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Penis permanetly damaged after 1 month of PE, Rubbery feeling

Penis permanetly damaged after 1 month of PE, Rubbery feeling


I’m 25 and I started PE 2 months ago and I did the basic routine for 4 weeks. After that I went to see a doctor to ask for something to grow my dick and he told me that I can try with Cialis (half pill with one day on/off) and using testosterone gel. I never started the testosterone therapy because I started to have problems.

I took the half Cialis pill (just one time) and I had an erection and masturbate, the day after, I tried to jelq but it was impossible, I keep having full erections so I just gave up waiting for the effect of Cialis to pass (it should be up to 36hours). After that I keep having the sensation of blood pressure and harder soft penis for like 6 days, my doctor told me it’s normal. Meanwhile I started to have ache to my testicles that became bigger and I was getting ache also to the glans. After 5 days the balls went ok as the ache to the glans but the ache now was in the lower part of the penis and in the surround of scrotum, burning sensation. This lasted for several time. My doctor told me he never saw any effect of Cialis like mine.

After 2 weeks or so, I masturbate and I felt a bit of pain in the shaft and in the glans, but they passed after 10 minutes and I came in 15.
The day after (it was 2 weeks ago) started the serious problem. My balls felt like full of liquid and my penis felt like rubbery full of liquid too.
I saw 2 other doctors but they don’t listen to me, they told me it’s ok, that I had nothing and just suggested a just psyco-sexual therapy because they stopped to the fact that I started PE because my penis is small.
Now I can hardly have erections and all my penis feels softer like a plastic bag full of water, no more solid feeling of the penis when is soft, the glans doesn’t expand anymore, just once when I had a 100% erection but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. Also the shaft feels rubbery when is half erected, that never happened to me before. I can even bend it toward the floor even if I was never be able to do something like that before.

It’s 2 weeks since I started to have this numb sensation and I’m seriously worried that I just have incurred in permanent ED as I read in other posts it’s not curable.

My PE session was the basic one:
Warm up5-10, stretch 5min, jelq (erection 40-60%) 5-10min, cool down5-10.
What I think is that I was probably putting too much pressure in jelq and to much force in stretch even if I didn’t realise.

Do you know anything about this? Can I say something more to doctor to be listen by them and don’t just feel stupid in from of them?

Stop all PE and talk to your doctor.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

If it wasn’t clear: I stopped PE like 1 month ago, and I already talk to 3 doctors. I feel stupid to keep paying 200€ each time and having the same answer “psychological problem”. They told me there is no exam that we can do, you’ll just throw away money.
I think it’s just a way to avoid to tell me the truth, that it’s irreversible and the only solution is surgery with penile prosthesis but it won’t work with a small penis and it’s better just to accept this situation and try to live with it. I think it may be a combination of vain leakage for the glans and fibrosis for the shaft.

Maybe here there are people with more experience than me that can help me to have a better dialog to the doctor. I think they just want to avoid to tell me the thruth because I’m young and they feel I’m fragile because of penis size insecurities. They are afraid to tell me the truth.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Sounds like a nerve problem. Can take some months until it clears up.
Eat healthy and don’t force erections.
Don’t do PE again.


Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

If three doctors told me I was fine I might believe them. Funny why is it if 3 doctors told guys they didn’t have cancer they would jump for joy but when 3 docs say there’s nothing wrong with our penis we don’t believe them?

Originally Posted by Bunnybug

Do you know anything about this? Can I say something more to doctor to be listen by them and don’t just feel stupid in from of them?

I know I saw a post about a colleague here from thundersplace his images posted here are just like you are describing, but he had this problem because he pumped with no gauge.

Oww man if you saw the images you would be sorry for him, he went to doctors to see and the more doctors prescribed him remedies it all got worse.

If I could give you an advice would be just to rest your penis, don’t try to play with him, you won’t get a proper erection, eat healthy and do cardio. Maybe if we get lucky you can restore your penis health in 6 months.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Your problem is that there is no proper diagnosis.
If 3 doctors were not able to give you a proper diagnosis, it might be unlikely that you will get one from the 4th.

In any case, you should be aware that our body is a wonder machine that strives to self-repair itself.
I had a similar problem (although admitteldy only for several days) when I started PE and pumped at too high pressure, but largely unprepaired. I had stingy pain and I couldn’t get an erection any more, and everything felt numb. After a few weeks, it was all back to normal.

I would like to suggest to you:

- do not try to get erections for the next couple of weeks.

- maybe try VERY soft and gentle massage of the shaft, especially also on the the sides left and right where it goes into the body, every other day, for 10-15 minutes, but only very gentle.
listen to your body.

- use natural / organic sesame oil, you might add some concentrated vitamine e-oil or vitamine d/k oil to it.

- try to find exercises for relaxation of your pelvic floor. There could be problem as well.

Don’t panic!

If it doesn’t become better or pain is incresaing, see another doctor!

I would recommend to not only stop PE but masturbation and porn also. Have you stopped porn and masturbation also? I could write a lot about what I think you probably did to you penis but jelqing techniques vary, I think a safe recommendation is to only apply pressure on the sides targetting the corpus cavernosum and to avoid high pressures internally.Applying pressure only on the sides could help out with possible nerve damage and avoiding high pressures helps the vascular part.

Please if you haven’t take some time off porn and masturbation and report back.

Originally Posted by c3ifador
I know I saw a post about a colleague here from thundersplace his images posted here are just like you are describing, but he had this problem because he pumped with no gauge.

Where is this located? I know about the legendary thread of the guy who (I think) clamped too much. He basically lost his dick. Is this the same thread?

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

No, that guy banded his penis with a device used for castrating farm animals. You feel terrible for the guy reading it, but he was spectacularly dumb. Not only did he do that to himself based on no information, but then he sat around trying to get prompt help from an internet forum while his dick turned grey. I don’t think he even went to the hospital until a few days later.

Why the Smithsonian? Because you could walk around it for a week and not see the whole thing.

Last edited by The Smithsonian : 10-14-2018 at .

Originally Posted by Don Logan

Where is this located? I know about the legendary thread of the guy who (I think) clamped too much. He basically lost his dick. Is this the same thread?

I have read it maybe a month ago, at least for what I read he didn’t clamped it was only pump.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by c3ifador
I have read it maybe a month ago, at least for what I read he didn’t clamped it was only pump.

He used a castrating device on his penis.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

The thread is called

Banding my penis

By member Numbness41

The end result unfortunately was that he lost his penis.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

If I try to heat it up with hot water it seem that it gets blood in the glans, but it also start again a little burning after during the day. What should I do?
When it was burning 2 weeks ago it was still working due hurting then I mess it completely when I masturbate..

This morning I had several erections, not 100% but they felt stronger in the shaft and it felt good. But the glans was a bit less numb. I felt like the last 2cm below the glans were empty while the part below the till the balls felt a bit full of blood.

I hope I can heal, of course I stopped masturbation and porn. I saw today I can have erection and I won’t try to force my body to do anything.

So, hot bath may help?

For doctor they just focused on the fact of fear of small penis forgetting the hurting penis part, so they don’t really even listen to me. Waste of money and time, but at least my prostrate and balls are ok.

I will never do PE again if I can heal, you have no idea how bad it can feel to see it so numb and unusable.

Should I try again with little of hot water?

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