after application.

Something I recently started using after hearing about it on a podcast is a topical laxogenin. The product is Testro-Genesis from the Delgado Protocol, but I just found another place where you can get much more of it without the extra stuff for the same price. They no longer make Testro Genesis and it’s now called Testro Genin, and they added $30 to the price tag making it $97. You can get IconoGenin for less and it’s 7oz. TestroGenin also uses pregnenolone and DHEA, but at a 1oz size it’s ridiculously priced. The reason I started taking TestroGenesis is because it’s a sexual enhancer. You apply it vigorously to the perineum and it greatly reduces bounce back time / refractory period. Until I started using that there was no round 2 for me in recent years, now it’s round 2 and 3 with just a pea sized application.

Laxogenin is a brassinosteroid (plant steroid) that up-regulates protein synthesis. I searched on here but couldn’t find anyone else talking about laxogenin. I think it might be very useful for recovery/growth. I will find out soon enough.

You can get IconoGenin here (no links for Pregnenolone and DHEA from LifeFLo because those are easy to find, Amazon has them as well - but I tend to stay away from the "DHEA For Men" because they put saw palmetto in there which is a DHT blocker, and DHT is crucial for penile development): https://lifeirl .com/products/i … 1267cada2b5568f

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