Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Chemical PE: The Long Awaited Evidence

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Originally Posted by marinera
Because smooth muscle becomes anelastic, due to more collagen deposition.
http://urogenit … 14_1_4_2009.pdf

(Changes in TA tissue could be as much relevant, of course, if not more. But we are speaking of smooth muscle now.).

Smooth muscle hypertrophy is the first step, hyperplasia the second, fibrosis of smooth muscle the least. Going from one step to the next is not unavoidable, but one has to be very careful. The time needed from an organ to another, or a men to another, or even specific circumstances, can vary a lot. A 20y guy in perfect shape in a warm room maybe will not experience any harm from a 3 hours erection; a 50y, obese man, with an incipient diabetis, in cold day could report significative structural changes.

And at the bottom of this all: how increased SM can increase the size of your penis? There is little doubt that the limiting factor will be tunica albuginea. That’s why you don’t see many proofs of gains among edgers, despite all the yada yada.

Thanks very much for posting that link. I do not have time to read it now (I am supposed to be working), but I will read it sometime this week.

What does SM stand for?

I agree that the tunica is probably the limiting factor. I am considering using Verapamil or some other Peyronie’s Disease Meds to soften the tunica and inhibit collagen formation.

SM = smooth muscle.

Arguing with marinera

This could take a while.

After all, he’s so shy… :leftie:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


London, I really appreciate your coming here and “open-sourcing” your investigation of CPE. I basically feel the same as you on a lot of things. There’s got to be a way to at least give traditional PE a helping hand with this stuff. I’ve spent thousands of hours on PEing and pretty much haven’t gotten anything out of it other than a nasty insecurity about about how much smaller my dick is than the golden 8x6 that all women die for (in my mind).

I really want to be trying CPE again right now but can’t for a couple reasons that there simply is no way around at moment (eg privacy). But I did try some before. I tried PGE1 for only a very short while, and I tried IGF1LR3 for a few months. I think I may have gotten just a tiny bit out of the IGF, but not much and possibly nothing. But I have reason to believe that the IGF I had wasn’t good, so results inconclusive. From everyone else’s experiences at the time, I got the distinct feeling that it was important to do more than just erection chemicals. So I’d be interested if your take on what people have tried in the past indicated otherwise. Also, just wanted to let you know that I personally would be careful with the andactrim. You might be young enough that nothing will effect your hairline for the time being. But, in case you haven’t, you might want to think about what the chances are that using andactrim now might catch up with you a couple years down the line when men’s hairlines start creeping backwards.

Anyway, just thought I’d send my appreciation and what little advice I havw from my brief foray. I’m looking forward to when I will be able to give it one more run myself.

I’ve appreciated the back and forth with two knowledgeable, yet differing viewpoints.

I love this place.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by london100

I am still confused about the professor’s oxygenation theory.

I am not a proponent of CPE, yet I inject my dick several times a week with Trimix to override my ED. I have been doing this for over six months. One of the side effects of this regimen is that I can now achieve morning wood and a 60% erection which were non existent prior to the injections. My urologist claims this improvement is due to the induced erections which have oxygenated the damaged tissue in my penis. From this, I would deduce that the professor’s 0xygenation theory holds water. Not so sure about it’s contribution to penile growth.

May I ask, what’s in trimix?

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

Originally Posted by oz
May I ask, what’s in trimix?

My standard PPP mix :

Prostaglandin 5.88 ug/ml (I ug = .001 mg)

Papaverine 18 mg/ml

Phentlamine 0.6 mg/ml

I inject 0.1 ml of the mix.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I am not a proponent of CPE, yet I inject my dick several times a week with Trimix to override my ED. I have been doing this for over six months. One of the side effects of this regimen is that I can now achieve morning wood and a 60% erection which were non existent prior to the injections. My urologist claims this improvement is due to the induced erections which have oxygenated the damaged tissue in my penis. From this, I would deduce that the professor’s 0xygenation theory holds water. Not so sure about it’s contribution to penile growth.

I agree. There appears to be good evidence to support this “Kiel concept” as a way of improving erectile function. On the other hand, the claim that increased oxygenation leads to the growth of smooth muscle is a bit strange. I am struggling to find any evidence to support this idea.

I think there is a slight contradiction in the emails he sent me.

He says “penile length and circumference is increasing according to the tremendous arterial inflow with initiation of an erection.”

I ask him if growth is induced by intense pressure in the penis and he says no.

Thanks for your post. I am very pleased to here that the use of injectable ED drugs can actually improve erectile function.

Interesting but I would never want to inject my penis even if CPE proves to work.

Originally Posted by Cya at 8
Interesting but I would never want to inject my penis even if CPE proves to work.

It is actually not that bad. It is not painful, just a bit psychologically traumatizing. If you do it more than five times it becomes routine. You sometimes have to be hardcore in life.

Originally Posted by vkn1
London, I really appreciate your coming here and “open-sourcing” your investigation of CPE. I basically feel the same as you on a lot of things. There’s got to be a way to at least give traditional PE a helping hand with this stuff. I’ve spent thousands of hours on PEing and pretty much haven’t gotten anything out of it other than a nasty insecurity about about how much smaller my dick is than the golden 8x6 that all women die for (in my mind).

I really want to be trying CPE again right now but can’t for a couple reasons that there simply is no way around at moment (eg privacy). But I did try some before. I tried PGE1 for only a very short while, and I tried IGF1LR3 for a few months. I think I may have gotten just a tiny bit out of the IGF, but not much and possibly nothing. But I have reason to believe that the IGF I had wasn’t good, so results inconclusive. From everyone else’s experiences at the time, I got the distinct feeling that it was important to do more than just erection chemicals. So I’d be interested if your take on what people have tried in the past indicated otherwise. Also, just wanted to let you know that I personally would be careful with the andactrim. You might be young enough that nothing will effect your hairline for the time being. But, in case you haven’t, you might want to think about what the chances are that using andactrim now might catch up with you a couple years down the line when men’s hairlines start creeping backwards.

Anyway, just thought I’d send my appreciation and what little advice I havw from my brief foray. I’m looking forward to when I will be able to give it one more run myself.

Glad to be of service.

There is some week evidence in favour of Testosterone derivatives and various growth hormones. There are studies done on young children and men with micropenis. These individuals normally have a congenital deficiency in a particular hormone. Injecting them with the hormone that they lack has been proven to cause penile growth. I have no idea whether or not these studies have any relevance for fully grown men with normal androgen profiles.

There are actually around thirty guys on this site who have attempted chemical Pe. I spent a few hours last year going through their reported results methodically. I got the impression that the men who injected IGF alone (such as Iguana) generally experienced no growth. The men who injected a combination of IGF and ED drugs claimed some success. I believe that the guys who injected ED drugs alone did the best. Obviously some of these guys may have been trolling or scamming, but this is the only information we have to go on.

I have chosen to stick to ED drugs and Andractim for the present. I may start experimenting with growth hormones at some point in the future. The problem is that they are controlled substances. I think to get hold of stuff like that you would have to go through a doctor. I don’t know much about this subject. If you are over fifty then you could enroll on an anti-aging programme. If you are under fifty and quite rich then you could potentially pay someone over fifty to enter one of these programmes. You could go to Canada and try and get Dr. Adams to sell you some. I would strongly recommend that you don’t just go online or ask a bodybuilder at your local gym. That could be very dangerous.

As for Andractim. I have chosen to use it mainly because it is transdermal. The risks of using it are quite small IMO. My maternal grandfather and pretty much everyone else in my family has hair.

Originally Posted by london100
Glad to be of service.

….I have no idea whether or not these studies have any relevance for fully grown men with normal androgen profiles.

None at all.

Originally Posted by marinera
None at all.

You are probably right

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