Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DMSO + Iodine Experimental Treatment for Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid

Hey folks, I’m wondering why the 2% Lughols? Is the lower strength better or is it just a cost consideration? I’ve seen 5% and 15% on Amazon UK, but not the 2%?



Bonjour, pendant combien de temps peut-on prendre ce traitement iode + dmso et a quelle fréquence, doit-on arrêter et recommencer plus tard ?

After 3 days of DMSO+Distilled Watter+Lugols Iodine+MgCl (16:16:16:2) with mild burning sensation (which I thought came from the DMSO) I today only tried Lugols pure with a very heavy burning and heating as sideeffect (very intense for first 20-30 minutes). Is this normal? Bad reaction? Maybe even good because in the area under foreskin, where it also burned mainly I suspect some of the targeted hardened tissue. Maybe it is working there - or it is simply the higher sensitivity of the skin there.

Originally Posted by Sandbpx
After 3 days of DMSO+Distilled Watter+Lugols Iodine+MgCl (16:16:16:2) with mild burning sensation (which I thought came from the DMSO) I today only tried Lugols pure with a very heavy burning and heating as sideeffect (very intense for first 20-30 minutes). Is this normal? Bad reaction? Maybe even good because in the area under foreskin, where it also burned mainly I suspect some of the targeted hardened tissue. Maybe it is working there - or it is simply the higher sensitivity of the skin there.

You want to have 70% dmso concentration(30% distilled water). High concentrations will burn and dry you out. If 70% still burns, add some more distilled water. It supposedly reacts with water and that’s why it gets hot. Also keep in mind that DMSO can mess with smooth muscle growth.

I wonder what more veterans have to say about using DMSO. I considered used a Iodine and DMSO mix since I have some lying around. I read that it could possibly do some great things.

I’m sorry if this has already been stated in this thread, but can someone confirm the exact proportions for Thacker’s formula? Having a hard time finding it online. Thanks!

Pharmaceutical grade DMSO 70%, 20% apple cider vinegar and 10% castor oil.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

I mixed up my fourth batch this morning. The first two were just DMSO and iodine. The last one had some MgCl. This time I tried adding some vinegar and castor oil.

The resulting mix looks, er, lumpy. I’m guessing the castor oil is not going into solution with the DMSO, even though I shook it for quite a while. I guess I’ll have to remember to shake it each time before use.

The earlier mixes were effective at keeping the exernal scars soft and slightly stretchy. I’m adding the castor oil because if I fail to apply lotion after 15 minutes or so, the scars will dry out and sometimes crack, which takes quite a while to heal. In the mornings I just put the lotion bottle on my desk so it’s hard to miss, but a few times at night I’ve slid off to sleep before doing it. I added the vinegar because., well, why not, I was almost at the Thacker mix already.

To sparkyx

What exactly do you mean by the Baar people have it all wrong? They seem to be the only other brand that uses the violet ray and wet cell battery, they even sell the wet cell battery and violet ray separately. They don’t use iodine trichloride and sell a more affordable product. Please explain why they have it all wrong and how.

02-16-2018 BPEL: 6" MSEG: 4 1/2"

12-15-2020 BPEL: 6 7/8" MSEG: 5"

Goal: 9x6.75"

Such a long topic, is there anyone who made a complete recap of this whole discussion that what to share the main results? I have deflated glans problem too since 2.5y


I started this 3 days ago. Plan on going 2 weeks. My peyronies injury is about 2 years old. Never straightened but no more pain. Has anyone tried pumping right after application?

Hello guys! First of all I’m sorry if my English is not that good. I just red the first 25 pages of this… What a long thread. Well, after suffering from both deflated glans and firm flaccid during almost 10 years, I want to give this treatment a try. I visited many urologists, and they all give me the same answer, that “everything is fine”. I got my injury from a strong grip during jelq practice, and I notice a loss of sensibility, overall loss in EQ performance, and a change in the color of the shaft (more blackish). I can achieve an erection, but I have to constantly stimulate my penis, and is not that strong as it used to be… I ordered both Lugol 2% and DMSO 90% (I couldn’t find 99% in my country, they only sell it for animal treatment). It’s going to arrive on Friday. So I’m going to keep you updated on the results. I only have one question, I don’t understand once you got the mix (Lugol/DMSO) in a separated container, do you use a gauze, or you spread it with your hands into the penis?

Hello guys! It’s me again! I’m sorry I know I am double posting.. But I’ve been using the Lugol+DMSO for about a week twice a day and I can say it really works.. Its been so long, since I don’t feel my penis get so erect, I can´t be more happy than I am right now.

Let me clear something, of course I was aware of a possible placebo effect, but this is not the case. My head went back to almost full size when erect, and the strength of the erection increased I’m going to say at least 40/50% after the 3/4 day. I stoped now with the treatment. I’m going to let my penis rest for about a week because I think the dmso is producing a slightly irritation on the skin of the shaft. I’m going to keep you all updated but I can only say THANK YOU to x10d! You sir gave my sexual life back.. And I can only hope that the results are permanent. For those who are not sure to try it, I can only say it works, but you have to be careful.

I’m going to explain my full procedure: First of all I take a full body shower, I make sure my hands and penis are completely clean. Then I use a clean towel to dry my entire body. I have a small basket with everything I need, a Lugol 2% bottle, an empty glass bottle, and DMSO 90% bottle. I apply with a dropper 8 drops of Lugol, and with a different dropper about 13/14 drops of DMSO in a separated bottle. Then with the same dropper I mix both and apply about 1/3 in my head and the rest on the whole shaft. I use both of my hands to make sure everything is spread out. Then I proceed to clean my hands with water and everything I’ve used. I wait in my toilet about 20 minutes to let the mix dry. You will notice stains (that’s the Lugol). Then you are free to go, make sure you use clean underwear, to minimize the exposure of external contaminants. Repeat this procedure twice a day for about a week, one at the morning and one at night. Try not to do any exercises, let your penis heal and rest.
During this one week, I experienced the same side effects I’ve red here. Like skin pealling, an unnoticible burning feeling on the shaft after the treatment, the lugol stains during a long time on the shaft and just a couple of minutes on the head.

I’m sorry for the long post! But maybe with this information I can help someone, that has been in the same situation as me. See you guys in about 2 weeks!

What Iodine are you guys getting? I bought the Lugols one and tried putting some on my hand, its absolute black as death. Is that the right kind?

Sorry for the double post but do you guys think Lugol’s 10% works just as well? It is the only thing I had available to buy.


Just wanted to post my personal experience with dmso and iodine.

Background: committed PE for 2+ years now. A year ago started a good run but had to take a 3 month break from nov-jan. Kinda ran my dick into the ground if you will. Did an ADS cycle followed by a light vac hang cycle followed by a pump cycle. Anyway, had a very mild case of hard flaccid that more or less resolved in about 3 weeks with moderate massaging. Started back up with ADS mid Jan and conditioned into light vac hanging. Unfortunately pushed the weight/time limit a bit hard at the end of my 6 week cycle. Plan was 6 on 2-3 off. Hard flaccid came on stronger than ever and decided to use the dmso 99.9, lugols 2% and distilled water at an 8/4/4 drop mix 2x day till mostly resolved, 1x day till till fully resolved. With a break every 3rd day.

Day 1-3, approximately 75% of hard flaccid released.

4-8, erect back to 90%. Head fuller than it has been sans cock ring in a VERY long time. Hard flaccid nearly non existent.

9-12, everything resolved and better than normal.

Day 14, end protocol.

Everything looks and is functioning better than ever. Gonna do two more weeks off just to monitor before restart.

Just my personal experience, take it for what you will. This is not medical advice nor am I advocating this for anyone, make your own educated opinion. Have a great week, stay safe and happy P.E’ing!


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